· Jun 7, 2021

File error

Getting this error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPPutFailed: FTP: Failed to Put file 'TestsDaily.xlsx.xlsx' 
(msg='Error in SFTP Put('\\Reporting\reports\Daily-Weekly\TestsDaily\To Be Processed\TestsDaily.xlsx','/TestsDaily.xlsx.xlsx') 
ERROR #7500: SSH Put Error '-2147024894': The system cannot find the file specified. [80070002]',code=0)

is this due to the file extension? Also, if its just because the file isn't there, how to fix that? 

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Hello Dustin,

You could try SFTP debugging in terminal (I also linked this in your other post):

I kind of suspect this may be a permissions issue on the target system; since you're placing the file, it shouldn't need to exist before it gets "Put". It is a bit weird that the file extension is written twice but I don't think that is a problem; can you see anywhere in your configuration (file path / name) that may be triggering that?

The facts:
1) According to the error message: "The system cannot find the file specified."
2) Futhermore, the error message shows slashes and backslashes, mixing is rarely good, Windows uses "\", Unix "/"

What to do is:
1) check the filename, you want to send (including the path)
2) check the existence of the file
3) Under which user accont is IRIS/Cache running?
4) May this user read the file?