This article will describe and include an example of how to embed an external PDF file into an HL7 segment, specifically ADT_A01:2.3.1 OBX(). This can be useful when attempting to insert pictures or other external data into an HL7 message. In this example, the name of the PDF file to be embedded is provided in the incoming HL7 message in OBX(1):ObservationValue field.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting a lot of attention lately because it can change many areas of our lives. Better computer power and more data have helped AI do amazing things, like improving medical tests and making self-driving cars. AI can also help businesses make better decisions and work more efficiently, which is why it's becoming more popular and widely used. How can one integrate the OpenAI API calls into an existing IRIS Interoperability application?

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· Mar 24 8m read
Python BPL in preview

BPL from 10,000 feet

BPL stands for Business Process Language.
This is an XML format for describing complex information orchestration interactions between systems.
InterSystems Integration engine has for two decades, provided a visual designer to build, configure, and maintain, BPL using a graphical interface.
Think of it like drawing a process flow diagram that can be compiled and deployed.

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Hi everyone,

I am very pleased to announce that the Readmission Demo has been released as open source. Many thanks to the Solution Factory team that worked hard on making this possible.

Here are the changes:

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There has been some confusion about how to edit Business Process Language (BPL) and Data Transformation Language (DTL) files in Atelier using the graphical editor. The following steps describe how to do this with Atelier version 1.0:

Copy the file you want to edit from the server to an Ensemble-enabled project in your Atelier workspace. To do this, find the file in the Server Explorer, right click and select Copy to project.

Open the file in the Atelier class editor just as you would any other class file.

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Welcome to the next chapter of my CI/CD series, where we discuss possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab.

Today, let's talk about interoperability.


When you have an active interoperability production, you have two separate process flows: a working production that processes messages and a CI/CD process flow that updates code, production configuration and system default settings.

Clearly, CI/CD process affects interoperability. But questions are:

  • What exactly happens during an update?
  • What do we need to do to minimize or eliminate production downtime during an update?
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I usually receive complains from our customers about the BPL and DTL web pages automatic refreshes, it's a common problem among newbies users but for veteran developers too, they forget to save the changes regularly and automatically the web page is reloaded, losing all the work done.

Maybe an autosave would fix this problem that produces a deep feeling of hate and resentment against InterSystems technology among our customers. I've added an idea in our portal, so feel free to vote it!

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Hi Community,

New video, recorded by @Eduard Lebedyuk, is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Python Gateway: Jupyter Support - extended
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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In this article I'd like to share with you a phenomena that is best you avoid - something you should be aware of when designing your data model (or building your Business Processes) in Caché or in Ensemble (or older HealthShare Health Connect Ensemble-based versions).

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· Sep 6, 2017 4m read
Polling an External REST API with Ensemble


Before we begin, I'd like to mention that I am by no means an Ensemble expert, so take this with a grain of salt and please feel free to offer any suggestions for improvement. That being said, I have enjoyed working with Ensemble and wanted to share the approach I took to poll an external REST API for patient data in the hopes that it might help others with a similar goal.

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Hi Interoperability experts!

Recently noticed an interesting conceptual discussion in our Interoperability Discord channel to which I want to give more exposure.

All we know that typical InterSystems Interoperability production consists of the following chain:

Inbound adapter->Business Service->Business Process->Business Operation->Outbound adapter.

And Business Process (BO) here is always considered as a passive "listener" either on port/folder/rest API for an incoming data.

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Did anyone run into this error when stopping a Production from Ens.Director?

Ens.Director::StopProduction => ERROR <Ens>ErrProductionNotQuiescent: IRIS can not become quiescent

It happens sporadically when an automated unit test from a class that extends %UnitTest.TestProduction runs a test on a Business Process. I already increased the parameter MAXWAIT to 30 seconds, but the error still happens.

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Ran into an issue this morning, that I am having a hard time trying to track down what might have caused the issue. We have a Business Rule that sends HL7 ADT to a Business Process that inserts the data into a MS SQL Server using a Custom Business Operation (SQL Outbound Adapter).

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Hi community.

I have an API that is deployed in my production (business service) and it calls to a business process to retrieve the information that is requested.

The problem that I have is that the calls are queued and it's creating a bottleneck

The business process is taking more time than needed.

Is possible to configure the BP to process parallely the requests?

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I installed Atelier on Windows in order to take a look at how the BPL and DTL graphical editors accessible via the "Open diagram editor" action work. The diagram editor is opened but I get the following error:

Message from webpage
Unable to load SVG diagram. Please ensure your browser is supported for portal access.

It looks like Atelier uses IE in order to display the editor even though my Windows default browser is Chrome.

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*Analista Ensemble Júnior / Pleno

Próximo Metrô Clínicas

* Conhecimento em barramento e protocolos RESTFull / SOAP
* Integração com banco de dados Oracle / SQL Server

* Integração de sistemas hospitalares
* Administração do ambiente Ensemble
* Análise de Dados

Enviar CV com pretensão salarial

Contratação CLT ou PJ tempo indeterminado

Empresa ..................: JHealth Informatics
Email ........................:

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