· Dec 21, 2015

DS deployment architecture, which globals should be mapped where?

To deploy a DeepSee solution, the docs recommend that you define a namespace on the reporting (mirror) server, and "define mappings to access the application data, application code, DeepSee cube definitions, and DeepSee data on this server".  (

This implies that for an ideal deployment architecture, globals should be split into four separate databases (app data, app code, DS cubes, DS data).  How exactly should the DeepSee-related globals be split?  A table in the docs outlines all of the key globals (, but is there an optimal way to split those into 'code' and 'data'?




Discussion (3)1
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For one customer we use this solution which works fine for them:

DATA database which contains the end customer data and is the default mapping

CODE database which contains the cubes (package mapping) and Pivots and Dashboards (^DeepSee.Folder en ^DeepSee.FolderItem global mapping)

IDX database which contains all the other DS stuff (^DeepSee global mapping)

This works fine so far as we can replace the end-customer data easily and keep it seperate, and we can also update a new batch of cubes and dashboards easily by replacing the CODE database with a new version. IDX can be rebuild by compiling/building the cubes so that’s easy too.

This works fine because currently they create all dashboard for their customers.

We foresee that some end customers need some custom pivot/dashboards, which we then would like to map to a 4th database; we don’t want it in CODE because we want to keep that the same at all end-customers. Maybe we  should we do a subscript type mapping of ^DeepSee.Folder(Item), and is that sustainable among Cache versions? I have not looked into it further as both their DS customers are happy with the current solution and don't create any dashboards or pivots themselves.
