Hello Everyone, I am new here and I am learning docker to crack my upcoming interviews. I am confused whats the steps in a deploy process for Dockerized Apps stored In A Git Repo? I am so confused about this, Can anyone know about docker programming. If yes then please suggest some more tips which are useful for my future point.

Thanks Inadvance

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Hi Everyone,

I've been working on deploying an IRIS for Health environment in EKS. There is a video session in the InterSystems learning portal about this feature but I have not succeeded in finding the proper documentation and resources to use this in my Kubernetes cluster.

Has this been deprecated/discontinued? Any idea where can I find the resources? Should I stick to StatefulSets instead of using the IrisCluster resource type provided by this operator?

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I've always worked with typical web applications (a bunch of code files that sit in a server that connects to an RDS). Now our team is responsible for different IRIS for Health environments. We are currently working to set up the local dev environment and this is the current scenario:

* IRIS for Health local development server is running in a container

* Developers are using VSCode with the objectScript plugin

* GitHub as a version control system for the code and configuration.

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Hi Developers!

I stuck with one interesting problem.

For example, let's use this template repo. If you build this container A using docker-compose and then run the container it exposes REST-API which is available on:


The question is how to make this REST-API accessible from another docker container B running on the same machine? E.g. with IRIS 2019.4 Community from this repo?

The problem is that for the second container localhost it's something which belongs to container B.

I think I need to set up a network between containers somehow. E.g. using docker-compose. But is there any simpler way?

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· Sep 18, 2019
Error to load IAM image

Hi folks,

I started to play with docker and InterSystems products, it's amazing, but I got the error when try to load the IAM-0.34-1-1.tar.gz image to docker:

[root@CONF-RHEL-DOCKER-IRIS-API admconf]# docker load -i IAM-0.34-1-1.tar.gz
open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-547148651/IAM/json: no such file or directory

Bellow docker and docker-compose version:

[root@CONF-RHEL-DOCKER-IRIS-API admconf]# docker --version
Docker version 19.03.2, build 6a30dfc

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IRIS offers Durable %SYS Directory as a highly useful feature for working with containers.

Before inventing the wheel once more I'd like to know if a similar feature also exists for Caché / Ensemble.
Official documentation is quite silent about.
Though I have some names in mind that might know more about ( @Luca Ravazzolo ? @Dmitry Maslennikov ? @Eduard Lebedyuk ? )

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OAuth server to be deployed on the IRIS learning cloud platform. Clients - one on the other instance of the learning IRIS server, the other client locally on my computer in the container docker.

Both clients get a seemingly correct link (through ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Authorization).GetAuthorizationCodeEndpoint()) to the login request form:

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Hi developers!

Every day coding with IRIS and docker I call the following 3 commands in VSCode terminal. Always the same for any projects:

docker-compose build   ; to build the container

docker-compose up -d   ; to run the IRIS in container

docker-compose exec iris iris session iris ; to open the IRIS terminal

Is there any way to map the key sequence which will type me the rest?


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· Apr 22, 2019
Docker container error

Dear team,

I am trying to experiment the Docker container in our development environment. I have successfully build an image and running the container. When I access the CSP portal home page ( http://<host-ip>:57772/csp/sys/%25CSP.Portal.Home.zen?$NAMESPACE=%25SYS), I am getting the following error:

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· Mar 19, 2019
Cache docker image

Hello all,

I am having some issues creating a docker image with a fresh cache installation. The error that I am getting right now is that gzip is required for a cache installation, but was not found in my system. Even though, this is shown as installed in the base centos 7 image. My host machine is Windows 10 using the latest docker version.

Here is my dockerfile, its simple:

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I followed the First Look instructions and tried to run a Docker container with the below command:

> docker run --name iris --detach --publish 52773:52773 --volume /Users/docker:/external --env ICM_SENTINEL_DIR=/external iris:latest --key /external/iris.key --before "/usr/irissys/dev/Cloud/ICM/changePassword.sh /external/password.txt"

It returned with a container ID and an error message:

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Just got the new beta version of Docker, with depreciation warning of AUFS. It's so bad news when InterSystems does not support used by default storage driver overlay2. Recently I thought to play with Google Kubernetes Engine, and realized that I can't work with InterSystems products there due to incompatibility with Storage Driver. Maybe it's already time to think about support?

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· Mar 8, 2018
creating a test server

hi, new here, and new to cache and deepsee.

i've been trying to setup a copy of our production server so we can use it for testing/development.

i did a full backup. moved it to the new server. ran the DBREST command. got it to restore but seems like permissions get all messed up. and it just generates a bunch of errors.

is there an easier/better way of doing this?

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Hi, I was hoping that someone could point me to the error in my ways. I am trying to follow the examples to setup Ensemble 2017.1 in a docker container on an Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine.

I have a directory that contains


When I execute:

docker build -t ensemble-simple .

I am getting the following error:

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