Index to Articles

Published 2018-05-11 Last edit -

Hi All

I this article I detail some strategic issues that a new development UI will need to address - these are the ones that I can think of now - others may come to light during this journey.

See the webinar by Eduard Lebedyuk here from the last Global Summit describing modern web development and Caché

And, as always, if I have missed something please comment....

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Every developer has made the mistake of accidentally leaving temporary debug code in place when they meant to remove it after debugging is complete. The great thing about writing in ObjectScript is that there is a way to make temporary code be truly temporary and automatically self-destruct! This can also be done in such a way that the code has no change of making it into your source control stream, which can be helpful as well.

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APM normally focuses on the activity of the application but gathering information about system usage gives you important background information that helps understand and manage the performance of your application so I am including the IRIS History Monitor in this series.

In this article I will briefly describe how you start the IRIS or Caché History Monitor to build a record of the system level activity to go with the application activity and performance information you gather. I will also give examples of SQL to access the information.

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Here is an ObjectScript snippet which lets to create database, namespace and a web application for InterSystems IRIS:

    set currentNS = $namespace

    zn "%SYS"

    write "Create DB ...",!
    set dbName="testDB"
    set dbProperties("Directory") = "/InterSystems/IRIS/mgr/testDB"
    set status=##Class(Config.Databases).Create(dbName,.dbProperties)
    write:'status $system.Status.DisplayError(status)
    write "DB """_dbName_""" was created!",!!

    write "Create namespace ...",!
    set nsName="testNS"
    //DB for globals
    set nsProperties("Globals") = dbName
    //DB for routines
    set nsProperties("Routines") = dbName
    set status=##Class(Config.Namespaces).Create(nsName,.nsProperties)
    write:'status $system.Status.DisplayError(status)
    write "Namespace """_nsName_""" was created!",!!

    write "Create web application ...",!
    set webName = "/csp/testApplication"
    set webProperties("NameSpace") = nsName
    set webProperties("Enabled") = $$$YES
    set webProperties("IsNameSpaceDefault") = $$$YES
    set webProperties("CSPZENEnabled") = $$$YES
    set webProperties("DeepSeeEnabled") = $$$YES
    set webProperties("AutheEnabled") = $$$AutheCache
    set status = ##class(Security.Applications).Create(webName, .webProperties)
    write:'status $system.Status.DisplayError(status)
    write "Web application """webName""" was created!",!

    zn currentNS

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This week I am going to look at CPU, one of the primary hardware food groups :) A customer asked me to advise on the following scenario; Their production servers are approaching end of life and its time for a hardware refresh. They are also thinking of consolidating servers by virtualising and want to right-size capacity either bare-metal or virtualized. Today we will look at CPU, in later posts I will explain the approach for right-sizing other key food groups - memory and IO.

So the questions are:

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Hi Developers!

When you prepare your modules for ZPM (InterSystems Package Manager) it expects the certain directory structure for ObjectScript source files.

ObjectScript in your source folder need to be stored by types in the following subfolders. E.g. if you have the source folder named as /src the structure should be as follows:


/cls - for classes

/inc - for include files

/mac - for mac files

/int - for interpretable files

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· Feb 13, 2017 14m read
Creating custom SNMP OIDs

This post is dedicated to the task of monitoring a Caché instance using SNMP. Some users of Caché are probably doing it already in some way or another. Monitoring via SNMP has been supported by the standard Caché package for a long time now, but not all the necessary parameters are available “out of the box”. For example, it would be nice to monitor the number of CSP sessions, get detailed information about the use of the license, particular KPI’s of the system being used and such. After reading this article, you will know how to add your parameters to Caché monitoring using SNMP.

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Hi guys!

Was coding today with InterSystems IRIS in a docker container and decided to share with you the commands you may find useful in everyday coding.

# docker-compose build

command to build a container. Remember, it is useful if you have dockerfile in the repo.

if the build is successful call the following to launch it:

# docker-compose up -d

Find IRIS management portal on:


where the port is what you set in docker-compose.yml - 52775 in this case.

Run the following if you want to launch a terminal session inside IRIS container:

# docker-compose iris iris session iris

gfhj gj 



And run the following to shut down the container:

# docker-compose down


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This article will provide tips and tricks on customizing Ensemble business hosts with configurable settings.

Ensemble production Settings are configurable values that control the behavior of a production and its hosts.

