
I'm often required to copy the database from production to test.

This is to 'refresh' the database on test.

To achieve this I copy all required IRIS.DAT files from production to test.

The nodes are mirrored on production.

The nodes are not mirrored on test.

Each of the database files IRIS.DAT has a mirror attribute.

Is there a way of checking if the mirror attribute is set for the database file? eg. an objectScript program

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I have installed Visual Studio on my PC and connecting to IRIS on my Linux server.

I have installed the InterSystems extensions.

I click on the InterSystems icon on left->Click on "Choose Server and Namespace" -> Pick my server myTrak.

However I get this error:
request to https://mytrak:52773/api/atelier/ failed,
reason: write EPROTO 18648712:error:100000f7:SSL routines:OPENSSL_internal: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER:../../third_party/boringssl/src/ssl/tls_record.cc:242:

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· Mar 13, 2018
idx and cache

I am new to cache. idx is a language for cache database? we have cache database on aix and planning to move to linux, but i was told only aix is supported since idx only works on aix. can someone help me to understand?

thank you very much.


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0 730

Hello Community,

when trying to send HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request objects to an external FHIR server, I get errors: ERROR #6156: No match between server name '...' and SSL certificate values '...'. The reason is pretty clear, the problem is that we don't get correct certificates in time, but have some pressure to go live with the interface.

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0 383

Hello everyone,

I talked to a colleague and he said that at the other company he worked, they converted a routine into a line and used that in the terminal like a command. So, I want to know if we have this function native in Intersystems products, or maybe was a program they created, my colleague doesn't remember and this would be useful for me now.


Example of function:

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We have a PAS that accepts HL7v2 QBP^Q21 requests, and returns patient details in an RSP^K21.

We have a clinical system that wants to sent an http GET request of the form http://server/getpatientbyid?pid=M1234567

So I think I need to convert the query url into a QBP^Q21 (HL7) message, then take the response in HL7v2, convert to SDA, convert to FHIR, and put that in the response to the original GET.

Does anyone have any experience doing this? is there an approach you would recomend?

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0 2.1K

I am trying to migrate our SQL Connections from HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3 to IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.2 using the Data Export/Import Wizard through the Management Portal. I am able to export the data fine, but I am running into issues trying to Import it into 2022.2 using the Data Import Wizard. When I run through the steps it is not importing everything from the txt file I created from 2018.1.3. I would rather not have to rekey all the connections if possible.

Here is the Background Task Error Log

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I'm new to the system I'm working on, and I have a part of a statement that needs to grab the previous month.

....and MONTH(TX3.date_of_service)= MONTH(dateadd(mm,-1,GETDATE()))

However, when it hits January, I'm left with month 0.

Does anyone know a workaround to grab December of the previous year, while still functioning normally for the rest of the current year.

Thank you!

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0 155
· Apr 26, 2018
Sync problems on startup

Often, the first time I start up Eclipse (Atelier plug-in), all of my local classes indicate "warning" as if they are out-of-sync. When I try to synchronize, I get the following error:

Synchronization failed: [server is broken] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Provider org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl could not be instantiated: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No generator was provided and there is no default generator registered

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0 600

Hi *,

I want to dynamically generate the arguments of a method during compile time.

'For example, I want the following method

ClassMethod DoCleverStuf() As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    do %code.WriteLine("    Set tSC = $$$OK")

to look like this in the .int code.

ClassMethod DoCleverStuf(pValue1 As %Integer, pValue2 As %String) As %Status [ CodeMode = objectgenerator ]
    // some generated code will be here

Is this possible? Or alternativel;y, can I generate a whole method at compile time?


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0 201

I am working with a client to try and export a set of tasks defined in the Task Manager from one system to another. I am not seeing any API for this. I can query this information in SQL. So I tried to use the Data Export Wizard from the System Management portal in the SQL window. Export was fine. Importing failed with a "can't insert into read only field" error. Looking at the class definition does not help since the implementation details are not visible.

So how would one accomplish this? Export scheduled tasks from one system to another?

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0 1.5K

Hi all,

Do you know if there is a way to create a Lock that is related to an existing transaction, in the sense that if transaction is finished (commit or rollback) Lock is removed. I ask this because in the following example Lock is there until process is killed.

Example :


Lock +^MyLock


I know, that, Caché itself is locking internally a table register when doing an OpenId with exclusive flag during the transaction life. For example :


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0 435

I created a REST service that works well if called via VPN, for example the url returns a JSON string as expected.
If I replace the ip with the ip used for our public website nothing happens. If I remove the port :57772 the browser returns a 404 error page.
Do I have to use a different port or is this caused by the settings of our web server? (We are using Apache Web Server: Apache Cache_Server_Pages-Apache_Module/2016.1.0.656.0-1601.1554d)

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0 417

I'm just getting started with Atelier and HealthShare. I created a persistent class, then realized I didn't want it. There is information in help about resetting storage definitions, where you use 'delete' in Studio. I tried that in Atelier. It deleted the class but not the storage. I can't delete the table directly because I didn't set it to allow DDL. This was done in a development environment and there is no data in the table. So, two questions:

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0 276

Hello, I want to show a fellow DC member how to convert JSON file into HL7 message. I personally do not work with HL7. I set up a production with EnsLib.File.PassthroughService. It passes Ens.StreamContainer to BPL process. I call a DTL to transform StreamContainer to HL7 message. I run into an error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP JSON2HL7 # due to error: ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''
> ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''

The code is in this GitHub repo:

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0 438

Hey all,

I have been creating a class to handle file encryption by using GPG keys. I pushed my code out today and my encrypt and decrypt methods weren't working. About a half an hour later in troubleshooting I found out that it needed to be a syntax change. My method has three parameters to it. Examples below:

This is how I was calling it in the test system with no issues:

do gpg.Encrypt()

This is how I was having to call it in my production system to work with no issues:

do gpg.Encrypt("","","")

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