Hi Community,

We are not using github or any source safe till now. We have ensemble hl7 interfaces (business services, processes, operations)available in production. Now we want to deploy these interfaces to a brand new cloud server with iris instance.

Here in current production we have studio access but new cloud server iris we have only vscode access.

I have exported all the classes from current production using Studio and I have exported xml file with me.

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I am running a script from a CMD command line using : C:\CacheSys\Bin\cterm.exe /console=cn_iptcp:[23] myscript.SCR %CD%

The script should authorize something (or not) in the following lines of the GO.CMD

But How can i return an information from inside the script to the GO.CMD script ?

Any idea ?

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0 279

Hi everyone,
I met this Jenkins build problem when commit to P4.

ERROR #5001: GUID reference(s) missing from stream websys/TranslationType/questionnaire.QCNXXCVD.Edit/68D7225A-DE63-11EB-AF4C-005056B66BA0.xml; 35551C28-0C38-11EB-A1C8-005056B66BA0

So how can I solve this problem. Would anybody help me?

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0 344

I am in the process of creating a python report writer that includes the information contained in "License Usage" page of the management portal. I think I have a handle on the local values contained in the report using the %SYSTEM.License class I have those defined using these methods:

Current License Units Used - -> LUConsumed

Maximum License Units Used --> LUMaxConsumed

License Units Enforced --> KeyEnforcedUnits

License Units Authorized --> KeyLicenseUnits

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0 301


I am running InterSystems iris 2021.1 from the container and I have version 2020.1.1 is installed locally. While running studio locally I am getting below error message:

"Version mismatch. Studio version 2020.1.1 unable to connect to server version 2021.1
Upgrade to a later version of the client to resolve this error"

Looking Forward


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0 423

I'm new to cache, come from an oracle and sql server background. In oracle and sql server I could write basically a stored procedure like script and pass it in as text to the command to execute.


Below would be the _sqltext


select id into @Id from something;

if @Id = 9


do something


The _sqltext would work in sql server, what would be the equivalent for cache for it work?

I get a generic error when I try it with cache

0 2
0 236

We have an implementation with a bunch of users, and a bunch of namespaces, both of which are added and removed frequently, and the users have restrictive perms in the namespaces (lets just say, not %All)... and the users are utilizing the VSCODE extension for development.

Per the instructions and the user experience, we need to run:

GRANT EXECUTE ON %Library.RoutineMgr_StudioOpenDialog TO ${user}

For ... each Namespace, and additionally %SYS for Web Apps.

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0 332

Good Afternoon My InterSystems IRIS Peers,

I have the following issue that I need help with, I tried all possibilities that I know of, therefore I am reaching out to the community for some insight.

I have a SFTP service that pulling 2.5.1 DFT HL7 messages from our SFTP file server. The issue is that IRIS is transforming patients names and addresses that contain special chars UTF-8 to ANSI.


è = è
é = é
í = í- .......etc

0 7
0 1.2K

I have a python script that is pulling the cache instance key expiration date ( KeyExpirationDate() ) which comes back as an integer. With the queryscript function - $ZDATE(73284) I can derive the actual expiration date. Is there a manner or method of creating an equivalent Python script that will convert the integer return by the KeyExpirationDate() method into a date string?

0 1
1 250

Does any one could tell me how can I access the target properties from inside SQL in DTL Subtransform? For example, if I use the following statement:

SELECT ID INTO :target.SetIDPID FROM firstlook.person WHERE FirstName = 'Paul' - as said in documentation :

  SELECT Name INTO :target.Name FROM MainFrame.EmployeeRecord WHERE SSN = :source.SSN AND City = :source.Home.City

I get an Error: ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>

0 1
0 290

The Complex Recordmapper specify a map for headers, body, and trailers, but it expects all three to have fixed Leading Data to identify the record type. But what if the Header and Trailer have Leading Data, but not the body records? I can't seem to find a way to do this. For example:



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0 272

I am writing a Python tool to query our cache instances for various information. I have set up the connection without issue:

import intersys.pythonbind3 as pyb

conn = pyb.connection()

db = pyb.database(conn)
qry = pyb.query(db)
obj = pyb.object(db)

I wanted to make the call:

execRes = qry.prepare_class("SYS.Database",'FreeSpace')

But fetching fails because of data mismatches ( as I understand from other posts) and my testing bears out this type of failure.

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0 208
· Jun 9, 2017
Emergency Access

What is the purpose to use Emergency Access Mode in Cache? How to establishes a Connection without performing authentication?

0 6
0 1.5K

I want to have a script that can run from the usual unix, linux, or aix command line. It has to be able to get into an irissession and use set statements to get data using sql. It seems like I'm in a catch-22. When I use the irissession SERVER command at the command line, I can't run a script. When I put the irissession SERVER command in a script, it won't run anything in the script after that.

My goal for this script is to get this information and put it into a file which I can then parse.

0 10
0 2.1K
· Aug 24, 2021
ECP system ID


I'm looking through some journal entries in the hope of finding the root source of an issue.
I was wondering if and how you can map a "ECP system id" to a server.

Any hints would be welcome

Best regards

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0 369


I was playing around with the python binding for caché (2018.1.4) and I ran into some problems.

When executing the class query "List" from SYS.Database the pythonbind interface throws an exception, that seems to be caused by a mismatch of the defined SQL datatypes for this query and what is actually returned (or the lack of type conversion in the pythonbind interface).

Is this a known issue ? Are there solutions/workarounds for this,
Or is this a bug ?

The details:

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0 479

Hi There,

I am reaching out to the community to see if anyone has implemented SSO via SAML into TrakCare from Azure AD?

Also looking to see if anyone has come across automated role provisioning, I have seen this from an IRIS perspective but not directly into TrakCare.

Thanks in Advance



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