· Sep 6, 2017 4m read

Polling an External REST API with Ensemble


Before we begin, I'd like to mention that I am by no means an Ensemble expert, so take this with a grain of salt and please feel free to offer any suggestions for improvement. That being said, I have enjoyed working with Ensemble and wanted to share the approach I took to poll an external REST API for patient data in the hopes that it might help others with a similar goal.

If you get bored easily and just want to see some code, feel free to jump straight to the example on github. It uses dummy data (for obvious reasons) but the core principles should be the same.

The Goal

The goal of the project was to read a global containing a list of critical results and query an external REST API to determine whether they had been viewed. If they were, we could perform some logic on our side and remove them from our pending list, otherwise we would check again on our next poll interval.

Design Decisions

I wanted to gain as much reuse out of my operations as possible and stick to the Ensemble way of doing things as best I could, so I decided on the following:

  1. A service would loop through our Global and pass an Ens.Request message to a BPL
  2. The BPL would be in charge of handling all the business logic (and storing application state as context variables)
  3. All REST calls would be made via an operation, with the Server, URL, Action (e.g. GET, POST, etc), and Content Type being exposed as configuration settings.
  4. The REST Operation would take a custom Ens.Request message with fields for Form Variables and/or a JSON Payload.
  5. The REST Operation would return a custom Ens.Response message with a field for the Server's JSON response string.

In order to accomplish items 3- 5 I ended up extending the stock EnsLib.REST.Operation class.

The Operation

The full code for this operation can be found on github, but the gist of it is as follows:

OnMessage() Accepts a REST.Request and returns a REST.Response to the BPL

 Method OnMessage(pRequest As DLS.REST.Request, pResponse As DLS.REST.Response) As %Status
       // This hook lets the developer override how form variables are set if necessary
       Set formVariables = ..PopulateFormVariables(pRequest)  
       // This hook lets the developer override how the JSON payload is set if necessary
       Set payload = ..PopulatePayload(pRequest)
       // Check the action set in the settings configuration and make appropriate request
       If ..Action = "POST" {
          Set status = ..Adapter.Post(.tHttpResponse, formVariables, payload)
       ELSEIF ..Action = "GET" {
          Set status = ..Adapter.Get(.tHttpResponse, formVariables, payload)
       // Etc for POST and PUT

       // Save response string to variable
       Set responseString = tHttpResponse.Data.Read(100000)
       // This hook allows the developer to override how the server's response is handled if necessary
       Set pResponse = ..HandleResponse(responseString)


As stated earlier, the BPL is in charge of the business logic, so it will need to both construct the REST.Request message and handle the REST.Response message.

BPL Context:

Before we do anything else, we'll want to define the following context variables:

  1. context.PayloadA - this will store the JSON payload that will be passed to our REST Operation
  2. context.ServerResponseA - this will store the JSON response from our REST Operation
Constructing the request:
  • Use a CODE block to store a JSON string to the BPL context
Set payloadObj = {
  "myProperty": "myValue,
  "mySecondProperty": "mySecondValue"
Set context.PayloadA = payloadObj.$toJSON() // Note: use %ToJSON for 2016.2 and above
  • Use a CALL block to call the operation. Make sure to set the Request Message Class to REST.Request and set the callrequest.Payload equal to your context.PayloadA (the value set in the above CODE block).

Handling the response:

  • In the above CALL block, make sure the Response Message Class is set to REST.Response and set the context.ServerResponseA equal to your callresponse.ServerResponse.
  • Use a CODE block to handle the server response that is now stored to your BPL context
​Set responseObj = ##class(%Object).$fromJSON(context.ServerResponseA)

// Do something with this object


Note: If you are performing multiple operations that depend on each other, make sure your CALLs are synchronous and in the correct order.



So that's the approach I took to polling an external REST API. Hopefully you found it useful, but please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or suggestions on how it could be improved.

If you'd like to play around with an example, you can find an extract of the classes/settings here.

Thanks for reading! - Nathan

Discussion (5)1
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Some comments

  1. Source control
    • Each class should be in a separate file. There are many source control hooks available.
    • When redefining system methods like SendFormDataArray method in DLS.HTTP.OutboundAdapter class it's better to do it in two commits - in a first one you just copy method as is and in a second you modify it. It's easier to understand "what changed?" that way (via git blame).
  2. Code
    • Do not subclass/modify system methods if it's possible. What was modified SendFormDataArray?
    • Add comments to the parts you change when you must subclass/modify system methods.
    • $CLASSNAME($THIS) is equal to $CLASSNAME()
  3. Ensemble

Hey Eduard, thanks for the tips! Regarding your points:

  1. Source control
    • Good idea, I'll plan to include these as separate class files. I originally had these as a single xml file so it could be imported all at once if anyone wanted to try it, but I agree it would be much easier for people to read and view the changes if these were separated out.
  2. Code
    • I modified SendFormDataArray to allow setting the ContentType of the http request through the Operation Settings. The stock EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter didn't expose this property (to my knowledge) and the external REST API required the ContentType of the request to be 'application/json'. Do you have any suggestions on possible alternatives I could pursue if this is not the best practice?
    • I had commented the small section of code that was changed with "/* Begin DLS Modification */" and "*/ End DLS Modification */", but it's probably hard to tell since there's no syntax highlighting in the xml file.
    • Nice tip, I'll plan to use $CLASSNAME() instead moving forward.
  3. Ensemble
    • I took a look at the documentation you shared, but I'm not sure if that would accomplish what I set out to do with my error handling. I didn't include this in my post, but the main reason I added the retry hooks to DLS.REST.OperationV2 was so that I could retry the request with different criteria (such as different user credentials) in the case of an initial failure. Do you know if there are ways to do this with the stock Retry Interval and Failure Timeout in Ensemble?

Thanks for all the feedback,


  1. Source control
  2. Code
    • Sure, I've done something similar. Here's the code.
    • Missed that, sorry.
  3. Ensemble
    • Sure, Inside your production you have access to all BO properties, including retry-relevant:  ..RetryCount, ..%LastReportedError and many others. So first you determine if the current message is a retry (..RetryCount>0) or not and then you can decide what to do with your request based on that.


Code for the custom adapter that specifies Content type:

Class Production.Adapter.HTTPOutboundAdapter Extends EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter

Method Post(Output pHttpResponse As %Net.HttpResponse, pFormVarNames As %String, pData...) As %Status
    quit ..SendFormDataArray(.pHttpResponse, "POST", ..GetRequest(), .pFormVarNames, .pData)

ClassMethod GetRequest() As %Net.HttpRequest
    set request = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
    set request.ContentType = "application/json"
    quit request


Note that this way only one-line method Post gets redefined (you'll also need to redefine Get method, but still - these are small one-line methods). ContentType may be further refactored as a setting.

  1. Source Control
    • Interesting, I'll have to read up on that. Sounds like it might be what I'm looking for.
  2. Code
    • This is excellent; thanks for sharing. I tried out your approach and it looks to accomplish the same goal in a much more readable/maintainable way.
  3. Ensemble
    • This is also great. I was able to include a check in my HandleResponse() hook to set ..Retry = 1 if a retry was necessary, and a check in my PopulatePayload() hook to use a secondary set of user credentials if ..RetryCount > 1.

Much appreciation,
