Hi everyone

I have a datacombo that displayes value from a db table.

I would like to set one of this value as default value. How can I do that? Is there a way to say selected value given the text or the Id from the DB table?

Thanks a lot and kind regards


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Hi Everyone,

I am trying to reference a field, however, in our production environment, it can be found in the first second or third iteration. My code was only qualifying on the first iteration. I have been attempting to include all iterations, but I have come up short...below is a snippet of what I am attempting to use. My original code simply had GetValueAt("PID:13.4") but this only referenced the first iteration. Thanks for any thoughts!

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· May 13, 2021
Incoming http messages setup

I need some help. I have a requirement where HL7 messages will be sent through http. I am trying to read through the documentation & want some guidance.

The client is asking for a URL. So should I simply send the Ensemble url to them? Does the message structure change? How does Ensemble handle incoming http messages? Do I just create a http business service and it should come across fine?

Has anyone done a project with http? Would love some information on how it worked for you

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0 263

Hello everyone,

Recently, I've been working on a Business Process that processes a large JSON FHIR message containing up to 50k requests in an array within the JSON.

Currently, the code imports the JSON as a dynamic object from the original message stream, obtains an iterator from it, and processes each request one at a time in a loop.

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Hello all,

I am trying to start java gateway and constantly getting an error in terminal:
"%RemoteService+3^%Net.Remote.Gateway.1 *%Exception.StatusException ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: TCP error on port '55555', ensure there is an Object Gateway running on this port". I've checked jvm and it is running properly, telnet also is able to connect to the port.

Has anyone encountered this issue before?

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0 263

Running Cache 2017.2.2.

I'm trying to make a REST API call in JSON format. When using the example in the class reference documentation the getJSON method in the %Net.Http class throws the error <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST> on a %Clone() method in the %LIbrary.DynamicObject class. I even changed the parameter to a JSON string to no avail. The code will then fail on the %Compose method (examples below). My workaround is to use the %Net.HttpRequest functionality. Is there another workaround to this?

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· Oct 7, 2017
.xls format problem

When i tried to print .txt format,data will be coming without space between each row but when
I tried to print .xls format mean ,it gives gap of each row.what is the reason behind this?

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· Jul 24, 2020
Uptime reports for Ensemble HL7

Good morning all,

Could we please get some insight on what is possible (or what other organizations may be using) for tracking uptime for our HL7 engine? We can use Activity Tracking to show how many messages went through, but are there any good canned reports (or queries) about the number of message failures or the amount of time that an interface was down?

We are using alerting to the team to know about not getting messages or if messages failed. Has anyone created a report or dashboard against the Ens.Alert table or would you recommend elsewhere?

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I found another question on how to change the language for Studio (but it would've been nice to have my actual language used - Ukrainian, since it's available, or was available). Still, I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of gibberish in the menu without changing the Windows settings:

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0 262

The 2023.1 Clinical Viewer appears to have data dependencies that need to be met in order for data to surface from the SDA to the chart. Examples:

1. Lab results need to have a collection date or they will not display.

2. Observations need to have their UoM and codes in the portal txt files in order to display.

Are all of these requirements documented?

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0 262

Hi, I think it's a simple question this at the end of something fairly complex

I've a DTL to go to a target class in context

I get the error CLASS DOES NOT callrequest=##class(context.ConnectDocumentRequest).%New()'

I attempted to add code to initate the context with

set context.ConnectDocumentRequest =##class(Penn.EDT.Messages.ConnectDocumentRequest).%New()

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0 262

This is a bit of an IRIS question but also and OAuth 2.0 questions:

I am using %OAuth2.JWT.JWTToObject() to "validate" a JWT. My questions:

- While I am checking claims with the returned body, does the return status of the method "count" as a validation step? In other words, if I weren't checking claims and $$$OK was returned from that method call (passing in the token and public keys), I could feel confident that this token came from the expected auth server?

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0 262

Hello community!

I'm creating a script to remove an item (component) from the Ensemble production, I know there is a manual way to do it but as there are several components the idea is to use a script to be faster.

I tried using %Delete() and doing a select on Ens.Config.Item, but this ends up generating several errors in production. Does anyone have any idea how I can do this simply?

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0 262

Good morning:

Thank you very much for reading the doubt and above all thank you very much for answering.

Given the following use case:

If we have a Destination Service that through a HTTP GET by REST gives us a certain JSON response, where it should be noted that it is a list of objects where each object in the list does NOT have a key:

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0 262

Hi all,

We are doing a SQL server upgrade to SQL server v.15 from a legacy server which had v.10 . I have our Cache server as a linked server int order to pull data from our system. When building out the ROWSPEC, I have my fields typed as %String with various lengths with one field having a max length of 15000. The SQL server is trying to interpret this as a text data type instead of varchar(n). Text is a depracated data type since SQL server 2008. The error below is produced when trying to query from this view

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0 261


I open a specific file into a studio by using this command : Cstudio.exe /Servername=HEALTHSHARE/Namespace=User /files=MyClass.CLS

I would like not open a new studio when i execute a second time the command with one other file.

I would like open the second file in the same studio that the first file (I have to keep 2 calls)

For exemple :

--> Studio is closed:

1 st call : Cstudio.exe /Servername=HEALTHSHARE/Namespace=User /files=MyClass.CLS

--> Studio open with my MyClass.CLS file

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