· Nov 17, 2017
Atelier 1.1

Hi everybody,

I use atelier form my developments,

i use Routine file and i remark that not all methods don't appear in Outline if in a method we have the sql stattement &sql(...) (see the copy screen)

if the sql stattement is not in the method1 we see i Outline the 2 methods

have you a workaround to resolve this problem ?

Thank you



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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,725 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi, Community!

Please find a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

Optimizing SQL Queries
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Just starting to use Atelier and having problems with making server connections. I have tried both the super server port and the web server port and both fail with either Unexpected end of file from server (Secure connection disabled) or PKIX path building failed (Secure connection enabled). On a different server I get Connection refused: check the web server configuration.

Anyone run into this before?

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I have used Studio's schema wizard to create classes representing my XML structure as defined in an xsd file and then I use the main class of that set of classes as parameter in my Ensemble web service.

Let's say I have a web method signature like this:

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Several $System.OBJ methods have ByRef errorlog argument:

Compile(ByRef classes As %String = "", qspec As %String = "", ByRef errorlog As %String, recurse As %Boolean = 0)

ImportDir(dir As %String = "", wildcards As %String, qspec As %String = "", ByRef errorlog As %String, recurse As %Boolean = 0, ByRef imported As %String, listonly As %Boolean, ByRef selectedlist As %String)

What's the best approach of working with errorlog?

Do you convert it to status? If so - how? Manual iteration over local?

Is there some system method to convert it into %Status?

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0 359

I seem to be getting some odd behavior from Ensemble when searching using the extended Criteria options (VDoc Segment Field).

I'm searching for a specific range of test patients (for example, Surnames starting ZZZ) and I'm only getting back about half of what I know is there (and is verifiable by removing the search criteria and manually scrolling through the message viewer.

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Hi Guys,

I would like to develop a login page in Zen mojo application with Desktop and mobile application. It should be adopt with desktop, android and iOS application.

If any lead would be appreciated.


Arun Kumar D.

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I am working on an ZAUTHENTICATE.mac to move us from local cache users to Delegated Authentication against LDAP.

I have created a user role within my instance of Ensemble that matches the AD Group that I will be assigning everyone in my group to. Is there a way to query the list of available Roles within Ensemble, and if one of my AD groups matches that role, set the role for that user?

How would I compare the AD Group against the Role listing?



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· Feb 20, 2018
REST Data Limit

I'm experimenting with sending large amounts of data in a POST payload to be stored as a stream. However I've noticed that no matter how many characters are in the message, Cache only gets about 32k of them, cutting off the rest. Conversely as expected it can only send about 32k worth of characters in a payload.

Before I get creative, is there a REST message size limit that can be changed? Or is there something else going on here?

Thank you!

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Hi, Community!

This is the 3rd part of DeepSee Web story - Angular base UI for DeepSee Dashboards, see the beginning here.

By design, DSW provides an implementation for every widget in DeepSee library. But there are some extra features in DSW which make solutions built with DSW dashboards more functional. This article describes it.

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Let's say I want to execute this cache script (saved as test.txt) from OS terminal:

zn "USER"
write 1
zn "%SYS"
write 2

Executing the following command in a terminal:

csession cache < test.txt

Would yield this output:

$ csession cache < script.txt

Node: gitlab-test, Instance: CACHE



Job succeeded

Is there a better way to run these scripts?

Currently I have two problems:

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I have a dataListBox in ZEN which has an OnDrawItem method associated with it. The DrawItem method never seems to be called and I cannot see why. I am using IE11. Can anyone suggest a reason? The attached code runs in a namespace called CODE and can be run using view webpage on the TheLabsApp.BioAnal class. Please note that the data is in a global called ^%ANAL that resides in %SYS.

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