· Jul 17, 2018
Cache Dynamic SQL Pagination

Would like to know if there is an alternative or better way to paginate through a dataset using dynamic SQL than what I am using below. The problem is that as the potential pool of data gets larger, this code slows down to the point of not being useable. In analyzing each line of code below, it appears the slow down is related to the initial rset.%Next() iteration. Is there anything available which does not require a subquery/%VID such as a simple LIMIT/OFFSET?

My code is similar to :

s sql=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()

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Traditional Caché Objectscript has the multi-dimensional array as its main form of complex data structure and the $order command as the main means of traversing said data structures. But newer versions of Caché ObjectScript also have data structures that are direct parallels of what languages such as JavaScript provide, in the form of %DynamicObject and %DynamicArray. These have an easy to use iterator feature via the %GetIterator method, and even a handy built-in literal syntax for constructing new objects.

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· Feb 8, 2018 1m read
Atelier security quirk

When defining a server connection in Atelier we are required to enter a username and password because these are mandatory fields in the dialog. However, if the /api/atelier web application definition on that server has only the "Unauthenticated" checkbox set in the section titled "Allowed Authentication Methods", then our Atelier connection will succeed even if we supply an invalid username and/or password.

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In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD
  • Why containers?
  • Containers infrastructure
  • CD using containers

In the first article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software.

In the second article, we covered GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process and Continuous Delivery.

In the third article, we covered GitLab installation and configuration and connecting your environments to GitLab

In the fourth article, we wrote a CD configuration.

In the fifth article, we talked about containers and how (and why) they can be used.

In the sixth article let's discuss main components you'll need to run a continuous delivery pipeline with containers and how they all work together.

In this article, we'll build Continuous Delivery configuration discussed in the previous articles.

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NOTE: This content was originally presented at the InterSystems Global Summit in 2014, however related topics often come up on the Developer Community so I have decided to turn this into an article for easier reference and discussion. However, much of the content was pulled directly from the presentation slides so the article format resembles that of a PPT deck more than paragraphs.

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I am unable to connect to InterSystems ODBC client. I am seeing the following error:

[Cache ODBC][State : S1000][Native Code 417] Access denied.

$cnx = new PDO("odbc:Driver={InterSystems ODBC};Server=<IP>;Uid=<id>;Pwd=<password>;");

Am i doing anything wrong?

Although, I can successfully connect and retrieve data in MS Excel using ODBC connection where I have configured my DSN and all

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*** archived ***

The question has come up several times and I saw mixed answers and no quick example

My personal preference is using CPIPE device as you get back exactly the output you will get at the command line interface of your OS .
The tricky thing is to stop reading in time.
The example just displays what you normally see in your console.
it becomes useful if you look for things that you can't get from any $system.whatever()

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In this article, I would show how you can upload and download files from InterSystems products via http.

The questions about working with files over http arise fairly often on community and I'm usually linking to my FileServer project which demonstrates file upload/download but I'd like to talk a bit more on how we can serve and receive files from InterSystems products.

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5 2.7K

I was able to run the Cache terminal from the command prompt with the following command, in the namespace that I provided in the brackets:

cterm /console=cn_ap:ENSEMBLE[TEST_1]

But the command suddenly stopped opening the terminal in the correct namespace. It just opens it in the default namespace. I tried it with different namespaces or invalid namespaces, it always opens the terminal in the default namespace now.

I cannot figure out what is causing this behaviour.

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0 1.1K

Hi Community

I have created a simple package that allows the use of Cache with the Laravel Framework.

From my initial testing everything seems to be operating smoothly but I would like to appeal to the PHP users in the community to help me improve this package.

For those of you out there who have time and would be interested in this, please visit the repo at

Thanks in advance

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3 1.1K

In this series of articles, I'd like to present and discuss several possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab. I will cover such topics as:

  • Git 101
  • Git flow (development process)
  • GitLab installation
  • GitLab Workflow
  • Continuous Delivery
  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • GitLab CI/CD

In the first article, we covered Git basics, why a high-level understanding of Git concepts is important for modern software development, and how Git can be used to develop software.

In the second article, we covered GitLab Workflow - a complete software life cycle process and Continuous Delivery.

I this article we'll discuss:

  • GitLab installation and configuration
  • Connecting your environments to GitLab
2 2
1 1.9K

I can refer to the TracerName for a given ImageFile object with the following syntax: obj.Study.Injection.GetAt(obj.InjKey).RadioTracer.TracerName

Is it possible to write an SQL statement to search the PET.ImageFile table to find a match based on the RadioTracer.TracerName?

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0 215

SQL gateway. 'Locking' problem.

while debugging, is there in Caché a command to 'unlock' the instance of a class ?

close class, and kill class is not enough.

same problem in %Activate link

for each debug I have to exit (Halt) the terminal,

make debug in C#

coming back , and re-load again in Caché.



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I am doing an implementation of a SAML 2.0 SingleSignOn protocol integration which requires a signed message with the signature element in the body of the SOAP message, not the header as is default SOAP security handling. Any suggestions for how to do this would be greatly appreciated. When it is passed in the header, it is not processed by our partner and we just get a "Signature Required" response.

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· Jun 4, 2018
link component on a ZEN page

When using the link component on a ZEN page the default behavior is for the link to appear to the right of the tablepane row. Has anybody changed this behavior so the link appears to the left of the tablepane row? Thank you in advance for any and all feedback.

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· May 16, 2018
DTM management question

Is there a group in or outside of this community for discussion of DTM issues? I am working on a conversion to Caché for a client but in the meantime, he is still live with his DTM system and a system management issue has arisen. The convo:

Client: Do you know how to increase the page limit in MUMPS DTM? One version of my database I use for one customer is telling me I have reached my page limit. I have increased the page limit in the database you are reviewing; so I figure there is a setting I am missing.

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· Apr 4, 2018
JPA Mapping of Lists

I'm having a lot of trouble figuring out how to properly map List collection types. I can't change the schema at all, and I don't have the ability to change the way they are stored from the serialized form to the Array projection. I'm also pretty locked into using JPA for Java interoperability, as I'd like to be able to change out the backing database arbitrarily.

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I'm using cache win10-x64 version 2017.2.1.801

I want to uniquely identify the installation of cache, and from that create a meaningful unique folder names to store files.

so to generate \192-168-1-100\KEVDEV\testfolder \ and \192-168-1-5\LIVE\testfolder\

so in this case, I could- use the IPaddress and thesecond part of $SYSTEM (cache instance name) - at least this way, I can instantly see where it came from with little risk of overwriting between cache instance.

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