maybe I am not looking in the correct spots, but how should one handle an Exception from a SOAP web service within the Business Process Language? For example I am sending a request to a Web Service to try to get information, but the response I am getting is an Exception like "Patient Not Found".

Is there a function I can call to check the response similar to what I do to check a SQL Snapshot to see if it is valued?


Scott Roth

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Hi all,

We're in the process of creating several courses for creating custom business components for productions. This includes custom business operations, BPL processes, and custom business services. Custom Business Operations and Custom Business Services are both aimed at software developers while BPL processes can be also be created by business analysts. What are some gotchas or best practices you've learned that you wish you knew when first building these components?

We'd love to include what you've learned into these courses so others can learn from them as well!

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0 372

Hi All

I have a BP which has a transformation.

when I run the process I end up with the following error:


ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP Propirion.BP.GetServices # due to error: ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Object is immutable
ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: Object is immutable


I have created a context named : HL7Message type of: EnsLib.HL7.Message and in the start of the BP assigned the request to it (using set in assigned activity)

What did I miss ?



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0 955
· May 5, 2016
Using Snapshots in BPL

I have a scenario where I am calling a business operation which populates and returns an EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot via dynamic SQL to a Business Process. I then want to iterate over this snapshot and call a RecordMap Operation to write those records to a delimited file.

Is this the correct way to do something like this? If so, does anyone have a sample which illustrates its correct usage?

When the snapshot is returned I save it into a context variable with:

set context.Snapshot=callresponse where the pOutput variable of the operation is set to EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot.

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0 646

I installed Atelier on Windows in order to take a look at how the BPL and DTL graphical editors accessible via the "Open diagram editor" action work. The diagram editor is opened but I get the following error:

Message from webpage
Unable to load SVG diagram. Please ensure your browser is supported for portal access.

It looks like Atelier uses IE in order to display the editor even though my Windows default browser is Chrome.

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0 589

Presenter: Mark Massias
Task: Present complete, contextualized information to the people who must act as part of a (mostly) automated business process
Approach: Give examples of using InterSystems’ workflow engine.

More and more business processes are automated, but sometimes a person needs to make a decision. In some cases policies require an individual to approve an expenditure, or when loading data a person needs to sort out exceptions where the data in not clear. This session explains how to include people in business processes in a way that presents the user with a complete context for the decision they have to make.

Problem: Using human workflow to fix business process problems.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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0 247
· Dec 22, 2015 1m read
Sign and verify in SMIME format

In some project, I found the need to use SMIME format, basically is an standard used to wrap a message together with its signature using a certificate (usually X509). Ensemble don't have a single class to do that but inside the Ensemble installation we have the openssl utility, so in this example I use the "openssl smime" command to sign or verify a message.

The example has two Business Process that able to sign or verify and in order to test I made a simple production.

Hope this helps

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· Sep 28, 2015 1m read

The Business Processing Language - for orchestration and long-running business processes.

Ensemble can orchestrate calls to external systems. Very often this is done to implement or automate a long-running business process - that is, real business processes where people interact with a series of different systems to complete complex tasks. BPL (the Business Processing Language) provides a graphical way to create these orchestrations.

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