· Jun 5, 2021 2m read

Google Data Studio Connector to FHIRaaS

Google has one intersting tool named Data Studio. This tool allows creating some interactive dashboards, based on your data, available from the internet. It already offers hundreds of connectors to any sort of data developed by the community. As well as some amount of community developed visualizing. And most importantly, Google offers a way to develop your own connector to your data. 

FHIRaaS provides a REST API, and it's available from the internet. So I've decided to try to create some basic report on data stored there. And in the end, I got this.

The code of this connector is available on Github 

Set up this connector for personal use

  • Visit Google Apps Script and create a new project.
  • In the Apps Script development environment.
    • In Project Settings, tick Show "appsscript.json" manifest file in editor
    • Return to Editor replace of the content of the file appsscript.json with the content of the src/appsscript.json file from the repository
    • For every .js file under src, you will need to create a file in Apps Scripts, then copy over the content from the repository.
    • Press Deploy -> New Deployment fill the description and press Deploy button
    • Copy Deployment ID
  • Log in to Google Data Studio
    • Create a new Data Source using Build Your Own connector.
    • Paste Deployement ID and press Validate
    • Should validate the connector, and give a tile for further configuration


When it's installed, it will be possible to create some report or just explore your data. Let's go with Explorer first. First of all, we will need to create a new Data Source. It requires FHIR endpoint and API-KEY, provided by FHIRaaS. Resource field can be selected from the list, and at the moment only Patient, Practitioner and Encounter is available. Resource Id is optional and works only for Patient.

Press connect button, and it gives you access to the list of dimensions available for the selected resource. For instance, Patient will have this 

Then go to Explorer, where we can select some dimensions and metrics. And it will show the data gathered right from FHIRaaS.

In Explorer and Report, possible to add any custom field, which can be base on one or more other fields. If I would need to have a report by age groups.

And finally the report. And the best thing is that it is possible to configure interactivity as well. When any value in the charts selected it will work as a filter, and any other charts will be updated with new values.

Or even some field as a parameter to the data source itself. It allows to change resource id, and it will update the data in the report just for entered patient id.

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