I'm trying to write an installer manifest that can create a namespace, resources (%DB_namespace) and a role (with the resource, above), based on the namespace. So you could pass in "ABC", or "XYZ", and it would create the %DB_ABC resource and the ABC role with %DB_ABC:RW permissions; or it will create the %DB_XYZ resource and the XYZ role with %DB_XYZ:RW permissions, accordingly.

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· Jun 6, 2017 2m read
Atelier 1.1 Roadmap

It's been 6 months since InterSystems released Atelier 1.0 and we continue to roll out enhancements and new features through the beta channel (please see the Atelier Download page for details). In the meantime, we have received a lot of messages from the Developer Community with ideas for further improvements. Based on your feedback, we created a roadmap for Atelier 1.1 so you can conveniently track when specific features are going to be integrated.

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0 1.5K

I just deployed my production from test to acceptance but I found that the deployment misses some Soap Webclient classes which are used by my business operation components. I have used the management portal to create the deployment (i.e. production settings -> Export) and I expected that all classes used by the production were automatically included. Apparantly, that is not the case. Is this default behaviour for Ensemble? And can I somehow force Ensemble to automatically include these classes?

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Hi, Community!

Please welcome a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

A Mocking Framework: Laugh at Unit Tests

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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1 424

Hi everyone,

I really like using dynamic objects and dynamic arrays, Usually ending up with an SQL query that returns a JSON object i throw into my application via REST and work out things from there.

Recently I noticed that I keep using dynamic objects as simple storage solutions like:

set settings.customerSelection = 1

instead of ending up with several variables flying around.

This certainly is way more inefficient than having simple variables but does it make a huge difference? Especially considering how much more organized the code appears?


1 2
0 1.3K
· Oct 10, 2017
Create Custom Table or View

Hi ,

I am newbie working on Cache .

I have a global ^BB("QA",QDJ,QTM+i) , i want to create a table or a view to access the data from this.

I am expert in creating tables & views on RDBS like Oracle, SQL server. But no idea on Cache.

Can someone guide me from scratch how to pull the data from the global.

I have installed Cache Studio on my machine.


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0 781

Hi everyone! My company has a Zen ERP application with CSP delegated authentication. Now, we're developing a separated BI application, using Angular, which consumes DeepSee REST API services. Both applications access the same Caché database.

How to implement single sign-on strategy in order to allow an already authenticated ERP user to access DeepSee REST services? Has anyone already implemented something like that?

Thanks in advanced.

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0 553

Recently, we scheduled two tasks (1008 and 1009) within Task Manager. Task ID 1008 is set to run after Purge Tasks (%SYS-ID:3), and Task 1009 is set to run at 7:00:00 each day.

In attempt to provide as much detail as possible, each of the tasks are as follows:

  • Task 1008

    WHILE (($p($h,",",2) < $ZTH("10:00 PM")) && ($P($g(^Task.1008(+$h,$j)),"^",1) = +$h)) { J ^ROUTINE, ^ROUTINE2 D SUB^ROUTINE3 H 5 }

0 4
0 799

I have an xml file that I read into objects and I am trying to print that file back in nested xml anyone with idea on how that can be achieved or where I can read in order to achieve this, here is an example of what I am trying to do.

From this


To this

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0 617

I have an application that as part of the registration process is using reCaptcha to provide a captcha. The issue is that service is served from Google and is unavailable in certain countries, namely China. I've been researching this some and believe it's possible to proxy the requests to the Google CDN to avoid the Chinese firewall ban on Google URLs, however I'm not quite sure how to do this in CSP.

Does anyone have suggestions on how to solve this, either with a technical solution or an alternative service I can fall back to?
An example would be greatly appreciated.

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0 337

We just faced an issue of the Atelier main menubar being disabled (greyed out) after upgrading the macOS development machine to High Sierra. I would like to share my findings about the issue and how to fix it.

This seems to be a known problem affecting several Java applications including Eclipse if the macOS user's primary language is not English: https://www.eclipse.org/org/press-release/20170925criticalbug.php

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0 440

If you have an app that uses some Caché client Windows components that are not included into CacheODBC distribution (e.g. CacheActiveX.dll), you need to proceed Caché client installation on end user's client computers and/or MS Terminal Servers. Being a part of Caché client's installation, Caché Cube is installed along with other components and is autostarted with every user's session. So, it becomes visible to every user.

To make it completely invisible, you can just move CACHE.lnk file from

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0 458

One of the most important features during application development is the ability to debug your code easily. Because of the asynchrnous nature, a standard Node.js application server works single-threaded by default. When you are developing applications using an IDE like Visual Studio Code, you can very easily debug your Node.js process:

First, download the free Visual Studio Code IDE (@code) and install it on your development machine.

3 0
0 2.1K
· Oct 7, 2017
.xls format problem

When i tried to print .txt format,data will be coming without space between each row but when
I tried to print .xls format mean ,it gives gap of each row.what is the reason behind this?

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0 264
· Oct 6, 2017
October 2017 DC Release

Hi, Community!

It's October and we have new DC release here. What's new?

1. InterSystems Single Sign-On for Global Masters

As you maybe heard about InterSystems Global Masters (GM) program. With this release, we introduced InterSystems SSO support for GM. So now everyone who has active WRC account can join GlobalMasters and no special invitation needed. You are welcome!
How it works:

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0 289
· Sep 25, 2017
September 2017 DC Release

Hi, Community!

I'm pleased to announce that we deployed a new release of Developer Community.

With this release we introduce:

1. New post type is introduced: Announcement

Choose Announcement as a post type if you want to say about a new product or feature release, about some new services in your company, if it is event announcement or there is a new job position open in your company.

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0 389
· Oct 6, 2017
sending mail alert

Hi world, i work on my business process and i meet a problem:

i want to send mail alert to the patient when he misses take his temperature measure

in the method for checking if the measure is missed or no , i want to integrate my code wich allows me to trig an alert an send a mail reminder to the patient .

Do you have any idea how doing it .


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0 491

Hi All,

I need some clarification on web service (Soap Service). For each Soap request, system consuming 1 license and it is not releasing until CSP session timeout and extra grace period 5.10 minutes(310 seconds).
Due to this, at some time license consumption is full.
If i use with Login credential (i.e password authenticated web service), it consumes one license for 25 connections(request).
But i need to use it as anonymous user(Unauthenticated).
Please advice.

Sabarinathan M

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