The documentation for adding and removing Settings and specifying categories and controls for Settings is provided at the link:

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Hi Developers!

InterSystems Package Manager (ZPM) is a great thing, but it is even better if you don't need to install it but can use immediately.

There are several ways how to do this and here is one approach of having IRIS container with ZPM built with dockerfile.

I've prepared a repository which has a few lines in dockerfile which perform the download and install the latest version of ZPM.

Add these lines to your standard dockerfile for IRIS community edition and you will have ZPM installed and ready to use.

To download the latest ZPM client:

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1. Purpose

This is a 10-minute simple step-by-step guide on how to quickly set up various flavors of HealthShare docker containers from scratch on a Win10 laptop.

For example, we can build a couple of HealthShare "global edition vs UK Edition" demos as shown below.

There are a couple of frequently asked questions from HealthShare colleagues and partners:

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The Management Portal allows you to Export one or more globals to a file that you can then Import into that or another namespace. However, the Management Portal can only be used to export entire globals. For exporting selected nodes or subtrees within a global, a different utility is necessary. This utility is the Export() classmethod in the %Library.Global class, which can export an entire global but also has the ability to export selected nodes or subtrees.

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The DeclarativeCOS project is a heartfelt cry about programming in the COS language.

The purpose of the project is to draw attention of the public to improving the inner core of COS.

The idea of the project is the support of a laconic syntax for cycles and collections.

So what is this laconic something that I have come up with? Welcome to the examples below!


The key concept underlying the project is the declarative approach to writing code. You need to specify WHAT should be used and HOW.

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· Aug 21, 2019 2m read

Hello everyone,
After some work with IRIS we want to share our ToolBox-4-Iris with you.

What is this about?

The ToolBox-4-Iris is an API for IRIS with a collection of handy and useful tools - features that are not available in IRIS, but greatly simplify application development. To save time and effort on the "typical tools" that every developer needs. This includes additional classes, individual methods or even more efficient macros, which are described in the respective packages.


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EDIT: This article has been updated with up-to-date information about the Port project, which now includes a tutorial for basic usage.

The Port project is something that I've introduced more than two years ago but I hadn't enough room to elaborate a tutorial on how to use it till now.

First, the motivation:

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Our team is reworking an application to use REST services that use the same database as our current ZEN application. One of the new REST endpoints uses a query that ran very slowly when first implemented. After some analysis, we found that an index on one of the fields in the table greatly improved performance (a query that took 35 seconds was now taking a fraction of a second).

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(Originally posted by @Ben Spead on June 25, 2014)

This code snippet generates a list of Ensemble Lookup Tables and Schema documents in the user's current namespace. Run the code by running the class method "test":

Class benspead.EnsTablesSchema
    classmethod test() {
        If ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%ExistsId("Ens.Util.LookupTableDocument") {
            // only supported in Ensemble 2012.1+
            Write !,!,"Exporting Ensemble Lookup Tables..."
            Set sc = $$$OK
            Set rs = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("Ens.Util.LookupTableDocument:List")
            Do rs.Execute()
            While rs.Next() {
                Set item=rs.Data("name")
                Write "document found: "_ item,!
            Do rs.Close()
            Set rs=""
        If ##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%ExistsId("EnsLib.HL7.SchemaDocument") {
            Write !,!,"Exporting Ensemble HL7 Schemas..."
            Set sc = $$$OK
            Set rs = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("EnsLib.HL7.SchemaDocument:List")
            Do rs.Execute()
            While rs.Next() {
                Set item=rs.Data("name")
                Write "document found: "_ item,!
            Do rs.Close()
            Set rs=""

Here's a link to the code on GitHub:

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Object Synchronization is a feature that has been around for a while, since Caché days, but I wanted to explore a bit more how it works. I've always thought that database automatic synchronization is complex by nature but, for some particular scenarios shouldn't be so hard. So I considered a very simple use case (OK, perhaps the typical one, I'm not discovering anything... but if it's common and it works, it's good wink ).

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· Jul 18, 2017 2m read
Old/New Dynamic SQL Cheat Sheet

The newer dynamic SQL classes (%SQL.Statement and %StatementResult) perform better than %ResultSet, but I did not adopt them for some time because I had learned how to use %ResultSet. Finally, I made a cheat sheet, which I find useful when writing new code or rewriting old code. I thought other people might find it useful.

First, here is a somewhat more verbose adaptation of my cheat sheet:

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