Hi everyone,

I am very pleased to announce that the Readmission Demo has been released as open source. Many thanks to the Solution Factory team that worked hard on making this possible.

Here are the changes:

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Did anyone run into this error when stopping a Production from Ens.Director?

Ens.Director::StopProduction => ERROR <Ens>ErrProductionNotQuiescent: IRIS can not become quiescent

It happens sporadically when an automated unit test from a class that extends %UnitTest.TestProduction runs a test on a Business Process. I already increased the parameter MAXWAIT to 30 seconds, but the error still happens.

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We have defined four BPL Business Processes. One gets occasionally errors when pool size is two. No errors happen with pool size one. The error happens on calling %Save() on a large objects with many references to other objects.

Error #5803: Failed to acquire exclusive lock on instance of 'classname'.

Error #5002: Cache error: <ROLLFAIL> %TRollBack+10^%occTransaction

The error happens on a particular large object.

Our FileService gets the same Errors #5803 and #5002 with class 'EnsLib.EDI.X12.Document'

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We have a BPL that returns in Response several %Strings, Dates. When we try to add Array of Objects property to the Response we verified just before the BPL terminates the response object has correct values in all properties including the array. We checked the Count(). It appears that even array of String works correctly but we prefer to pass objects rather than strings.

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I want to process more requests per second in Ensemble 2015 (soap service). My problem is in a business process that makes a great transformation. I thought that I can put its group size to 4 (the current value is 1), or put 4 business processes and apply, for example, the round-robin algorithm.
Which alternative is better?

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· Jan 9, 2019
Limit to Ensemble queues

Hi all,

Does anyone knows if there is a limit per second adding messages to an Ensemble queue? I have a Business Service working and sending async requests to a Business Process, but I can't reach no more than 60-70 messages queued per second.

I've done several tests and same behavior seems to happen with all our productions. So I was wondering if there is a parameter anywhere to maximize the number of requests that can be send to a queue per second.

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I have a business service that brings in a xml virtual document to the production and also a csv service that brings in a csv file and have a process that transforms both to a xml output but I have a problem with the csv as it is giving me this error when I try to trans form it ```ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>zOnRequest+1 ^EnsLib.MsgRouter.VDocRoutingEngine.1 *DocType``` I have read here followed the suggestion but now I do not get any errors but my m

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Hi all,

For special definition of the company, we need to define a PoolSize according to the environment that the "Ensemble" is working.

So the first try as been add the parameter into "System Default Setting"

However, this parameter is not available in "Setting default values" in Setting tab.

I've opened the code of my production and I've noted that this parameter is a attribute of the XML element of this item

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I need to access the value of a setting I created (ex: name_BO) within the logic of my BP.

Property name_BO As %String(MAXLEN = "");

/// Additional Settings 
Parameter SETTINGS = "name_BO:Basic:selector?context={Ens.ContextSearch/ProductionItems?targets=1&productionName=@productionId}";

But the class is common and the production item names will change.

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· Jan 20, 2021
Multiple Threads In Operations

I have a BPL that calls a business service (actually does lots of other things unrelated to my question). We receive an acknowledgement back containing data that is processed in the BPL and sent to the source system. The process of sending to our downstream system "A" and receiving the response takes about 20 seconds per transaction (very slow on system A's side). Due to this slowness, we end up with a backlog close to 1000 messages by the end of the workday.

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Welcome to the next chapter of my CI/CD series, where we discuss possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab.

Today, let's talk about interoperability.


When you have an active interoperability production, you have two separate process flows: a working production that processes messages and a CI/CD process flow that updates code, production configuration and system default settings.

Clearly, CI/CD process affects interoperability. But questions are:

  • What exactly happens during an update?
  • What do we need to do to minimize or eliminate production downtime during an update?
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I have a process that I am trying to duplicate from SQL Integration Services (SSIS) into Ensemble so that the rest of my team can help support any issues that may happen.

This particular job creates multiple dictionary files, but for each one of the dictionary files it creates, it also creates a control file that tells the vendor what to process.

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Hi! I am working on a project where I use record map to transform a flat file and split it into two output text file and in the future will need to split four output files.

I only want to use one target business operations instead of multiple. Is there a way to set the output file and the target folder path in my business process class?

Any advice on how I can achieve this or is this possible? Thanks!

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Is there a way to have a context property be available across 2 or 3 different business processes? For example if I am setting a value in a context property within one business process and want to use the same context property in a second business process, is this possible? Is this something that can be done with the "Context Superclass"?

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· Jun 14, 2018
Single Row SQL.Snapshot

I have several stored procedures that when I execute them they will only return a single snapshot. In my BP I have been setting this to a Snapshot variable then looping using a WHILE through the snapshot variable just to get that single value.

Since it is only a single row, is there an easier way where I don't have to do a WHILE loop to pull the values out of that row? Can I call First Row or something like that to get me just the row into the Snapshot variable?

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