InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,046 amazing developers
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First the question then the background:

Can you increase the amount of read operations that are being performed simulatiously to the hard drive where the cache.dat file is located.

Alternatively: Can you increase the amount that is being read with every operation?

The database is setup with 8k blocks of data that are being read. I'm currently struggeling with a bottleneck concerning the read operations from a disk.

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Hi all.

I have setup a HL7 Operation using the HTTP adapter, and I'm getting what seems to me as an unusual response. When sending a sample message to the operation, I am getting a nested ACK. For example:

MSA|AA|RWSD7V5iuEC5F6zscDWz|HTTP ACK 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' : MSH|^~\&|yyy|yyyy|xxx|xxx|20220923080633||ACK^A01|1663916793965||2.3||||||
MSA|CR|RWSD7V5iuEC5F6zscDWz|Error Message Goes Here.

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· Sep 28, 2022
Flush on CSP-page

CSP Page prosessing;

Is there a way to flush temporary cache data to csp page while server is still prosessing the end of page ?

So, the whole page is a LOOP which gathers the data. It seems to reveal the output only after when whole thing has finished. Is it possible to flush data to screen on every loop ?

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I am getting the following error , and not sure how to get passed this.

We have removed storage on the classes , did a clean compile and still we get the error below on some of the classes

ERROR! Storage on class [ MyClass] modified by storage compiler, developer should have run ^build to make sure all storage is updated correctly and saved to Perforce

Any Idea how to resolve this or what to look for ?


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· Sep 27, 2022 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - Sep. 2022

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only own YOUR package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

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I am trying to split a HL7 message (RDE O11) into several messages depending on how many RXC segments there are in the message (Two RXC segments would need to two separate HL7 messages)

I have seen a couple of posts regarding this but am struggling with my BP using ObjectScript, the idea is to take the receiving message and split this before passing it onto another BP

Here is my code so far

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· May 23, 2017
Toolbar with several lines of menu

In toolbar, by default, all items show on one line and when menu items do not fit on visible part of screen, invisible items hide and appear two buttons - last item and previous item.

I want, in that case, items, which do not fit on visible part of screen, go on second line. In other words, I want all items to be visible.

Is it possible to configure toolbar for behavior I want?

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Hi folks!

We have a bunch of templates on OEX that provide a handy foundation for building a particular application with IRIS. And the basic principle of each and every template is that we take vanilla IRIS images, load code, and files into the image using Dockerfile, and create a new docker image as a solution. And then we develop running this image and rebuilding it when returning to development.

Some developers ask me why we need to build the docker image to work with the code. Indeed, if at the end of the day I need to develop a ZPM package and not a docker image why don't run the vanilla image and load the code and everything in it?

The problem I have with the building image approach is that often I can wait a lot to build an image and it fails on some Objectscript problem in the source that I cannot fix as the image is not building. and

Any thoughts? How do you develop with docker?

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Hi Developers,

Python has a large and powerful ecosystem that contains thousands of libraries and packages available, especially in data science.

Therefore, I wanted to have a first try in using a recent feature of IRIS called Embedded Python, to simply import a python library called datetime, generate data with a timestamp component and persist it in InterSystems IRIS for Health Data Platform. The same will work on IRIS Data Platform as well.

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I have a production that takes in an HL7 message thru a business service. The business service passes the incoming HL7 message to a business process that calls a transform to transform the HL7 message to a message class. After the transform is finished, the business process uses a code block to pass the object created by the transform to a method class that processes the data in the object. What would be the correct syntax for passing in the object to the class method?

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Welcome to the next chapter of my CI/CD series, where we discuss possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab.

Today, let's talk about interoperability.


When you have an active interoperability production, you have two separate process flows: a working production that processes messages and a CI/CD process flow that updates code, production configuration and system default settings.

Clearly, CI/CD process affects interoperability. But questions are:

  • What exactly happens during an update?
  • What do we need to do to minimize or eliminate production downtime during an update?
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Trying to identify which records in the %SYS.Audit table are fails.

Eg, as user "WORKER", I run an attempted a grant, the terminal returns:

[S1000][Iris ODBC][State : S1000][Native Code 112]
[SQLCODE: <-112>:<Access violation>]
[Location: <ServerLoop>]
[%msg: <User WORKER does not have required privileges to grant the privilege(s)>]
[ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLExecute

but the record in the audit table gives

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Hey Community,

Join us to have a look back at recent developments in care planning and coordination and a look forward at what is on the horizon:

Unified Care Record: New & Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hi Community,

Let's meet together at the online meetup with the winners of the InterSystems Interoperability Contest – a great opportunity to have a discussion with the InterSystems Experts team as well as our contestants.

Winners' demo included!

Date & Time: Thursday, September 22, 09:00 AM EDT

>> Register here <<

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· Sep 22, 2022
Testing MergeCPF feature

For quite some time InterSystems IRIS supports such thing as Merging CPF. So, with help of this it should be possible to define only desired changes in configuration. And get them applied even with vanilla Docker image.

And I though it could be useful when used with Dockerfile. Use this way to configure IRIS during docker build instead of using Installer manifest.

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