I have java language experence. If I need parse a binary tcp packet . like following format

encoded string and send it to peer by tcp

1byte msg type + 4 byte(unsigned int) + raw byte(body)

To parse this package , Some Java code like this:

byte[] data = new byte[1024];

Bytebuf buf = new ByteBuf(data)

byte type = buf.read()

int len = buf.ReadInt()

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I would like to schedule the Database Compact and Freespace methods as legacy tasks.

Has anyone implemented this yet?
Is this even possible?

The request for this is due to the fact that we have 3 interfaces in a namespace whose messages are deleted after 7 days. All other messages in this namespace should be kept for one year.
This leads to a certain fragmentation. Furthermore, the messages to be deleted are relatively large (MDM^T02 > 32MB), which in turn leads to a fast growth of the database size.

How would you solve this problem?

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0 558

Hello Developer Community!

We are looking to better understand how our users configure and manage our products. If you have a few minutes, please fill out this quick survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/N2JX3TQ

If you're willing to participate in an in-depth interview about your experiences, you might be eligible for a $100 gift card! Indicate in the survey that you'd like to talk to us and we will be in touch the second week in September!

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0 206

Hi Community,

I am looking some kind of logic or trigger some events when cache process ends.

For example, if I set some X global when i logged into terminal and when I closed the terminal or process ends by its own, global to be removed.

Thanks in advance!!!.


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1 175


we use a NAS to archive stream from database to files. If we look at the file size on disk, it is bigger than expected.

For example :

File size is 127K

ls -alh | grep write-chupmb-pdf
127K 2020-07-02 10:43 write-chupmb-pdf

Size on disk is 192K

du -sh * | grep write-chupmb-pdf
192K    write-chupmb-pdf

Or expected size is 128K (with 4K blocs)

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We are using CACHE 2017.2.1, I would like to retrieve data from Journal for killed global. Let say we have global name ^ EMP(123) with data and also have some child nodes and it has been killed by using cache kill command for some reason and we don't know who has executed this and when. My questions are below.

1) Can we get back the data of killed global from journal files,Is it possible or not ?

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0 630

Hi Developers

Is there any way that we can pass the values to the read prompts via cache routine.

For example, we have a couple of reports/routine in our system which accepts some inputs and after taking the inputs it generates some data. Right now it has proper UI and where User enters the value and in routines we have Read statements which accepts those inputs for further processing.

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· Aug 18, 2020
Validate signature from string


We would need to handle the following use case:

A system replies to our GET with a list of codes and a signature.

Each code has been signed with the SHA512withECDSA algorithm

We would need to:

1 Concatenate all codes in a string

2 Decode the string which is in Base 64

3 Validate the string using the signature which we get in the reply

We have read for step 2:


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· Aug 20, 2020
Programs and function cache


Do you know if cache has programs and functions cache

I made a backup of my production base and when I use this function abouve I receve an error, but if I change any letter of the command the function go ok.

Didn´t work


for this I.m using ODBC 64.


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I'd like to compare classes in two namespaces, whether the corresponding .cls code exist in both namespaces or not, and if it does exist in both namespaces, whether the CLS code is identical. If there is such a routine out there the better, I'd like to see it. If not, I know how to get a list of classes in each namespace and I can check currClss.TimeChanged. What I cannot find is the following:

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I have an sql outbound adapter. Sometimes we have trouble connecting to the database.

The timeout in develpment is set to 15 seconds in live it is 150 seconds as it is an always connected Buisness operation.

I thought adding E=S or/and X=S would suspend the message. Why does it not?

Is the only way around then adding something to the buisness operation itself/ creating a customised SQL buisness operation rather than EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter?



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We would need help.

We have used the following commands:

set fecha = "2021-08-18T07:44:14.180+0000"

set nuevaFecha = ##class(Ens.Util.Time).ConvertDateTime(fecha,"%Y-%m-%d%T%H:%M:%S","%d/%m/%Y")

And when we write it to the terminal:

w nuevaFecha

It outputs nothing

Could you help us?

We have read:

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0 429


Can anyone please explain me how to remove trailing squares from the text field (String). Trailing squares is a white space ?

I tried different things like Ltrim, Trim from sql query side and also from object scripting side something below.

If Address1 set Address1 = $ZSTRIP(Address1,"<>P,<>C,<>W")
If Address1 set Address1 = $ZSTRIP(Address1,"$C(9), $C(32), $C(160)")
If Address1 set Address1 = $ZSTRIP(Address1,"*W,*C")

Nothing works for me

Can anyone please help me to solve this


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I am brand new to Cache and have been tasked with extracting data from the dB. I see that there are a bunch of tools that can be used to extract via SQL Server statements. DataGrip and DBeaver to name 2. I've gone through some documentation and it doesn't look as if SSMS can connect directly. Is there a preferred extraction tool that anyone can recommend. Does the Cache dB have anything built in where I can access the data while seeing a visual of the tables/schema?

Thanks for any advice,

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0 1.3K

Hello Intersystems-Community,

I build an API and there I use $order to get the Data from my Globals.
When I first time use that API it's get an error (504 Gateway-Timout > 60 Sec.).

After 2 reloads it works with a loading time of 2 Sec.! Sounds for me like the $order is cached and it works faster. Is it true $order will be cached?

When it works, I only get the error at the next day. So it's very hard to reproduce that error. Is it possible to delete the cache for $order?


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cache 2017.2 windows 10

Is there any way to change the sql Shell interface to output a <TAB> between the fields instead of outputting one or more spaces between columns

I needed to run an sql ( that took a while to run) and then cut and paste the generated output into excel, trouble was the paste into excel was not very good for columns when there's spaces used between the columns


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· Jul 28, 2020
Explicit FTPS in Cache

We use the %Net.FtpSession class to perform FTPS file transfers. This has worked fine with Implcit FTPS servers but crashes when trying to connect to an Explicit FTPS server. Explicit FTPS has a slightly diffferent negotiation in the intitial connection and different ports.

Has anyone gotten Explicit FTPS working with the Cache classes?

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