· Mar 18, 2016 1m read
Too easy to lose a post I wrote

Here's the scenario. I write a post, click the Publish button to post it, but overlook the fact that because I didn't add a tag I'm still on the same page. The pink area highlighting what I forgot to fill in is out of sight at the bottom of the page. I carelessly navigate away (e.g. back button, or DC app tabs). There's no warning, and I've lost what I wrote.

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· Mar 17, 2016 1m read

This latest update was a huge stride in making the community usable. I think you fixed almost all of the major usage gripes I had and it's looking great!

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· Mar 15, 2016
Communities vs Groups

In the recent march 15 update, there are multiple references to "groups". However in the menus, it still references "Communities" (Connect->Communities)

Shouldn't we update the menus to standardize on the word group(since that seems to be the popular/de facto term)?

Also I was forced to choose a related topic. There is no topic like: "misc", "other", "feedback", "site ui", etc. so I choose online learning

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When you click on the My Content icon in the navigation bar you see a page with tabs, two of which are "My Content" and the other is "My Collaborations". The formatting of this content is not very good and is inconsistent between the two.


1. How many of you are using these pages?

2. What are you using them for?

3. What information do you expect to see here?

4. How can we improve this?

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We will soon be implementing a filter that will remove Developer Community feedback from the home page. Please keep the suggestions and comments coming.

You can still access the feedback from the "Browse by Group" section on the home page by clicking on the Developer Community Feedback link.

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· Mar 15, 2016
Tag Cloud?

Should we have a tag cloud on the homepage in place of partial list of tag shown in the Browse by Tag?

or at least a better formatted page than the current tagcloud at:

This is a very very hard listing of tags to interact with. It is one giant block of unformatted text.

Maybe turn this in to a full page tagcloud? Or a multi-column bulleted list?

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With this release we've done a few things with subscriptions

1. Exposed personalization settings so you can control how and when you receive the email subscription notifications. See the image below

2. The ability to selectively subscribe to email notification for content by Tag. At the top of the "Browse by Tag" page there is a new link to Subscribe with Email.

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Why isn't the develoepr community contest post on the home page? Can you make it "sticky" to the homepage?

What happens if there is some urgent/important announcment you need everyone to see? Can you sticky a post to the homepage top? maybe create a section (main area or right side) that the admin can stick important posts for everyone to see?

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Since it took me a while to find the correct place to reply to a specific comment and not the post itself, I thought I'd make this observation an 'improvement request'.

Currently a comment has only the small grey arrow at the bottom, next to the 'favorite' button. The 'favorite' button has color and text which make it way more prominent. The 'reply' button on the other hand is gray and has no text. It's easy to miss.

I suggest adding at least text and perhaps also some color to the 'reply' button to make it stand out more. Even a tooltip would be useful.

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I noticed a lot of sites these days support use of Gravatar user profile pictures so your profile picture can follow you around from site to site, could we support this here?

Also there appears to be some HTML bug in the user profile edit page, when I click on the 'edit' tab I see options to edit the profile for a fraction of a second before this closes and I am unable to edit anything.

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Most of my comments/contributions are personal, not reflecting the point-of-view of my current client. My WRC account is normally 'connected' with my clients email domain (e.g.

I would like to set a personal account for DC so I can receive the digests in my own email box.

More sophisticated, I would like to use more then one email per account where I can specify on which address I want to receive DC digests

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