InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,044 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

We have a handful of cases where we get reflex orders in an interface that contain multiple OBR segments. These are rare but when we get them, they are causing errors in down stream systems because we are unintentionally excluding OBR segments.


At the DTL level - is it possible to iterate over this segment WITHOUT altering the underlying schema? If so what would that look like?

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Hi Team,

Can you please help me to develop EDI X12 to XML and XML to EDI X12 conversion in IRIS 2021.1 for EDI 204, also known as Motor Carrier Load Tender?

Also, suggest flow for how to achieve this kind of functionality in InterSystems IRIS. If you are able to provide some Videos/Documents on the EDI X12 interface for 204 then it would be very helpful for me.


Harshdeep Acharya

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· Oct 13, 2022
Lisence usage suddenly spikes

Sometimes, our available license will drop and upon close inspection, it is caused by one or two users occupying 50 or so licenses, and we believe that if there were more, they were all gonna be used up. This occurs randomly. As is illustrated in the following figure.

Out cache version is 2016.1. It is serving a health care web application. Our web browsers are exclusively IE-11.

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HealthShare Unified Care Record Fundamentals

October 31-November 4, 2022 9:00am-5:00 US-Eastern Time (EDT)

  • This 5-day course teaches HealthShare Unified Care Record users and integrators the HealthShare Unified Care Record architecture and administration tasks.
  • The course also includes how to install HealthShare Unified Care Record.
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FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol for transmitting files over TCP/IP connections in a network (including the Internet) configured to transfer files via this protocol. In an FTP transaction, a file sender is called a local host. A file receiver involved in FTP is a remote host, and it is usually a server. Although many file transfers can be conducted using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), FTP is still commonly used to transfer files behind the scenes for other applications, such as banking services.

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I need to do a DELETE and then do some INSERT transactions on a linked table and don't want the DELETE and need to be able to ROLLBACK the DELETE if any of the INSERT transactions fail.
I have tried Object Script transaction processing (TSTART, TCOMMIT and TROLLBACK) and the SQL transaction processing (START TRANSACTION, COMMIT and ROLLBACK), but neither work.
Could I be doing something wrong in the way I am implementing these, or do does transaction processing simply not work for linked table?

Thanks for any advices, in advance.


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Hi Developers!!,

I know what you are thinking... a new feature for ZEN.proxyObject...? NOW..???

In Spain we say that better late than never ;-)

Have you ever need to send a numeric attribue of a Json in String format?

Did you go crazy casting class objects with fixed typed properties?

Lucky you!!

With this new feature I propose a way to continue working with our loved dynamic object %ZEN.proxyObject, being able to choose whether or not we want to send numeric attributes in String format.

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· Oct 15, 2022
[Video] Kubernetes Overview

Hey Developers,

In this video you will learn what Kubernetes is and how it can be beneficial for deploying containerized application workloads:

Kubernetes Overview
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· Oct 13, 2022
Docker help - Idea a thon

I do not know about others, but Docker and the intro of Docker was not a forte of mine coming into trying out new components of InterSystems IRIS. We are moving to IRIS and with that we want to incorporate into our upgrade. I have been struggling with trying to understand Docker. I know it is not an InterSystems product but the assumption that everyone knows Docker and is using Docker has caused me a great deal of time.

What is everyone's thoughts about getting some kind of docker help like a basic understanding within InterSystems documentation.

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Hi developers,

We're excited to let you know about the latest release of Serenji, your on-the-spot debugger from George James Software. Version 3.2.0 focuses on the debug experience and introduces zero configuration for users. No matter where you are or what you're doing, Serenji is always ready to go in just one click, so you won't lose focus by spending time setting up a launch configuration.

This enhanced debugger also takes advantage of the latest features of VS Code itself. With this powerful combination you'll be able to smoothly identify and quickly fix errors in your code, contributing to the production of quality, maintainable code... and isn't that what everyone wants?!

In this latest release you will experience:

  • Debugging in just one click with zero configuration.
  • Navigation directly to the source of an error using our gj :: locate technology.
  • Intuitive prompting for entrypoint and arguments.
  • Configurable break on error.
  • Program output in debug console.
  • Run and Debug CodeLenses.
  • Run multiple concurrent debug sessions and consoles.
  • Shaded background for read-only documents.

