· Mar 18, 2018 1m read
Replacing ZEN - Index to articles

Hi All
This is the index to a series of articles I hope to create over the coming months.

ZEN and ZEN Mojo are no longer being actively developed by Intesystems - this is a great shame as it is a fine product that works so well for business applications.
However ZEN is a 15 year old product and I need a path forward to replace the ZEN UI with a supported development framework.

This article is an index of the other articles I have, or plan to write. - the articles will be subject to change as I develop my thoughts and climb the learning curve.

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· Apr 24, 2020 2m read
REST for Tasks on my Status Report

I enjoy the challenge of being in a contest. Currently I participate in InterSystems IRIS with REST API Programming Contest. My idea for this contest was to create an app to help me keep track of tasks for my Status Reports. I started with the template provided by Evgeny Shvarov. I created a persistent class for Tasks and a REST Dispatch class. I defined my URL map and I even figured out how to test my REST app using Postman.

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Hi developers!

I just want to share with you the knowledge aka experience which could save you a few hours someday.

If you are building REST API with IRIS which contains more than 1 level of "/", e.g. '/patients/all' don't forget to add parameter 'recurse=1' into your deployment script in %Installer, otherwise all the second and higher entries won't work. And all the entries of level=1 will work.


- will work, but


- won't.

Here is an example of CSPApplicatoin section which fix the issue and which you may want to use in your %Installer class:

    <CSPApplication Url="${CSPAPP}"

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Index to Articles

Published 2018-05-11 Last edit -

Hi All

I this article I detail some strategic issues that a new development UI will need to address - these are the ones that I can think of now - others may come to light during this journey.

See the webinar by Eduard Lebedyuk here from the last Global Summit describing modern web development and Caché

And, as always, if I have missed something please comment....

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Here is an ObjectScript snippet which lets to create database, namespace and a web application for InterSystems IRIS:

    set currentNS = $namespace

    zn "%SYS"

    write "Create DB ...",!
    set dbName="testDB"
    set dbProperties("Directory") = "/InterSystems/IRIS/mgr/testDB"
    set status=##Class(Config.Databases).Create(dbName,.dbProperties)
    write:'status $system.Status.DisplayError(status)
    write "DB """_dbName_""" was created!",!!

    write "Create namespace ...",!
    set nsName="testNS"
    //DB for globals
    set nsProperties("Globals") = dbName
    //DB for routines
    set nsProperties("Routines") = dbName
    set status=##Class(Config.Namespaces).Create(nsName,.nsProperties)
    write:'status $system.Status.DisplayError(status)
    write "Namespace """_nsName_""" was created!",!!

    write "Create web application ...",!
    set webName = "/csp/testApplication"
    set webProperties("NameSpace") = nsName
    set webProperties("Enabled") = $$$YES
    set webProperties("IsNameSpaceDefault") = $$$YES
    set webProperties("CSPZENEnabled") = $$$YES
    set webProperties("DeepSeeEnabled") = $$$YES
    set webProperties("AutheEnabled") = $$$AutheCache
    set status = ##class(Security.Applications).Create(webName, .webProperties)
    write:'status $system.Status.DisplayError(status)
    write "Web application """webName""" was created!",!

    zn currentNS

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· Jul 31, 2019 2m read
Anti CSRF Methods

IRIS provides us with anti login CSRF attack mitigation, however this is not the same as a CSRF attack, as login attacks only occur on the login form. There are currently no built-in tools to mitigate CSRF attacks on api calls and other forms, so this is a step in mitigating these attacks.

See the following link from OWASP for the definition of a CSRF attack:

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· Feb 8, 2019 2m read
Client Websockets based CSP

The Caché / Ensemble standard distribution contains in namespace SAMPLES
a nice example of a CSP page consuming WebService as a Client.
I have modified it not only to display the replies but to feed them back into a Global.
I used the classic Hyperevent to achieve this. The replies end up as a log in global^WSREPLY.
When there is no input anymore the page closes and goes away.

There are 2 versions with visible and hidden display during operation.
dc.WSCSP.reverseVerbose.cls and dc.WSCSP.reverseHidden.cls

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This is a quick note on what happens when, on your CSP page, you call a cache script which returns a %Boolean and store that value in a javascript variable.

When you call a script with language="cache" and returntype="%Boolean" from a javascript script, the return value is interpreted as a string, not as a boolean.

Here's an example:

A cache script that returns (in theory) a "false" value:

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or "Bonus Breakage"

In our last lesson, we added a relationship between 2 persistent classes. We are clearly going to need to start creating REST Services to expose CRUD operations for each of these classes, but before we do that, we should really finish defining our linkages. We added code to our Widget toJSON to spool off related Accessory data, so we should really do the reciprocal and allow Accessories to return all Widgets that are compatible.

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or "Didn't you say you would cover Persistent Objects in Part 5, Chris?"

Yes, that was the plan. This is a pretty important topic, so it get's its own Article

Up until now, we've display widget JSON that has been created by a basic loop. Clearly this isn't of much value. Now we have our stack connected together, and we can see that the data is flowing to the Welcome page, it's time to complete the stack and start feeding our service from "real" data.

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This series of articles aims to address the following topics:

  • Creation of a web application based on REST pages;
  • Overview of some tools for tracing (debugging) HTTP requests;
  • Switching from hyperevents to... hyperevents;
  • Integration with jQuery File Upload;
  • Conversion of JSON from the {id:1,parentId:1} format to the {id:1,children:[{}]} format for tree visualization;
  • Integration with jQuery EasyUI (using datagrid and tree as examples);
  • Other topics.

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Sometimes you can face the situation when you did update the web app on Caché server but you cannot get the newest version of the app in a browser.

Here are couple recipes which help me to solve it. From simplest to more sophisticated and not obvious.

1. Refresh page in a browser

In Chrome it is Ctrl+R or 'Refresh' button. Obvious, but helpful.

2. Hard reset in a browser

If you are in Chrome, open Developer tools

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or "Things are going to break"

We left our application over the weekend, secure in the knowledge that it was returning data from our primary persistent class, User.Widget. However, Widgets Direct are the premier supplier of both Widgets AND Widget Accessories, so we should really start working on adding these Accessories to our application.

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We finished our last lesson with our Widgets Direct page iterating over a list of widgets, displaying an ID and a Name value. While we have been able to achieve this with only a small amount of coding, the page itself is not the most visually appealing place to be. The AngularJS framework is providing a powerful Model-View-Controller framework for our structure and logic, but it does not implement anything that will provide a nice UI experience.

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At the end of our last lesson, we ended with our page displaying a nice (but garish) Angular Material Toolbar, and our Widget data displaying in a list of Material cards. Our page feels a bit static, and we already know that the large number of Widgets that we will be dealing with will not be especially usable on a static list. What can we do to help?

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· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Can you keep a secret?

If you are developing applications that use CSP or Zen, or potentially any of the other InterSystems web-related stuff that's built on top of CSP, then it's important to know how to keep one particular secret.

A central part of the CSP security architecture is a server-side session key. "Server-side" because its value should never be revealed to the client that is issuing the web requests. If it is revealed, a malicious client might be able to use it to bypass your security and make your server do things you don't want it to.

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Interesting anecdote I want to share. Not 100% Caché related, but I hope it would be useful.

When CSP Gateway is configured on IIS, opening CSP Gateway Configuration page is prohibited by default -- as IIS blocks URLs with '/bin' in it.

In our documentation we advise to add <remove segment="bin" /> to applicationHost.config file.
That is correct.

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