
I have a program that displays the current running processes to the screen. I need to have a program execute that display program and capture the results to a file. The display program does pause at the bottom of each page waiting for an 'enter' to go to the next page.

Note( the display program will not successfully compile on the current system but it does work)

Also - very, very new to Mumps.



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This article is a small overview of a tool that helps to understand classes and their structure inside the InterSystems products: from IRIS to Caché, Ensemble, HealthShare.

In short, it visualizes a class or an entire package, shows the relations between classes and provides all the possible information to developers and team leads without making them go to Studio and examine the code there.

If you are learning InterSystems products, reviewing projects a lot or just interested in something new in InterSystems Technology solutions — you are more than welcome to read the overview of ObjectScript Class Explorer!

21 35
3 5.5K

Hello community,

I am trying to parse the below HttpResponse in Cache. Cannot get the Iterator to work. Is there a single loop which can parse both or single messages and grab the error?

{ txt1:'error msg1'},

{ txt2:'error msg2'},

error: {
'error msg1',

'error msg2'


Jimmy Christian

0 16
0 2.1K

I need to copy a bunch of globals from some crufty old databases to spanking clean brand new ones. GBLOCKCOPY has this cool feature that lets you create a batch of global names to copy and save the list in a batch. You can then execute the batch and go take a nap.

I like naps.

I need to do this for a number of old-new database pairs, but it's the same global names every time. Is there a way to export the batch configuration created the first time and import it to another environment/namespace? These databases will be spread across multiple hosts.


0 2
0 285

Hi Everyone!

You're very welcome to watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Sourabh Sethi in a new format called "Coding Talks":

Locking in InterSystems ObjectScript

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

2 3
1 422

I am fairly new to Cache and ObjectScript. I have a new task I have created with a corresponding method that I am trying to debug in Studio (2013).

My ClassMethod looks like this

ClassMethod DoMyWork(Output pWorkCount as %Integer,  pInput1 As %Integer = 30)


/* Does some work here and increments pWorkCount */


When I try to debug this using studio, I browse to my method but I am not certain what to put in here for the input parameter 'pWorkCount'.

0 3
0 644
· Jul 15, 2019
Non CSP Files

CSP pages extend %CSP.Page. What about html/css/js/etc that are hosted on the same web application? Is there any way to override how they're processed like with how you can override a CSP page and CSP REST logic?

Thank you!


0 4
1 283

In this article I'll describe how to set up web services and/or REST services using EWD 3.

Since EWD 3 is designed to be modular, you can construct the environment that exactly meets your needs, but for much of the time you'll probably find that the pre-built EWD 3 ewd-xpress super-module does most of what you need because it hooks together all the core EWD 3 and other building-blocks you'll need:

4 1
1 1.3K


I'm using Cache 2014.1 in an openVMS environment.

If I have multiple RMS files to clean up, for example.




Do ##class(%Library.File).ComplexDelete(FILE)

0 4
0 436

Hi Community,

I'm looking for a new contract with immediate availability.

I have 20 years experience with InterSystems technologies in areas such as Healthcare integration and single page web development.

I can work almost anywhere in the UK as well as remote work from my office in Exeter.

If you know of any opportunities or could pass on my LinkedIn details to anyone that might be looking then it would be very much appreciated.

5 0
0 458

Hey Intersystems-Developer,

I have already used that and know its possible, but can't find it anymore :(

I need dynamic access on proxy objects. For example:

set key = "lastName"

set name = obj.name

set lastName = obj.key <- Not possible

set lastName = obj.GetAt(key) <- Not possible

How can I get access to that object with my dynamic variable "key" ?

Best regards.

0 3
0 283

I have a process that receives a EnsLib.DICOM.Document, and then attempts to extract a PDF from the dataset to save to a folder.

When I use the GetValueAt method to get the pdf from the document (from the EncapsulatedDocument section), the status returned is 1, but I'm only getting the first 32648 characters(?) from the PDF.

I thought it was a string max length problem, but long strings are enabled and the final PDF is tiny (94kb) so it's not hitting the long string.

Is there some form of limit to using the GetValueAt method that I'm missing?

0 3
0 313


I'm trying to set Caché-Python Binding on Mac, but there is a problem.

I performed installation and configuration of Caché-Python binding module based on the manual (URL)
including setting of PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH in "bash_profile",
and they seems to be done successfully (there was no error in the process).

0 3
0 925
· May 1, 2019
Search Criteria error

When we go to specific name space to search messages in message viewer, at the moment we are adding the search criteria to add criterion type as SearchTable Field, and clicking the dropdown in Class field, there is an error says below in the image:

Could anyone please let me know what exactly the error is from? Thanks so much.

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