This post provides further detail on the suggestions from the DeepSee Troubleshooting Guide about what to do if a user is not able to view a listing in a DeepSee cube, but instead sees errors like this:

ERROR #5540: SQLCODE: -99 Message: User <username> is not privileged for the operation [zfindStatement+118^%SQL.DynamicStatement.1:<namespace>] (8)

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· Aug 27, 2018
Order by date

Hi community,

The question that I have , it's very simple. I developed a pivot that contains two rows, the first it's a date and the other another field. I need to orde by date in descending order and I can´t find where I can do this. I saw that it's a option Sort members, but it's based in a condition of the measures.

Can someone help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

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%SQLRESTRICT is a special %FILTER clause for use in MDX queries in InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence. Since this function begins with %, it means this is a special MDX extension created by InterSystems. It allows users to insert an SQL statement that will be used to restrict the returned records in the MDX Result Set. This SQL statement must return a set of Source Record IDs to limit the results by. Please see the documentation for more information.

Why is this useful?

This is useful because there are often times users want to restrict the results in their MDX Result Set based on information that is not in their cubes. It may be the case that this information may not make sense to be in the cube. Other times this can be useful when there is a large set of values you want to restrict. As mentioned before, this is not a standard MDX function, it was created by InterSystems to handle cases were queries were not performing well or cases that were not easily solved by existing functions.

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Why log in to view pivot tables when you can have them delivered directly to your inbox? Are you in need of automated reporting for InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence? Pivot Subscriptions is your solution: a tool for subscribing to scheduled email reports of pivot tables inside InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence (previously known as DeepSee).

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Hi, Community!

Please find a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

Optimizing SQL Queries
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· Mar 7, 2017
Grand Total

How can I create a calculated field that will give me the grand total of a column? For instance, if I have a row that has 200, 300, 500, 600, how do I get the Grand Total?

I have already used the wrench under Column Options as % of Total so, I can't use that option.

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· Nov 30, 2016
Accessing Deepsee plugin in MDX

Dear All,

From my web page, i am passing filter values to mdx query.

when mdx executes, i am getting Error #5001: Invalid member expression: empty name(2).

when i try the same in samples namespace (patient cube). I got the same error.

Below is my sample MDX from patients cube.

NON EMPTY %KPI("PluginDemo","HighScoreCount",,"%CONTEXT") 
ON 1 
%FILTER %OR([HOMED].[H1].[ZIP].&[32000])

Result: 0 This works fine.

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Hi community,

When I export the cube and the pivots that I made and import to another environment , the calculated metrics and dimension and also de pivot variable didn´t appear in the other environment. Because of this the pivot that use these metrics show error when you try to open.

I want to know that this behavior is normal or exist a way that you can export everything, independent if you build inside the cube or inside analyzer.


Jaqueline Krieger

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I currently have an MDX query/calculated measure as per the below:

[DaysOnListRange].[H1].[DaysOnListRange].&[Days 91 - 180]+ [DaysOnListRange].[H1].[DaysOnListRange].&[Days 181 - 365]+
[DaysOnListRange].[H1].[DaysOnListRange].&[Days 365+]

however it currently doesn't sum when there is a blank in the data.
How can I amend this query to include empty cells/only sum cells with data?

I've tried using nonempty but it doesn't appear to work in this context

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Preview Mode was added to InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence to give designers a quick view of what their resulting Pivot Table will look like without needing to wait for the results to fully execute. This can be beneficial when designing pivot tables because if you are dragging and dropping elements to see how they look/work in your pivot table and seeing if they have the desired data. Since you are exploring and designing, you don't necessarily care about the results at the moment, but you would still like to see how your table looks with the changes you have made.

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I am trying to create a query that returns the best and worst performing products for a given customer, based on this year's net sales versus last year's net sales, weighted by the total net sales for all of the products sold to this customer in the last two years.

I have created Last Year Net Sales (up to the last month end): AGGREGATE(PERIODSTODATE([Invoice Date].[H1].[YEAR],[Invoice Date].[H1].[Month].[NOW-13]),measures.[Net Sales])

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0 353

I want to have a generic PercentOfAll measure that can be used for any dimension of the cube. This PercentOfAll should act like Count, but instead of showing the number of rows in a cell, it will show the percentage (100*number of rows for that member/all rows) .It should not matter what dimension is being viewed. Ex

There are a total of 100 rows in the source class.

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