Hello experts,

I’m working on an "Sort After" (]]) bug that I traced back to some weird behavior in ObjectScript. Perhaps someone can enlighten me…

The problem is as follows:

Let’s say we have:

Set A = “1.0”
Set B = “2.2”

If you execute the command ‘Sort After’ (]]), you get the following:

W A]]B

…Which is wrong, A does NOT sort after B. The output should be 0.

If you set A and B to numeric values, it correctly outputs false (0):

set A = 1.0
set B = 2.2
​W A]]B


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· Jun 14, 2017
SQL Query for Range


I have a question related to running an SQL query for range of data.

I am running a query like:

Select A,B from table_name where A>=12345 AND A<=12390

- Where A and B are my two of the properties under the mentioned table/class definition

- A is an integer property

Question: The result of the above query does not return me all the values between the mentioned range of integer though I do have all the values in that range. I see that some of the values are missing in result.

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0 454

Today %SYS.Namespace.ListAll started to report one namespace, for example USER, two times: once as "USER" and once as USER's database "^^c:\databases\user".

Details: my Cache instance has 50+ local namespaces. Today I have "touched" 3 of them (imported new classes), and now ListAll reports each of these 3 twice. Looks like ListAll is the only one who sees those strange duplicates, in all other places (Portal, Studio) only USER is shown.

Can someone explain what is happening?

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0 315
· Mar 7, 2017
Grand Total

How can I create a calculated field that will give me the grand total of a column? For instance, if I have a row that has 200, 300, 500, 600, how do I get the Grand Total?

I have already used the wrench under Column Options as % of Total so, I can't use that option.

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0 377

Dear InterSystems Community! Do you control your Caché or Caché controls you?

Recently, I decided to start the project about control of Caché instance. The control is based on communication with chat bot.

For example, below text message shows current statistics of the certain Cache instance.

/stat <cache-instance>

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0 586


I set up cache in container, which is working fine. But when accessing managment portal the default user was alway Unknown user and no username or password were required. So i disabled the Unknow user in the Security section, but now i keep getting an error access denid.

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0 3.2K


Can someone give me an example of how to JOB a class method that requires an array of values to be passed to it by reference.

This is what I tried, but am getting compile errors because of the .params

job ##class(%SYSTEM.OBJ.FM2Class).All(.params)::5

Any thoughts on how to accomplish this, the simplest way. I would like to avoid writing all of this to some global and having to write some wrapper to pick it up and then call the class method, which I certainly could do. but is this the only way to do it?

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1 1.3K

I am looking for experience of people running Veeam with Caché databases.

Tips/Tricks/General questions like; what Veeam features are you using, what your backup cycle looks like, where does your data end up, what recovery/integrity checks you do, what sort of compression/dedupe you get.

Also what questions _you_ have and what problems you might be trying to solve.

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0 1.8K
· Dec 15, 2017
cache operator

In if condition what is the difference between specifying the single operator and double operator? For example, what is the difference between (&& and &) or (|| and !)

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0 716
· Sep 14, 2017
Conflict Resolution Wizard


When trying to sync a class to the server where the server class has been updated by another user, I, as expected, get the Conflict Resolution Wizard.

I can then use the wizard to copy code from the server side to my local copy using the arrows also as expected.

But when I have integrated the remote code into what I think is my local copy how do I save it so that it gets integrated into my local copy and synchronised to the server.

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0 517

Hi all, This is a bit embarrassing, and not that critical. I have a local instance of Caché 2016 on my computer, for playing around with. I was attempting to set up two-factor authentication on this instance, and I thought I simply disabled all users except for my own user and enabled two-factor for this user. The next time I tried to login to the Management portal, I received a Server Availability Error:


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0 2.4K

I was looking at the OrefToArray^%occRun in the %CSP.ErrorLog page in version 2016. However, we're on version 2014, and that method does not seem to exist yet. I would love a good way to swizzle out the info in the %request, %session, %response objects for the error log for my own error page, in version 2014. I don't want to have to go through and get all the properties manually, but I will if I must. Any other good way already written?



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1 542


I have a DB server (ser-app-db) where cache is installed as server.

I have a Web server (ser-app-w) where cache is installed as web server and configured as CSP gateway.

I followed the configuration guide (https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY...) and ser-app-w perfectly display the CSP and CLS pages.

But that's not working for my REST service, for exemple with the REST sample:

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0 1.3K
· May 17, 2017
Soap Wizard


Please let us know the solution to the below error:

ERROR:#5388 - You do not have write permission on the database class .
%SOAP.WebClient is in , so class lock cannot be obtained .


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0 878


I have a situation where I write a character stream to a file. The file content gets signed and the signature is sent to a service provider together with the file content.

The signing is done using openssl.

This works perfectly on a dev PC, which is runnning Windows and has a little-endian architecture.

The problem is as soon as I do this on the server, which has a big-endian architecture, the signed value is incorrect according to the service provider.

The content is signed using RSA SHA256 with PSS padding.

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