· Oct 3, 2018

Export and import web application configuration

Is there a way to export and import web application configuration? For example to save it to version control (git) and to import it to other server.

By web application configuration I mean "System -> Security Management -> Web Applications". Sreenshot from it:

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Yes, there is a way using ^SECURITY routine in %SYS namespace in Terminal.

You can export single application or all of them.

USER>zn "%SYS"
1) User setup
2) Role setup
3) Service setup
4) Resource setup
5) Application setup
6) Auditing setup
7) Domain setup
8) SSL configuration setup
9) Mobile phone service provider setup
10) OpenAM Identity Services setup
11) Encryption key setup
12) System parameter setup
13) X509 User setup
14) KMIP server setup
15) Exit
Option? 5
1) Create application
2) Edit application
3) List applications
4) Detailed list applications
5) Delete application
6) Export applications
7) Import applications
8) Exit
Option? 6
Export which applications? * => ?
 Num  Name                           Namespace
  1)  /api/atelier                   %SYS
  2)  /api/deepsee                   %SYS
  3)  /api/iknow                     %SYS
  4)  /csp/ensdemo                   ENSDEMO
  5)  /csp/ensemble                  ENSEMBLE
  6)  /csp/samples                   SAMPLES
  7)  /csp/samples/docserver         SAMPLES
  8)  /csp/user                      USER
  9)  /isc/studio/usertemplates      %SYS
 10)  /csp/broker                    %SYS
 11)  /csp/docbook                   DOCBOOK
 12)  /csp/documatic                 DOCBOOK
 13)  /csp/sys                       %SYS
 14)  /csp/sys/bi                    %SYS
 15)  /csp/sys/exp                   %SYS
 16)  /csp/sys/mgr                   %SYS
 17)  /csp/sys/op                    %SYS
 18)  /csp/sys/sec                   %SYS
 19)  /isc/pki                       %SYS
 20)  /isc/studio/rules              %SYS
 21)  /isc/studio/templates          %SYS
Export which applications? * => 6
Export which types of applications (1=CSP,2=Routine,3=Executable)? * =>
Export to file name ApplicationsExport.xml =>
Parameters? "WNS" =>
Confirm export of Applications records to ApplicationsExport.xml? No => yes
Export of 1 applications records complete

Does anyone know how to specify the Type in the Export method of Security.Applications, I want to export only the client applications (without having to specify all the different applications in the 3 parameter)

• classmethod Export(FileName As %String = "ApplicationsExport.xml", ByRef NumExported As %Integer, Applications As %String = "*", Type As %Integer = -1) as %Status

This method exports Application records to a file in xml format.
FileName - Output file name
NumExported (byref) - Returns number of records exported
Applications - Comma separated list of Applications to export, "*" = All
Type - Type of applications to export, -1 = all
Bit 0 = System Application - Reserved
Bit 1 = CSP Application
Bit 2 = Privileged routine application
Bit 3 - Client Application