I've set up a Ens.Alert routing rule and would like to route alerts to different email groups based on business partner or alert group instead of relying on source config using Document.SourceConfigName. Is there a way to reference the business partner or alert group property in a routing rule?

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0 529

We are updating from 2015.1.1 to 2017.2. I am testing the Hot JVM functionality to see if our current functionality is working in the new version of 2017.

I am having a problem trying to make it "fail".

Generally if I put in an invalid renderport then I usually get an error. Now if I put in an invalid renderport it generates the PDF anyway (FOP).

Was there a change where if it fails using the renderserver then it will create a new instance of Java to produce the PDF?

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0 267

Hello All,

I hope it's not a silly question.

Here is my issue:
I have 3 simple classes:

Parent class, let's say:

Class ParentClass Extends %RegisteredObject
Property a As %String;

and two children classes
Class A.Child Extends ParentClass
Property b As %String;

Class B.Child Extends ParentClass
Property c As %String;

So no issues - all compiles and seem to work.

But, when I add %XML.Adaptor to my parent class, so:

0 3
0 1K
· Jun 14, 2018
AddEventListener for a control

Is there a way to add event listener for a zen control?

I have a custom text control and I want to add 'change' event listener for it.

Is it possible to do not using 'onchange' property?

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0 384

Time after time on CSP Session page of our Cache 2017.2.1 installation I see that all licenses are consumed by CSP sessions of /csp/sys, /csp/sys/op/and /csp/sys/mgr applications which I assume are sessions of Management Portal. The problem is that there are only few of us accessing the Portal and as we test by browsing Portal, we can't reproduce the problem.

Is there any way to see client IP of CSP session? Any other way to approach the problem?

The problem looks very similar to the Forefox-related one but we don't use Forefox.

0 7
0 434

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to built a SSIS package thru BIDS Visual Studio 2013. My Datasource is a InterSystems Cache Database, I wanted to Import Tables records from the Datasource to MS SQL Server 2014.

As a Sanity check. I only created one Package to import one Table to MSSQL Server to try out. The connection to the InterSystems Cache Database was successful. The DSN for the InterSystems Cache Database is created in the System for 32 and 64 Bit.

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0 1.9K

I have a cache client with a list of several servers.

One of the server is working with an IIS server that is not the Cache DB server.

The connection to the IIS server is only through https (SSL)

I tried to define the Web Server IP Address to https://some.server.name but it didn't let me to specify the https

So I tried to define Web Server Port to 443 but when I chose the SMP it's trying to open http://some.server.name:443/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp

1 10
0 1.6K

Hi - has anyone successfully used the python binding on a mac. I carried out the install instructions per InterSystems documentation and it fails completely. 204 warnings and 9 errors. Obviously this was never tested by InterSystems. Is it even worth pursuing?


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0 466
· Jun 6, 2018
Send PATCH http call

I need to send a PATCH call from the server to a given url.

Until now I was using %Net.HttpRequest to issue calls for get/post/put but today I had to make a PATCH and I can't find a way to do it.

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0 650
· Mar 31, 2018 1m read
What Are You Using For Issue Tracking?

Hi, Community!

What is your favorite issue tracking system for projects with InterSystems Data Platform? What did you use and what are you using now?

In projects with InterSystems Data Platform, I worked with Redmine, JIRA, Trello. A lot of code versioning systems now have this feature too (Gitlab, Github).

Now my favorite for small and medium projects is Github, because it is simple, is very close to code (commit-issue linkage) and it has kanban).

1 10
0 709

Hi Guys,

have a file located in \\servername\Myfiles\pull.csv but for some reason my cache routine can't file, but can when using the local drive C:\servername\Myfiles\pull.csv.

FYI I can access \\servername\Myfiles\pull.csv via Win explorer with no problems.

anyway how I can fix this?

Thanks Guys

0 4
0 499
· Jun 5, 2018
$CASE For Long Stories

Hi, Community!

$CASE is a fine syntax sugar for "Ifs" with one-line/one-word expressions, like in docs:

SET daynum=$ZDATE($HOROLOG,10)
  WRITE $CASE(daynum,
              6:"Saturday",0:"Sunday",:"entry error")

But if my expression for a current case is a multi-line business logic? Can I use "{}" somehow or better go with "IF" instead?

0 13
1 519
· Jun 5, 2018
Ternary Operators

Hello community, simple question. I've been able to use a ternary operator equivalent by using $select for inline if statements using this pattern:

set x = 1

set result = $select(x = 1: "true", x = 0: "false")

These can be nested and can have a lot of options. But I'm curious if there is a native way of using ternary operators in ObjectScript?

Thank you

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0 1.4K

I am working with a client to try and export a set of tasks defined in the Task Manager from one system to another. I am not seeing any API for this. I can query this information in SQL. So I tried to use the Data Export Wizard from the System Management portal in the SQL window. Export was fine. Importing failed with a "can't insert into read only field" error. Looking at the class definition does not help since the implementation details are not visible.

So how would one accomplish this? Export scheduled tasks from one system to another?

0 25
0 1.5K
· May 24, 2018
image tab

Good afternoon, I have a tabGroup where I populate tabs with images using the scr property. If a user scrolls to the bottom of the image on a tab, when they go to the next tab, they are also at the bottom. When moving between tabs, I would like the user to always be presented with the top of the tab content. I have not been unsuccessful in doing this. Would someone have input on how to make this happen? Thank you in advance for any and all feedback.

0 2
0 262

In old Caché versions it was possible to create a new role based on predefined %Developer by copying it and adding some resources as needed. It was true at least from 2010.1 to 2015.1.

After upgrade from 2015.1.4 to 2017.2.1 it turned that it's only partially true now. User with a "New-Developer" role can enter Studio and open existing cls/mac/etc for editing and everything is OK unless he tries to create something new (Ctrl-N), than he gets a pop-up with %msg: <User xxx does not have enough privilege to execute stored procedure %CSP.StudioTemplateMgr_Templates>

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