· Jan 14, 2018
Find last in a list of objects

I have a class to track data changes.
As it becomes slower and slower to find last changes I think I need an index.
The 2 classes are just simplified reality.
HowTo ?

Class Rick.ChangeItem Extends %SerialObject
Property Subject As %String;

Property Author As %String;

Property Change As %TimeStamp;


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I have a property which I need to move from one class definition to another as follows:

Old definition:

Class SCHED.SchedEntry
  Property Experiment as %String;

  Property ScanSlot as list of TracerEntry;


Class SCHED.TracerEntry
  Property Tracer As %String


I want to move the Experiment property to the TracerEntry class so that there is a different Experiment allowed for each ScanSlot, like this:

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0 325
· Feb 20, 2018
REST Data Limit

I'm experimenting with sending large amounts of data in a POST payload to be stored as a stream. However I've noticed that no matter how many characters are in the message, Cache only gets about 32k of them, cutting off the rest. Conversely as expected it can only send about 32k worth of characters in a payload.

Before I get creative, is there a REST message size limit that can be changed? Or is there something else going on here?

Thank you!

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0 1.1K

How to convert SQL persistent classes to JSON output - I have tried 1 option but appears to be very lengthy process.

I have many other SQL storage's defined and have to expose them as well to JSON. Can anyone please suggest a better approach.

My column names usually match with my Json properties.

My User.TestClass is the class with GetJsonList() as my method to return /output JSON formatted data.

The Code tried and SQL storage structure are as follows -

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0 969


I was understanding the cluster configuration supported by the Cache. Have couple of queries around that:

1. In Cache version 2018.2, there is a shrading concept which splits the data of a Master Data server into multiple small data server which store shraded data.

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0 333
· Jan 15, 2018
Headers in HttpRequest

Hi Guys,

I'm using Ensemble 2014 and have a code that Posts HttpRequest to a REST API and working fine, but don't know how to add Header to my request!?

I tried Set Request.SetHeader("Source","Civicview") but it's bringing a Syntax error, any help pls?

1 3
0 1.2K

I'm using Caché as an OAuth authorization server and I want to accept the password credentials grant type. I've found that if I make an authorize request, the Caché authorization server requires some URL parameters that shouldn't be required in password grant (redirect_uri, state, scope, and response_type). If I include these parameters, it calls my DirectLogin() method instead of just calling ValidateUser() as I would expect from the docs. I have two questions:

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1 629

Currently to check if the class is mapped I call:

ClassMethod IsClassMapped(class) As %Boolean

  set sc = $system.OBJ.GetClassList(.classes,"/system=0 /percent=0 /mapped=0")
  quit $data(classes(class))

And it works, but I'm interested if there is a simpler approach out there?

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0 327
· Jun 29, 2018

I wrote a ZAUTHENTICATE.mac a couple of months back, and found recently that it is creating coredumps on almost a nightly basis. I think I have figured out this problem to be not clearing out my MsgSearch after I am doing 2 of them within the code.

1. Get User Attibutes from AD

2. Get User Groups From AD

So while I am trying to cleanup the code I thought it would be a good time to add a Certificate and TLS to the mix since I should of been using that all along. However I keep running into issues

1 14
0 453

Hi Guys,

I' am using Cache Object Binding for .NET, our Cache Version is Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2010.2 (Build 454U).

How can I set the connection for Cache List of Objects? Here is my sample code.

//CACHEObject as my file generated from OBJECT BINDING

CACHEObject.ContainerImco containerImco = new CACHEObject.ContainerImco(cacheConnection);
CacheListOfObjects<CACHEObject.ContainerImco> lcontainerImco = new CacheListOfObjects<CACHEObject.ContainerImco>();

//Already tried this one but fails

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0 836

I have a dataListBox in ZEN which has an OnDrawItem method associated with it. The DrawItem method never seems to be called and I cannot see why. I am using IE11. Can anyone suggest a reason? The attached code runs in a namespace called CODE and can be run using view webpage on the TheLabsApp.BioAnal class. Please note that the data is in a global called ^%ANAL that resides in %SYS.

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0 244
· Jul 17, 2018
Cache Dynamic SQL Pagination

Would like to know if there is an alternative or better way to paginate through a dataset using dynamic SQL than what I am using below. The problem is that as the potential pool of data gets larger, this code slows down to the point of not being useable. In analyzing each line of code below, it appears the slow down is related to the initial rset.%Next() iteration. Is there anything available which does not require a subquery/%VID such as a simple LIMIT/OFFSET?

My code is similar to :

s sql=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()

1 25
3 2.8K

I faced with the issue when WebSocket connection just fails without any errors if I send data with size 384 bytes and more (In binary mode the same). As I know by standard WebSockets frame does not have such limitation. Is there any way how to decrease it? This limitation too small, it is too difficult to fit this size and needs to send data much more often than I expected. Tested with Caché 2016.2, 2017.2 and IRIS 2018.1.

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0 737


I am a beginner with Object Script and I hope anyone can help me solving my questions.

1. Is there a way to time a loop in Object Script?

2. My code leads to the following error, even though it executes the method.

Is there a way to ignore this specific error, so that I can repeat my code in a time loop over and over again without stopping?

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1 867
· Nov 16, 2018
Detecting Source Code Change?

Is there a responsive way to detect a source code change without using a source control hook?


I have my own custom unit test tool which has lots of extra functions that I find useful such as Asserting HL7 Transformers and REST targets.

I have a studio hook that will send an event signal to my test runner that will automatically re-run a specific test class or test suite, for which I have a test runner viewing page that updates with the results.

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0 476
· Jan 16, 2018
ECP Connectivity

Hi All,

Background: I have my data in Globals on a Cache instance A and I SQL projected(Added SQL Storage) all my globals as Classes to do SQL Operation.

I am about to start writing my application code in Ensemble(Planning to use Business Service, process and Operation) , Now I wanted to do ECP connection between Ensemble instance and Cache instance to get data from Cache.


How to do ECP connection between two instances?

Does SQL projection of classes is really required or I can use the globals from Cache server.

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