
I like to know if we need to have the message in a file to process a Record Map?

I am working with Interoperability Production that processes files /messages using Record Maps. My team was asked to redesign the solution for deployment in AWS. We use containers. We had problems with having multiple containers processing files from the same directory. We are considering Amazon Simple Queue Service instead of having files on a shared file system.

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Hi, I am new to IRIS and We are planning to setup a CI pipeline on AWS VM deploying the iris data platform container. I am trying to find out which folders needs to be inside the source control and where (exact folder) the updated code needs to be pulled in the container. I would be much obliged if anyone cant point the CI CD related documentation.


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Imagine you want to see what InterSystems can give you in terms of data analytics. You studied the theory and now you want some practice. Fortunately, InterSystems provides a project that contains some good examples: Samples BI. Start with the README file, skipping anything associated with Docker, and go straight to the step-by-step installation. Launch a virtual instance, install IRIS there, follow the instructions for installing Samples BI, and then impress the boss with beautiful charts and tables. So far so good.

Inevitably, though, you’ll need to make changes.

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· Jun 30, 2020
Iris & Buckets

Hi, someone have connected Iris to a Bucket ? like aws, huawei, etc.

I try to use private Bucket as storage for files, and Iris as database & API interface to manage this files, but al SDKs are in another languages, no one have founded on COS.

I have tested some examples, but with bad results

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AWS has officially released their second-generation Arm-based Graviton2 processors and associated Amazon EC2 M6g instance type, which boasts up to 40% better price performance over current generation Intel Xeon based M5 instances.

A few months ago, InterSystems participated in the M6g preview program, and we ran a few benchmarks with InterSystems IRIS that showed compelling results. This led us to support ARM64 architectures for the first time.

Now you can try InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health on Graviton2-based Amazon EC2 M6g instances for yourselves through the AWS Marketplace!

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Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to join the next InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Using InterSystems Managed FHIR Service in the AWS Cloud on June 30 at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk, we’ll focus on using InterSystems Managed FHIR Service in the AWS Cloud. We’ll start with an overview of FHIR, which stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, and is a next generation standards framework for working with healthcare data.

You'll learn how to:

  • provision the InterSystems IRIS FHIR server in the cloud;
  • integrate your own data with the FHIR server;
  • use SMART on FHIR applications and enterprise identity, such as Active Directory, with the FHIR server.

We will discuss an API-first development approach using the InterSystems IRIS FHIR server. Plus, we’ll cover the scalability, availability, security, regulatory, and compliance requirements that using InterSystems FHIR as a managed service in the AWS Cloud can help you address.

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Last time we deployed a simple IRIS application to the Google Cloud. Now we’re going to deploy the same project to Amazon Web Services using its Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).

We assume you’ve already forked the IRIS project to your own private repository. It’s called <username>/my-objectscript-rest-docker-template in this article. <root_repo_dir> is its root directory.

Before getting started, install the AWS command-line interface and, for Kubernetes cluster creation, eksctl, a simple CLI utility. For AWS you can try to use aws2, but you’ll need to set aws2 usage in kube config file as described here.

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Hi Community,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Automated InterSystems IRIS Cloud Scaling

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Resilient Deployments in the Cloud

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I'm new to Iris for Health and I'm trying to get some experience using it. I've subscribed to the Intersystems Iris for Health software in AWS marketplace. I successfully spun up the EC2 instance with the default security group. The try-iris instance is healthy and successfully starts within EC2. I've also successfully changed the default password too.

However, I'm unable to authenticate into the management portal. The portal launches okay though I keep getting an access denied. I'm also unable to authenticate into a session from the EC2 instance.

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Breaking news!

InterSystems just announced the availability of the InterSystems IRIS for Health™ Data Platform across the Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure marketplaces.

With access to InterSystems unified data platform on all three major cloud providers, developers and customers have flexibility to rapidly build and scale the digital applications driving the future of care on the platform of their choice.

To learn more please follow this link.

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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Choosing a Public Cloud

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· Jan 18, 2019 2m read
Free IRIS Community Edition in AWS

Good News!! You can use now the Free InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in the AWS Cloud


It's very common that people new in InterSystems IRIS want to start to work in a personal project in a full free environment. If you are one of this, Good News!! You can use now the Free InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in the AWS Cloud.

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I am just curious if someone has used this service to send Alert emails through AWS / Ensemble

I have verified 2 email ids - One to send. One to receive

Have also configured an access key for the email smtp server and added the credential to ensemble

but I get this error

ERROR #6033: Error response to SMTP MAIL FROM: 530 Authentication required.



So my first opinion is the authentication is not happening via the credentials settings. It needs to be passed in a different way

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0 1K

For Global Summit 2016, I set out to showcase a Reference Architecture I had been working on for a National Provider Directory solution with State Level Instances and a National Instance all running HealthShare Provider Directory and all running on AWS Infrastructure.

In short, I wanted to highlight:

  • The implementation of Amazon Web Services to provision the infrastructure, including the auto-creation of the state level instances through Cloud Formation.
  • The use of the HSPD Broadcast functionality to Notify Upstream Systems Changes in Master Provider Data.
  • The implementation of a transformation of the standard Broadcast Object to HL7 MFN for interoperability.
  • The principals of Master Data Management applied to the Provider Directory.

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0 1.7K

Hey folks,

I am new to IRIS and cloud platforms. I've done the InterSystems IRIS Experience on the learning site and read a lot of the online documentation. What I am unable to figure out is which type of package or option you will use on the cloud provider.

AWS for example, has AWS EC2, Elastic Beanstalk and some other products geared towards Docker containers.
Azure has Kubernetes and some other options.

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0 585

I am designing the software architecture for an Ensemble/Healthshare production to be deployed on Amazon AWS EC2 servers (2 mirrored m4.large - 4 vCPUs / 16 GiB RAM running RedHat Linux 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64 and Healthshare for RHEL 64-bit 2016.2.1). It's a rather CPU-intensive production involving massive XSLT 2.0 transformations (massive both in terms of size and volume). I was wondering if anyone has experience configuring Ensemble productions on EC2 servers. My question or concern has to do with the following statement in the Ensemble documentation:

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0 798

Hi guys

Im trying to use an API running in AWS API Gateway.
This API is over https and i am using the SSL/TLS config of Caché.

set httpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
set httpRequest.Server = server
set httpRequest.Https=1
set httpRequest.SSLConfiguration = "SSLPadraoAdapcon"

do httpRequest.SetHeader("Content-Type","application/json")
do httpRequest.EntityBody.Write(json)
do httpRequest.Post("/dev/router")

But im getting this error:

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Enterprises need to grow and manage their global computing infrastructures rapidly and efficiently while simultaneously optimizing and managing capital costs and expenses. Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) computing and storage services meet the needs of the most demanding Caché based application by providing
 a highly robust global computing infrastructure.

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