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Member since Sep 4, 2018

Hey Devs!

The "Two Decades of Innovation in Learning and Development" recording is on InterSystems Developers YouTube! 🔥 

Two Decades of Innovation in Learning and Development
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Hey Devs!
Here are the results of voting for today!

Community Nomination, Top 5

  1. iris-medicopilot by @Henry Pereira
  2. DNA-similarity-and-classify by @Davi Massaru Teixeira Muta
  3. BG-AppealAI by @Katsiaryna Shaustruk
  4. AriticleSimilarity by @xuanyou du 
  5. iris-image-vector-search by @shan yue 

➡️ Voting is here.

Expert Nomination, Top 5

  1. BG-AppealAI by @Katsiaryna Shaustruk
  2. iris-medicopilot by @Henry Pereira
  3. iris-ai-studio by @Ikram Shah
  4. iris-health-coach by @Zacchaeus Chok   
  5. companies-search by @Lucas Fernandes

➡️ Voting is here.

Who is going to be the winner?!😱

Only 1 day left till the end of the voting period. Support our participants with your votes!

Certifications & Credly badges:
Iryna has no Certifications & Credly badges yet.
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Iryna has not followed anybody yet.