I have done some more testing including adding %SQL to the custom role. I am still unsuccessful in having tables load in WinSQL. I have contacted Support at Synametrics (maker of WinSQL) and provided them with output from an error log file. The following was captured:
After making a connection in WinSQL with the user account:6/10/2021 11:23:57 AM [ERROR] {MainThread} - Unable to run SQLTable.
[Cache ODBC][State : HYC00][Native Code 469]
[C:\Program Files (x86)\Synametrics Technologies\WinSQL64\WinSQL.exe]
ERROR #388: Unknown error, code 469
6/10/2021 11:23:57 AM [ERROR] {MainThread} - Unable to run SQLTable.
[Cache ODBC][State : HY000][Native Code 400]
[C:\Program Files (x86)\Synametrics Technologies\WinSQL64\WinSQL.exe]
[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]
[Cache Error: <<PROTECT>AnySchemaTablePriv+4^%SYS.SQLSEC ^rINDEXSQL("TABLE","NEHI"),/hs/nehi/hin
6/10/2021 11:23:57 AM [ERROR] {MainThread} - Unable to fetch catalog [RT]. Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
After clicking Refresh Catalog:
6/10/2021 11:24:36 AM [ERROR] {MainThread} - Unable to run SQLTable.
[Cache ODBC][State : HY000][Native Code 400]
[C:\Program Files (x86)\Synametrics Technologies\WinSQL64\WinSQL.exe]
[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]
[Cache Error: <<PROTECT>ztaExecute+44^%Library.ODBCCatalog.1 ^rINDEXSQL("TABLE","NEHI"),/hs/nehi
6/10/2021 11:24:37 AM [ERROR] {MainThread} - Unable to run SQLTable.
[Cache ODBC][State : HY000][Native Code 400]
[C:\Program Files (x86)\Synametrics Technologies\WinSQL64\WinSQL.exe]
[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]
[Cache Error: <<PROTECT>ztaExecute+44^%Library.ODBCCatalog.1 ^rINDEXSQL("TABLE","NEHI"),/hs/nehi
6/10/2021 11:24:37 AM [ERROR] {MainThread} - Unable to run SQLTable.
[Cache ODBC][State : HY000][Native Code 400]
[C:\Program Files (x86)\Synametrics Technologies\WinSQL64\WinSQL.exe]
[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]
[Cache Error: <<PROTECT>ztaExecute+44^%Library.ODBCCatalog.1 ^rINDEXSQL("VIEW","HSAA"),/hs/nehi/
The messages in blue are coming from the ODBC driver.
Thank you Robert, I may not have noticed that role (don't know how though). I will do some more testing using your suggestion as well as Vic's...much appreciated.
Hello Peter,
Thank you for the suggestion. I ultimately opened a WRC with InterSystems Support and after some digging around it was found that there was another database file required to be added to the custom role because of a dependency. Once that was added to the custom role tables started displaying.
Thanks to all who responded to my inquiry, much appreciated.