Cache / Ensemble version 2016.2.2.853.0

I have a need to restrict ODBC access to certain users to prevent unwanted access to our cache database.

We have a limited number of legacy applications that use ODBC to connect to read data and are currently not in a position to have these amended any time soon so in the interim, I am hoping someone will be able to provide me with some assistance.

Any suggestions on where to start?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,890 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Recently I needed a classmethod that returns annotation value based on a name of a activity.

As doing it at runtime seemed inefficient, I wrote compile-time utility that iterates over all business process activities and generates relevant code.

This code could be used in a variety of situations when you need to iterate over business process activities, just add it as a secondary superclass to your BPL processes.

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· Mar 4, 2022 4m read
How to become a time lord - Time travel

Time travel is like visiting Paris. You can't just read the guide, you have to throw yourself into it. Eat the food, use the wrong verbs, get double the charges, and end up kissing complete strangers.

The Doctor

We are now going to travel through time, that is, we are going to see future and past dates and how to calculate them in different formats. The TARDIS doesn't wait, take the controls and hold on tight.

Travel in TARDIS

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· May 27, 2021

User antiterrorism is assigned the following SQL procedure privileges:


SOURCE ELEMENT: %CSP.UI.Component.SQLTables (SQLProcs)

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My objective is to find routine's Date/Time Saved someplace inside Cache. The routine's Date/Time Modified as returned by various queries like %Library.RoutineIndex and as seen on the File Open screen is actually Date/Time Compiled last, not Date/Time Saved last. Does anyone know if Date/Time Saved is created when the Save icon is pressed or the routine is imported? Such a timestamp should be immune to subsequent compilations with no changes.

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Moving over from Studio To VSCode like many other will do now the ObjectScript plugin reached version 1.0, I noticed I was missing some items in the objectscript explorer. For example when creating a Rest API using the spec first approach, 3 classes are generated, an application.impl, application.disp and application.spec class, but the disp class was missing in the Object Explorer.

As the application.disp is a generated class, for showing these classes you need to turn this on by hitting the switch on the object explorer:

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Recently I was conducting a remote support session with a site. The desktop they were sharing with me was on a PC configured with German as the native language. Since my German is rather rusty, and virtually non-existent when it comes to computing terms, I was glad to be able to switch the Portal session into English.

This is done from the page that appears when you use the About link:

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· Aug 21, 2019 2m read

Hello everyone,
After some work with IRIS we want to share our ToolBox-4-Iris with you.

What is this about?

The ToolBox-4-Iris is an API for IRIS with a collection of handy and useful tools - features that are not available in IRIS, but greatly simplify application development. To save time and effort on the "typical tools" that every developer needs. This includes additional classes, individual methods or even more efficient macros, which are described in the respective packages.


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Upgrade of custom application

Dear community,

we are a company located in central Germany working with Intersystems Caché since 2003 (Jesus, that's actually a long time in IT).

As we struggle to keep pace with outside development we still operate on Caché 2013.1 surprise

We are, of course, aware that we need to upgrade Caché and therefor plan an upgrade to 2017.2.

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I was writing a routine that called some class methods and when I typed in ##class( and the package, there was a drop down list of all the classes that match that package but when I selected one of the dropdown entries it added the package name again.

For example if I enter ##class(dim.

I am presented with a list of classes in the dim package but when I selected one of them,(dim.OccupationList), what ended up in the editor was


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Good Afternoon,

I'm working on a API documentation that wil be interactive, it's based on a BS class on Ensemble.

The objective on making the documentation is simplify the undestanding of the operation for those who are not acquainted with the Ensemble environment.

My problem is, when using Postman to test a operation the indentation appears as such:

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· Nov 28, 2016
spatial data

Hello. I am a student from Syktyvakar Forest Institute(Russia).

I need to make Research : "Databases for working with spatial data
Consider MySQL, PostgreSQL and 1 to choose from". I want to explore Cache with subject library of spatial data.


Does Someone from the developers write the libraries of spatial data?

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· Mar 17, 2016
Atelier Debugging

I am trying to debug a class on Atelier and it is not stopping at the defined breakpoint.

Atelier IDE Version: 1.0.107 - Cloud Connection

I have already taken a look at the Community´s Atelier Debugging Video and followed the steps without success.

Can anybody help me on that?


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I would like to know any experience working with OPC UA standard in industry sector or IoT. Currently there is no adaptor implemented in IS IRIS for it but it seems to be pushed as the main standard in industry. Did anyone had to implement their own libraries or adaptors to deal with it? Or do you advice to use any already implemented library in Java, Python,...? Any feedback would be appreciated.

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· Apr 14, 2016
HL7 to Quadramed


IHAC who is trying to connect Ensemble to Quadramed for HL7 messaging, however, it seems that in order to do this, the following is required:

"we open a passive connection to Quadramed and then listen for a connection request from Quadramed, once this is established we then send messages"

Has anyone done this before? Is this possible with the standard HL7 components?



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· May 10, 2016
Modifying "New Class" template

Hi -

I would like to change the initial text that is generated by the New Class wizard in Atelier, but I'm not sure if I can or where to go to make the modification. I have a specific format for initial classes, and the wizard generated code isn't cutting it for me. I know it's trivial to take the generated text and just modify it, but if I could only have to do that in the wizard, that would be better.

The more generalized question is, which wizard output can be safely changed without fear of losing the change on upgrade, and where are these?



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I need to develop a tool to help to get what data is being consumed by a certain process, in order to get all data used to build an automated test scenario.

For example, some user process will pull data from ^GLOBAL(1)="dataString", ^GLOBAL(2)="dataString2", ^GLOBAL1(1)="data1String", ^GLOBAL2(4)="data2String4". Amidst all other data on these Globals, I will ignore everything that was not used in the user process, and get the specific keys used on it.

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