There are many ways to generate excel files using Intersystems, some of them are ZEN reports, IRIS reports ( Logi reports or formally known as JReports), or we can use third party Java libraries, the possibilities are almost endless.

But, what if you want to create a simple spreadsheet with only Caché ObjectScript? (no third party applications)

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,990 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi All - we recently released an updated version of Configuring Alerts for Clinicians with Healthcare Action Engine. This exercise for HealthShare customers allows you to get a taste of the key features of Healthcare Action Engine, which was recently announced at Global Summit. You will build decision support that results in clinical actions in this exercise. Feel free to check it out if you are a HealthShare customer!

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Hi Developers!

We're happy to announce the first Developers Random Coffee launched on Global Masters. The idea is to create new impactful connections between Developer Community members.

The mechanic is simple:

✅ You will receive a direct message on Global Masters with the name of your Random Coffee partner and link to his/her GM profile.

Your task is to message your partner and schedule 15-min online call to get to know each other.

✅ Don't forget to take a screenshot of the online call meeting - you will be able to upload it in the challenge and get 500 bonus points on Global Masters!

Ready to join Random Coffee in July? Complete >> this challenge << till July 19!

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· Jul 7, 2022

Hi, can anyone tell me how I should do the parameter calculation below in the MSM / MUMPS of Intersystems? STAP SIZE

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I have followed the Article: Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab, On our own Linux environment it works well but when I try to run it on a clients windows server; and the following command is run by the runner

irissession IRISHEALTH -U TEST "##class(isc.git.GitLab).load()"

we get the following "error"


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0 341

Let's say I have two lists of connected data where elements of listTwo only make sense if given an item of listOne as context:

listOne = ["A", "B", "C"]

listTwo = ["x", "y", "z"]

Tuples like ("A", "y") and ("C, "x") make sense, but "A" or "x" by themselves don't. I would like to pass in a list of such tuples into a method and have it handle each tuple in the list. So what would be the best way to format them given that ObjectScript does not have specialized tuples? Would it be nested $LISTBUILD lists or something else?

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What's a good way to add a custom hyperlink to a table item in Clinical Viewer (CV2)? I am customizing the Diagnostic Studies page, and have a custom transform that returns the HTML code for the hyperlink. The hyperlink is supposed to open a custom CSP page in a new window or tab.

Using the layout editor, I then tried adding several "items" to the table like an Icon or External Viewer Link, and use the custom transform to get the hyperlink, but these items only show up as plain text and do not link to any page. How do I turn these items into a hyperlink?

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Hi All,

When I log into Backup mirror member it becomes too slow to load and navigate, I tried to check message log and I saw the error message about Database mirror latency and database disk issue which when I check it looks fine to me. Please have a look at the below screenshots and advise what the issue could be.

When I run df -h through SSH :

200G is the volume size, 194G is used space, 6.5G is available space and 97% IS %Use

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· Jul 12, 2022
French speaking people, unite!

Hey Community!

If you follow our updates, you should know that several months ago we created a new regional community for all those people who speak (and write) French!

You can find it here:

After only three months we already have 25 members (I know, it doesn't sound a lot compared to 11.000 members on English Community, but French Community is a newborn compared to an adult) and more than 140 articles, 3.000 views, and 160 likes. We already have exclusive content not present on other regional Communities and our own "thing" which you may spot in our recaps of different events where moderators and admins from the French Community were present.

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I'm trying to migrate a database from cache to iris but i get this from one of the classes on compiling.

ERROR #9101: Global name 'Jobcosting.JobActivityGroupGroupD' for 'IDLocation' is too long, must be no more than 31 characters in length.
> ERROR #5030: An error occurred while compiling class 'Jobcosting.JobActivityGroup'

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0 366

Hi Community,

OpenAPI-Client Gen has just released, this is an application to create an IRIS Interoperability Production client from Swagger 2.0 specification.

Instead of the existing tool ^%REST that creates a server-side REST application, OpenAPI-Client Gen creates a complete REST Interoperability Production client template.

Install by ZPM:

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0 998

Hi! As a developer who was forced to move from Mac to Windows (temporary) I found some things a bit confusing. In this article I would like to talk about some tweaks I made to make my experience smoother. I think it can help not only Mac users who need to use Windows environment (for ex. in VMs), but also can help some Windows users to make some things more convenient. Of course, all the points are subjective, the best setup is one that works for you.

All the tweaks are related to Windows 10 as I don’t have an access to Windows 11 at the moment.

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube channel:

Multi Model Capabilities of InterSystems IRIS
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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I work on deploying IRIS using Kubernetes operator and Red Hat OpenShift. I encouraged another team working on Java application to consider using IRIS as database. My team deployed IRIS cluster using two mirrored data pods for the other team. The other team asked me for the connection information.

To learn how to use Java with IRIS, I attempted to deploy two apps from Open Exchange:

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0 247

Hi Community,

We are excited to announce that InterSystems Developers Meetups are finally back in person!

The first Python-related meetup will take place on July 21 at 6:00 at Democracy Brewing, Boston, MA. There will be 2-3 short presentations related to Python, Q&A, networking sessions as well as free beer with snacks and brewery tours.


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