· Mar 4, 2016
Breadcrumb trail missing

When looking at a single post there is no easy navigation to the overview of the category containing the post. I.e. having clicked on a single feedback post, there is no link back to the Feedback category overview.


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On the "My Collaborations" tab of the "MY CONTENT" view I'm seeing some posts that I don't think I've commented on or even flagged as a favorite. So I'm wondering why they're there. Is Developer Community attempting some kind of AI? Or is there a data leak that's making it use comeone else's history?

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I've "favorited" several communites (the Ensemble community, for example). I assumed that since Ensemble shows up in my subscriptions I would receive emails when there was activity in that group. My settings are the defaults: hourly, on updates, on comments. Perhaps, I'm going about this the wrong way, but I would like to be able to subscribe to a community (and not just a conversation) and get email updates on activity. How do I set this up?

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When you're sharing some community portal content with somebody through the CP 'Share with a friend' feature, the target person recieves an email with subject '<Somebody> has shared a page with you on InterSystems Developer Community'.. Where <Somebody> is target person's name, not the person's name who has shared content.

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· Feb 24, 2016
Trouble editing my profile

I'm trying to edit my profile but running into trouble. When I go to the Edit tab, I can see a form for editing appear and then quickly disappear and then the only option I'm left with is this:

If I try to uncheck and save this setting, it appears to save, but when I navigate back it always remains checked.

Any suggestions?


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Hi, I have been looking through the InterSystems Developer Community for awhile.

Is there any basic help on how all this stuff works?

For example:

How can I tell what posts I have already read?

What is "My Content?"

Under Connect - what is the difference between Members and Communities?

Is Favorite and Unfavorite the only two selections? How does this work?

What are Points and how do they work, the same thing with Quiz, the same thing with votes.

If this is to be a replacement for Googe Groups , you must explain this stuff!

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Hi, InterSystems Developer Community!

We are working to improve this site to make it comfortable to read, contribute, share and get answers from InterSystems Developer Community!

But while we haven't fixed some UI issues please find in this post some simple answers on how to deal with Developer Community.

How to add post?

Open Communities page, choose desired e.g. Caché and click "Create New Post" button.

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It looks like the logged in homepage is missing some elements.

- Masthead image with info about Global Summit

- Announcements - I thought items from the announcment group would be on the home page (seems logical important announcments on the homepage?)

There just seems to be some random posts on the home page. What filter put them on my homepage?

It is not newest based on the timedate stamp.

It is not based on groups or tags.

It is not based on the number of comments

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· Feb 10, 2016
Responsive Design broken

Hi! I know that we have a layout for mobile devices, but it's broken on the pages with code snippets and another unfixed width content. Screenshots are attached.

I found that overflow property has 'auto' value, but the width (and max-width) property doesn't set for <pre>. Could you set max-width property for pre and other elements?

For example, these modified styles work fine for me on any screens for <pre> and <img> (with your media queries):

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I can view my own profile just fine, but if I try to view anyone else's, whether they're my friend or not, there's an HTTP 503 response and the following message shows up:

"Temporarily Unavailable

The website that you're trying to reach is having technical difficulties and is currently unavailable.

We are aware of the issue and are working hard to fix it. Thank you for your patience."

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I noticed that some posts are being rated. Why are they stars not reflecting the current rating? It shows a numerical average inder the stars, but the stars are all just outlines. I thought if there was an average rating, that the stars would be colored yellow.

Average post rating = 2.5, show 2.5 stars as yellow


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If you are reading any post as a guest (not logged in or a search crawler), please do not show
"SHARE WITH A FRIEND" in the post template. This link only works when you are logged in.

If not you are not logged in and try the link, it results in an unfriendly error:

Access denied

You are not authorized to access this page.

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· Jan 29, 2016
Earning points weakness

Actually, every user recieves 1 point for each page (post) view he/she did.

Can we do the limitation for that to count only unique page views after post content changed (new comments added, new attachments, any other stuff). Because now any user can just hold F5 button and recieve 1 point for each page query that may easily break user activity stats, I think.

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