· May 18, 2018

Customising the SimpleBatch GetBatchheader Method

I have a csv record mapper that reads in a batch and my batch has a header and trailer that changes all the time but it is of fixed length so I override the Get Batch Header method from the simplebatch class to something like below but my problem is when the batch is read in It still tries to bring in another empty batch like the picture below any reason why that is here is my code.The red code is the changes made. After several  trace logs it is being called twice first time with the batch [1] and[5]is the second call how can I stop that from happening

/// Get the Batch Header from an incoming stream. This is only invoked once by the RecordMap
/// batch services when a new stream is passed in. Any extra data must be returned in pLookAhead
/// for use in parsing the first record.
ClassMethod GetBatchHeader(pIOStream As %IO.DeviceStream, pTimeout As %Numeric = -1, Output pBatch As EnsLib.RecordMap.SimpleBatch, ByRef pLookAhead As %String) As %Status
 Try {
   Set tStatus = $$$OK
   Set pBatch = ""
   Set tTerm = ..GetHeaderTerm()
   //Set tFullHeader = 63 _ tTerm
   Set tHeaderLen =63+$length(tTerm)
  If tHeaderLen
   Set tFound = 0
   Set tLeadingJunk = ""
   Set pLookAhead = $get(pLookAhead)
   Set tTimeout = pTimeout
   Set tEndTime = $zhorolog + pTimeout
   While ('tFound) && ('pIOStream.AtEnd)
     Set tReadLen = tHeaderLen - $length(pLookAhead)
     If tReadLen > 0
        Set tData = pLookAhead _ pIOStream.Read(tReadLen, .tTimeout, .tStatus)
        If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
        If tTimeout
         Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsErrTCPReadTimeoutExpired, pTimeout, tReadLen)
          Set pLookAhead = ""
      Set tData = $extract(pLookAhead, 1, tHeaderLen)
      Set pLookAhead = $extract(pLookAhead, tHeaderLen + 1, *)
      If ($extract(tData,1,3) = "001" )
        Set pBatch = ..%New()
        set pBatch.BatchHeader = tData
        Set tFound = 1
         Set pLookAhead = pLookAhead _ tData
          #; Check if we should start discarding leading data
         If ($length(pLookAhead) >= tHeaderLen)
           If ($length(tLeadingJunk) < 400)
             Set tLeadingJunk = tLeadingJunk _ $extract(pLookAhead,1)
              Set pLookAhead = $extract(pLookAhead,2,*)
           If (pTimeout = -1)
             Set tTimeout = -1
    Else {
     Set tCurrTime = $zhorolog
     If (tCurrTime > tEndTime) {
      Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsErrTCPReadTimeoutExpired, pTimeout, tReadLen)
     Set tTimeout = tEndTime - tCurrTime
   } //while
   If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
   #; Clear the lookahead buffer if we didn't find the batch header
   If (('tFound) && ($length(tLeadingJunk) < 400)&&($$$ISERR(tStatus))){
    Set tLeadingJunk = tLeadingJunk _ $get(pLookAhead)
    Set pLookAhead = ""
    $$$TRACE("###Not Found###"_tFound)
   If (tLeadingJunk '= "") && ('..#IgnoreLeadingData) {
    #; Use JS escaping to handle control characters
    Set tLoggedJunk = $zconvert($extract(tLeadingJunk,1,400),"O","JS") _ $select($length(tLeadingJunk) > 400: "...", 1: "")
    $$$LOGWARNING($$$FormatText($$$Text("Discarding unexpected leading data: '%1'","Ensemble"),tLoggedJunk))
   If (('tFound)&&($$$ISERR(tStatus))) {
    Set pBatch = ""
    $$$TRACE("Not Found")
    Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsRecordMapErrBatchHeaderNotFound,$classname($this))
  Else {
   Set pBatch = ..%New()
   Set pLookAhead = $get(pLookAhead)
 Catch ex {
  Set tStatus = $$$EnsSystemError
 Quit tStatus
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@Eduard Lebedyuk Looked at the class this classEnsLib.RecordMap.Service.BatchFileService and the EnsLib.RecordMap.Service.BatchStandard class apparently these are fine  but for some reason the custom class acts as if it goes into a loop.I have put some traces in my code and tried to capture the status and change  it to fail if a certain validation fails but that makes the whole service to log an error after successfully delivering the first message .

