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I have been trying to implement SPA using routing between two components in a CSP page.

If i use the line which i commented the page views and gets data from the vue instance (when not using the <route-view> and other 2 vue route functions below).

since i need to implement routing i am using as below, now the property "selectedYear" is not getting data from vue instane and i am getting the below error as well.

I dont know whether i am going down the right path.

please see my code below and help me

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One of the reasons why I love Cache and Iris is that not only you can do anything you can imagine, also you can do it in a lot of different ways!!.

Imagine that you have an integration running with IRIS connected by ODBC you probably only run SQL queries but you can also create stored procedures and inside write the code to do everything you can imagine.

I'm going to give you some examples but the limit is your imagination!!

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Hi all!
I need to call an API that has the following characteristics:

  • Content-Type: application / x-www-form-urlencoded
  • Authorization: (with a "Bearer" token)

In the body the information is given through the form data.

I can not find documentation on how to make this call and how to get the answer (JSON).

Could you help with an example?

Thank you

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· Apr 14, 2016
HL7 to Quadramed


IHAC who is trying to connect Ensemble to Quadramed for HL7 messaging, however, it seems that in order to do this, the following is required:

"we open a passive connection to Quadramed and then listen for a connection request from Quadramed, once this is established we then send messages"

Has anyone done this before? Is this possible with the standard HL7 components?



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· May 16, 2023
Strange Issues with SSIS

I'm trying to extract data from an IRIS database into SQL server with SSIS using the ODBC driver: InterSystems ODBC35 (ODBC-2023.

I have Unicode turned off in the ODBC settings.
I'm getting strange results - with some tables the SSIS ODBC connector will work but the connector - using the same ODBC driver will. For other tables it's the other way round. The sees the data as unicode and won't allow me to insert it into a non unicode table but ODBC will be fine.

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What would be the preferred method to create an HL7 message from an input that is not HL7?

Would it be better to take the non-HL7 input and construct an HL7 message in the business service that then gets passed off to a routing process, or would it be best to just pass the non HL7 message to a routing process that called a data transformation to create the HL7 message?

My thought is the later, due to the fact that updates to the creation of the HL7 message are done using the graphical DTL editor rather than editing COS in the service.

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We currently have the following scenario: We have a bussiness SOAP Operation, where we get a SAML String and we convert it into a %SAML.Assertion object correctly.

👩‍💻👨‍💻 We would need to send the SAML Assertion inside the SOAP Header to the Target System.

First of all thanks for reading, and thanks for answering.

We currently have opened Log Soap and we do not observe it being added to the SOAP Header, as you would observe in the following Log Soap:

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Who has never been through in the following situation:

I have an application/global configuration that is not and cannot be mapped to a class, but it is necessary to provide a stored procedure so that a report tool using ODBC/JDBC or even using the resultset of IRIS itself, can access the data and generate the report.

In IRIS we have a functionality that allows us to create a query that can be accessed internally and also be exposed as a stored procedure, with our own logic. That functionality is Custom Class Query.

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InterSystems is pleased to announce the central component for InterSystems Supply Chain Orchestrator™, the 2023.1 release of InterSystems IRIS for Supply Chain, is now Generally Available (GA).

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I just used Help\Check for Updates and updated my Atelier from 1.0.158 to 1.0.165. Is there any information published about what's new/fixed in this compared to previous public builds? Having that information might help us target our testing and so increase the value of our feedback to you.

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Why I don't see the full content of a XML file inside a Ens.StreamContainer Message?

When I look into the content I only see:

<?xml version="1.0" ?><!-- type: Ens.StreamContainer  id: 5 -->

How I can see all the content? There is any setting to modify this behavior?

I am using a EnsLib.File.PassthroughService,


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Hello Community!

The Global Summit 2023 in Hollywood has just ended but keynotes are already available for those who missed them while being on the premises or who couldn't attend this in-person event at all for some reason or another (or just for those who wish to refresh their memory and listen to them again).

InterSystems 30th Global Summit Welcomes Virtual Participants to Experience  Innovation at its Best!

Enjoy watching all the keynotes from all three days of Global Summit 2023 via this YouTube playlist:

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We have multiple implementations spanning many namespaces and edges. I would like to see if I could identify a single place, perhaps on HSREGISTRY or HSBUS, that I could capture certain events like searches (from all customers) and record transfers (with requester and provider).

The goal is to have a dashboard that would show simple stats such as searches by participant, records shared by participant and records consumed by participant. These are the 3 most important.

I appreciated the feedback on the other question of "how" but now I'm hoping to find the "Where".

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· Jul 4, 2023 2m read
Build iris image with cpf merge

When it comes to build an iris image, we can use the cpf merge files.

Here is an cpf merge example:






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First time setting up a SSL/TLS connection, and I am running into issues when I call it from within a Business Operation. I used openssl to generate a RSA 4096  SHA512 key/csr request for our Active Directory Certificate Service to generate a Certificate Chain for me to use within RedHat. I was 
able to connect to our Web Service server using a generic request from terminal, however when I try it from our Business Operation I am running into issues.

I tested the SSL/TLS connection using the following commands from the terminal...

DEVCLIN>set request=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
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· Jul 27, 2023
Rule logic

In an HL7 Business rule I am trying to block ONLY ORM messages that have a PV1:3.4 of 105 or 205 and a OBR:4 value of EP22 or CATH01.

I created the logic below but it appears to be evaluating the two fields independently instead of combined?

Here is what I had.

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NewBie's Corner Session 20 Parameters and Status Part I

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.


Parameters are another name for Variables when used in passing data from one Routine to another.

Let us say we have 2 routines (RtnA and RtnB), and we want to pass 3 parameters (Parm1, Parm2, Parm3) from RtnA to RtnB.

RtnA would look like:

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Hi Developers,

Watch this video to see how you can use IntegratedML time-aware modeling in InterSystems IRIS to make predictions for data values based on historical trends, and how this differs from traditional IntegratedML modeling:

How to Predict Time Series Data with IntegratedML
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