· Mar 24, 2023

InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL and IntegratedML Contest

Hey Developers,

We'd like to invite you to join our next contest dedicated to creating AI/ML solutions that use Cloud SQL to work with data: 

🏆 InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL and IntegratedML Contest 🏆

Duration: April 3 - April 23, 2023

Prize pool: $13,500


The topic

💡  InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL with IntegratedML Contest 💡

In this contest, we expect to see applications full-stack, frontend, or backend applications that make use of InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL to work with data and optionally will utilize its IntegratedML option to create AI/ML solutions. Your application could be a library, package, tool, or any SQL or/and AI/ML solution which uses InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL on a backend.

Basically, we invite you to use InterSystems IRIS in this contest as a 100% SQL engine with an AutoML option via IntegratedML offering.

Here you can deploy InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL.

Here you can get information on InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL product along with the IntegratedML feature.

General Requirements:

  1. Accepted applications: new to Open Exchange apps or existing ones, but with a significant improvement. Our experts will review all applications before approving them for the contest.
  2. The application should use InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL instance as a backend. Deploy it here.
  3. Types of applications that match: - anything. Any business solution, technology example, backend, frontend or full-stack application.
  4. The application should be an Open Source and published on GitHub. 
  5. The README file to the application should be in English, contain the installation steps, and contain either the video demo or/and a description of how the application works.
  6. One developer can enter the competition with a maximum of 3 applications.


1. Experts Nomination - a specially selected jury will determine the winners:

🥇 1st place - $5,000 

🥈 2nd place - $3,000 

🥉 3rd place - $1,500

🏅 4th place - $750

🏅 5th place - $500

🌟 6-10th places - $100

2. Community winners - an application that will receive the most votes in total:

🥇 1st place - $1000 

🥈 2nd place - $750 

🥉 3rd place - $500

If several participants score the same amount of votes, they all are considered winners, and the money prize is shared among the winners.  

Important Deadlines:

🛠 Application development and registration phase:

  • April 3, 2023 (00:00 EST): Contest begins.
  • April 16, 2023 (23:59 EST): Deadline for submissions.

 Voting period:

  • April  17, 2023 (00:00 EST): Voting begins.
  • April  23, 2023 (23:59 EST): Voting ends.

Note: Developers can improve their apps throughout the entire registration and voting period.

Who can participate?

Any Developer Community member, except for InterSystems employees. Create an account!

👥 Developers can team up to create a collaborative application. Allowed from 2 to 5 developers in one team.

Do not forget to highlight your team members in the README of your application – DC user profiles.

Helpful resources

✓ Documentation:

✓ Tools:

  • irissqlcli - python SQL terminal for InterSystems IRIS 

Connect to IRIS Cloud SQL:

 irissqlcli -h your-iris-cloud-sql-server -p 1972 -u SQLAdmin -n USER -W

Connect to IRIS Cloud SQL via SSL:

 irissqlcli -h your-iris-cloud-sql-server -p 1972 -u SQLAdmin -c certificateSQLaaS.pem -n USER -W

Using docker container with iris-sql locally for development purposeses:

 Start IRIS in docker container locally:

docker run --rm --name iris-sql -d -p 9091:1972 -p 9092:52773  -e IRIS_PASSWORD=demo -e IRIS_USERNAME=demo intersystemsdc/iris-community

And connect via irissqlcli:

irissqlcli iris://demo:demo@localhost:9091/USER

You can connect also via other SQL tools.

✓ Example applications:

✓ Online Learning Material:

✓ How to submit your app to the contest:

Need Help?

Join the contest channel on InterSystems' Discord server or talk with us in the comment to this post. 

We can't wait to see your projects! Good luck 👍

By participating in this contest, you agree to the competition terms laid out here. Please read them carefully before proceeding. 

NB Dear contestants, please take into consideration that support for the contest cloud sql environment is only available during business hours M-F 9-5 US Eastern Time. We seem to be experiencing a failure of the cloud environment such that deployments are stuck in Pending status for some users.

Discussion (18)6
Log in or sign up to continue

Example of using SQLAlchemy+Pandas, works with this Cloud SQL as well

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd

server = '<your-server-hostname>'
port = 1972
namespace = 'USER'
username = 'SQLAdmin'
password = '<YOUR_PASSWORD>'

url = f"iris://{username}:{password}@{server}:{port}/{namespace}"
engine = create_engine(url)

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'int': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
    'float': [1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4, 5.5],
    'string': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'],
    'datetime': pd.date_range('20130101', periods=5),
    'bool': [True, False, True, False, True]

# create a table in IRIS
df.to_sql('iris_table', engine, if_exists='replace', schema='sqlalchemy')

# read the table back from IRIS 
df2 =  pd.read_sql_table('iris_table', engine, schema='sqlalchemy')
# print the dataframe

Hey Devs!

The recording of the "[Kick-off Webinar] InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL and IntegratedML Contest" is on  InterSystems Developers YouTube!
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I tried to create an account on

Just the welcome mail never arrived.
the page proposed to contact admin in this case   

Note: If you do not receive an email, it might be that the username or email address entered is not registered for an account. If you are unable to remember the username or email address you used to sign up for an account, please contact your system administrator for assistance.

No further notice. Who is that system admin? Which mail ?
Not so impressive

Thanks, Robert -- we will look into that and see what the problem is. Granted, it is Easter Sunday so my apologies that our team will likely get to it at some point tomorrow angel

Note: Our InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL service is not yet publicly available, and we hope this contest uncovers bugs -- so we encourage all the participants in the contest to let us know when they see anything that doesn't match their expectations, no matter how trivial!

Good luck hacking!

Often we need to clean-up IRIS and start from a clear page with empty database. Docker containers could be an ideal option for that.

 Start IRIS in docker container locally:

docker run --rm --name iris-sql -d --publish 9091:1972 --publish 9092:52773 intersystemsdc/iris-community -a "iris session iris -U%SYS '##class(Security.Users).UnExpireUserPasswords(\"*\")'"

And connect via irissqlcli:

irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM:SYS@localhost:9091/USER

You can connect also via other SQL tools.

Use the approach only for development purposes.

There was a new release of intersystemsdc vanilla images.

Now you can use ENV variables to start IRIS with user, pass and namespace created.

E.g.  here is how to start:

docker run --rm --name iris-sql -d -p 9091:1972 -p 9092:52773  -e IRIS_PASSWORD=demo -e IRIS_USERNAME=demo intersystemsdc/iris-community

Here is how to connect via irissqlcli:

irissqlcli iris://demo:demo@localhost:9091/USER

I see that it's a known situation, they even added a NB in the post:

NB Dear contestants, please take into consideration that support for the contest cloud sql environment is only available during business hours M-F 9-5 US Eastern Time. We seem to be experiencing a failure of the cloud environment such that deployments are stuck in Pending status for some users.