here are the changes made thanks for your help

ClassMethod GetBatchHeader(pIOStream As %IO.DeviceStream, pTimeout As %Numeric = -1, Output pBatch As EnsLib.RecordMap.SimpleBatch, ByRef pLookAhead As %String) As %Status
 Try {
  #dim cpStatus as %Status=$$$OK
    Set tStatus = $$$OK
    Set pBatch = ""
    Set tTerm = ..GetHeaderTerm()
    //Set tFullHeader = 63 _ tTerm
    Set tHeaderLen =63+$length(tTerm)
    set stage=""
    If tHeaderLen
       Set tFound = 0
       Set tLeadingJunk = ""
       Set pLookAhead = $get(pLookAhead)
       Set tTimeout = pTimeout
       Set tEndTime = $zhorolog + pTimeout
      // While ('tFound) && ('pIOStream.AtEnd)
        //  {
          Set tReadLen = tHeaderLen - $length(pLookAhead)
          If tReadLen > 0
             Set tData = pLookAhead _ pIOStream.Read(tReadLen, .tTimeout, .tStatus)
             If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
             If tTimeout
                Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsErrTCPReadTimeoutExpired, pTimeout, tReadLen)
                  Set pLookAhead = ""
             $$$TRACE("Else treadlen less than 0-[2]")
             Set tData = $extract(pLookAhead, 1, tHeaderLen)
             Set pLookAhead = $extract(pLookAhead, tHeaderLen + 1, *)
             If ($extract(tData,1,3) = "001" )
                Set pBatch = ..%New()
                set pBatch.BatchHeader = tData
                Set tFound = 1
                $$$TRACE("else $extract(tData1,3)Failed[3]")
                Set pLookAhead = pLookAhead _ tData
                 #; Check if we should start discarding leading data
                If ($length(pLookAhead) >= tHeaderLen)
                   If ($length(tLeadingJunk) < 400)
                     Set tLeadingJunk = tLeadingJunk _ $extract(pLookAhead,1)
                      Set pLookAhead = $extract(pLookAhead,2,*)
                   set cpStatus=0
                   set stage="Extractfailed" //check here
                  // Quit
                 If (pTimeout = -1)
                    Set tTimeout = -1
                     $$$TRACE("time out ok [4]")
                    Set tCurrTime = $zhorolog
                    If (tCurrTime > tEndTime)
                      Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsErrTCPReadTimeoutExpired, pTimeout, tReadLen)
                       Set tTimeout = tEndTime - tCurrTime
                   If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
         // } //while
          $$$TRACE("while end"_tFound)
          If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit
          #; Clear the lookahead buffer if we didn't find the batch header
          If (('tFound) && ($length(tLeadingJunk) < 400)&&('pLookAhead="")&&($$$ISERR(cpStatus)))
             Set tLeadingJunk = tLeadingJunk _ $get(pLookAhead)
             Set pLookAhead = ""
             $$$TRACE("###Not Found###[6]"_tFound)
            If (tLeadingJunk '= "") && ('..#IgnoreLeadingData)
               #; Use JS escaping to handle control characters
               Set tLoggedJunk = $zconvert($extract(tLeadingJunk,1,400),"O","JS") _ $select($length(tLeadingJunk) > 400: "...", 1: "")
               $$$LOGWARNING($$$FormatText($$$Text("[]Discarding unexpected leading data: '%1'","Ensemble"),tLoggedJunk))
               If (('tFound)&&($$$ISERR(cpStatus)))
                 Set pBatch = ""
                 $$$TRACE("Not Found[8]")
                 //Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsRecordMapErrBatchHeaderNotFound,$classname($this))
                 if (stage="Extractfailed" &&($$$ISERR(cpStatus)))
                         set tStatus=cpStatus
                         $$$LOGWARNING($classname($this)_":: Empty Batch Discarded")
                          set tStatus=$$$OK
                            // Set tStatus = $$$EnsSystemError
                            Set tStatus = $$$ERROR($$$EnsRecordMapErrBatchHeaderNotFound,$classname($this))
   Set pBatch = ..%New()
   Set pLookAhead = $get(pLookAhead)
 Catch ex
      $$$TRACE("in catch]")
    Set tStatus = $$$EnsSystemError
 Quit tStatus

Since this is made up of three classes how do I control the status to send the call with within the block have a look at where  I have newStatus and I would like to quit and pass new status

Try to check who calls GetBatchHeader and what it returns.

At a glance, I think it's called from GetBatchObject method of EnsLib.RecordMap.Service.BatchStandard class:

Set tStatus = $classmethod(..BatchClass, "GetBatchHeader", pIOStream, pTimeout, .pBatch, .pLookAhead)
If $$$ISERR(tStatus) Quit

Check that tStatus is not an error, fix GetBatchHeader it if it's an error.