InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,951 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Now the Classes/Rutines/DeepSee files will be automatically exported to the working directory after saving or compiling and files will be automatically deleted .
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To install isc-dev , you just need to download and import the file isc-dev.xml from last release.
Some ways to import isc-dev .xml file:

  • Go to Management Portal -> System Explorer -> Classes -> Import and select the XML file.
  • Drag the file over Studio.
  • Terminal command:
NS>do $system.OBJ.Load("yourpath/isc-dev.xml","ck")
zpm: NS>install isc-dev

How to enable this feature:

  • After importing the class in the target namespace, run the following method to set up the working directory:
NS>do ##class(dev.code).workdir("/path/to/your/working/directory/src/")
  • Go to Management Portal -> System Administration -> Configuration -> Additional Settings -> Source Control.
  • Select the target namespace and set the dev.FileManExtension class as the main one and save it.
  • Try to create a new class in the studio and save/compile it
  • Enjoy!
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Here's what I'm trying to accomplish

I have a directory of CCDAs and files with basic demographic info.

I'd like to generate an outbound Provide and Register request by building the SOAP envelope (using the demographics data) and adding the CCDA as the document.

Which Operations / Components can I utilize for this?

Is there is a good starting point in the documentation I can use?

If anyone knows which specific Operations/Components I should use please let me know.


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· Mar 27, 2020
Give it a try on SQLBuilder tool

SQLBuilder is a flexible and powerful SQL query string builder for InterSystems IRIS,

With SQLBuilder you have nice and clean object oriented methods, instead of having to use concatenation and substituition to generate dynamic queries.

A Dynamic SQL without SQLBuilder

A Dynamic SQL with SQLBuilder

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Hi Developers!

We are going to establish a series of InterSystems IRIS Online Programming contests this year.

In March we started with ObjectScript CLI and here is the schedule of topics for the next few months:

  • April - InterSystems IRIS with REST API
  • May - InterSystems IRIS Native API application: use Python, JS, .NET, Java native APIs in your application to use IRIS
  • June-July - InterSystems IRIS AI/ML solutions. IntegratedML as a bonus
  • August - InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR application
  • September - InterSystems IRIS Full-stack application: IRIS as a server and UI on any framework and any form: and web, desktop, mobile UI
  • October - Interoperability solutions for InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health
  • November - Analytics Solution using InterSystems IRIS
  • December - Multi-model solution using InterSystems IRIS

All applications should be runnable with InterSystems IRIS in a docker container.

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Hi Community,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

⏯ Understanding System Performance Metrics
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I am glad to say that VSCode-ObjectScript reached 4000 installs. Thanks to all of you who use it in their work.

VSCode-ObjectScript is an extension for VSCode which allows you to develop InterSystems based applications on ObjectScript using the modern code editor developed by Microsoft. Choice #1 editor amongst all developers worldwide by Stackoverflow survey 2019.

Some short notes about how to install and configure it you can find here.

If you need any help with a migration process of your development team to VSCode, please contact us by

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We are developing a BP where we would need to call at the same time to get appointments in two external systems. So then, we would need two threads, one for primary care appointments, and other for specialist appointments . We need to paralelize both calls because of both of them require some time and we would need to shorten it as much as possible.

We are currently using a flow:

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The intersystems documentation gives the same description for both <MAXSTRING> and <NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - MAXSTRING>. I suspect that the description for <MAXSTRING> is correct and the description for <NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - MAXSTRING> was an accident. I would like to know what situation triggers the <NETWORK DATA UPDATE FAILED - MAXSTRING> error.

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I am trying to create a simple example of allowing binary (tiff) files to be selected and uploaded asynchronously to an IRIS for Health back-end. I have managed to write the HTML and Javascript which works great with regular text / ascii files, but fails with binary files.

When I upload a binary file (tiff) image I get garbage like this on the database server

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These Competition Terms (the "Terms") apply to competitions and contests sponsored by InterSystems and its affiliates including coding contests relating to InterSystems products and technologies (each a "Contest"). Please read these Terms and all applicable Rules (defined below) carefully as they form a binding legal agreement between you and InterSystems Corporation (“InterSystems”), with principal office located at:

InterSystems Corporation
1 Memorial Drive Cambridge

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Hi Community,

New reward available on Global Masters Advocate Hub! Please welcome:

⚡️ Your Webinar supported by InterSystems ⚡️

Would you like to hold a professional webinar for developers and tell about your solution/tool and your company services?

Redeem this prize for 3,000 points and we will help you to organize it!

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In Episode 6 of Data Points, certification manager Jamie Kantor joins the podcast to tell us all about the InterSystems Certification program, what exams are currently being offered (and what ones are in development), and why it matters for developers and enterprises. Check it out!
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· Mar 26, 2020
Merge two lists?


We are developing a method to take two messages which have a list of data types. It is being defined as:

Class Mensajes.Response.HistoriaClinica.ConsultaCitasResponse Extends Ens.Response [ ProcedureBlock ]

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We are developing a Transformation and we are wondering: how could we debug and show a XML message which is being an output from a transformation, without storing it into request/response/callrequest/callresponse? We mean, how could we show a context variable in the production?

For example, let's have a transformation which stores an appointment in a variable called: context.especializadasConFormatoPrimarias

How could we show in the Production?

Currently it is being stored as the Transformation's output:

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We have a tranformation where we would like to convert a date from the following format:

"'dd/mm/yyyy' 'hh:mm'" (double quotes are just visual to indicate this is a string)

to date and time separated:

date: dd/mm/yyyy

time: hh:mm

We have already splitted the datetime into date and hour as follows:

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InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 brings a broad set of improved and new capabilities to help build important applications. In addition to the many significant performance improvements accrued through 2019.1 and 2020.1, we are introducing one of our biggest changes in recent SQL history: the Universal Query Cache. This article provides more context on its impact to SQL-based applications at a technical level.

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Hey Developers,

New "Coding Talk" video was specially recorded by @Maks Atygaev for the IRIS Programming Contest:

Declarative ObjectScript Promo
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InterSystems has corrected two defects that, in rare circumstances, can result in data integrity corruption after running global compaction, database compaction, or database defragmentation. InterSystems recommends avoiding these utilities until after applying the corrections listed below.

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· Mar 24, 2020
Cannot type password in Terminal

I just tried to log into our QA server and connect to Terminal (v 2013.1).

I can type in my username but when I attempt to type my password, no characters are typed. When I press ENTER the password is invalid.

I can connect to the management portal and the studio development environment without any problems. Also, I do not have this problem when connecting to the terminal in our production environment (2010).

Does anyone know what can cause this type of problem?


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