If you're a new user, it's now easier for you to get started. The introduction of a welcome page Walkthrough and guidance on the Explorer and Run and Debug views means you can effortlessly create your initial workspace and start debugging.

Download Serenji directly from the VS Code marketplace and take a look at our release notes to find out more about these new features and how to use them.

We offer a free 30 day trial so if you're not yet a user of Serenji but you're interested in how it can help you, drop me a message through the Developer Community or email us at

Happy debugging!

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· Oct 13, 2022
%Projection.Java With IRIS


I used %Projection.Java to generate the java proxy classes. Follows the projected class image.

Note that "import com.intersystems.binding.Database" was added but it displays the error cannot find symbol.

Has anyone had this problem, how was it resolved?

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Hi Community,

We're super excited to announce the 1st meetup of the Developer Community in Valencia, Spain! 🎉

It will take place on November 16 in the afternoon, from 12 to 14 PM, at the Westin Valencia hotel – the same place and day as the InterSystems Iberia Summit, which will be held there during days 16 and 17.

Announcing ArangoDB Online Meetup and the Upcoming Webinar

The Developer Meetup is the perfect event to meet other members of the Community in person, share experiences, solve doubts, learn tips & tricks, tools, and resources... and talk face-to-face with InterSystems experts!

The Meetup is open and informal. So, it is open to suggestions and to any member of the Developer Community in Spanish. And it is free, of course. All the Meetup attendees will have a present, as a keepsake from the day. And at the end of the Meetup, we will do a Kahoot quiz, with great prizes for the winners. Ah, we'll also have some pizza and drinks, the developers' food 😉

The goal of the Meetup is to make the most of the networking, but you can also participate in the event by doing a presentation.

➡️ Do you want to present your work at the Meetup?

💻 email and indicate your name, company, and the topic you want to talk about

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Hi Guys,

I'm exporting a Zen report to excel using the following : SET Status=rpt1.GenerateReport("c:\temp\Intruments.xls",10)

and it's working ok but I'm getting extra fields that they shouldn't be there.

here is the correct html format :

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Hello Community!

We're thrilled to announce yet another type of contest - the contest for the brightest idea! Please welcome:

💡 InterSystems Idea-A-Thon 💡

Suggest an idea related to InterSystems Products and Services between September 26 and October 16 and receive a guaranteed prize.

Moreover, both InterSystems employees and Community Members can participate!

>> Submit your ideas here <<

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3 1.1K

We’ll be hosting our bi-annual virtual User Group Session on Thursday, November 3rd at 3pm (GMT). We will demonstrate the new Production component driver for Deltanji - it enables highly granular management of Interoperability Productions with tight integration into the management portal.

The session is also an opportunity for us to help to problem-solve any issues you're having, and a chance for you to offer your feedback on our tools.

Those interested in finding out more about Deltanji source control are welcome to join us too.

Sign up for free on Eventbrite >>

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Our scenarios need to persist messages in the orchestrator. Our Iris Orchestrator is an ephemeral pod with no persistent disks running on AWS EKS in multiple AZ.

We want to know if the iris orchestrator has:

- AWS EFS Support
- Integration with AWS SQS
- Sharing to the same AWS EBS.

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I have recently come across a problem saving TrakCare reports as PDF files while using the MS Edge browser on a Windows 10 PC. Whenever a user selected the Save to PDF option the window Tab would crash and reset. The event was trapped and viewable in the Windows Events Viewer and showed a Fault in the AcroPDFImpl64.dll.

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Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble parsing XML containing unicode characters which I receive from an external webservice. I believe my file is saved properly with UTF-8 encoding but the SAX Parser still throws me an error.

I have 2 classmethods: 1 general one (get) to make a request to a webservice and return the date, and 1 (getSportsPerDate) to make a specific call and then parse the data.

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0 2.3K

I just wrote up a quick sample to help a colleague load data into IRIS from R using RJDBC, and figured it's worth sharing here for future reference.

Ultimately it was pretty simple, aside from IRIS not liking "." in column names; the workaround is to just rename the columns. Someone better at R than me could probably provide some generic approach. smiley

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Hi Community,

In this video you will learn about new features in InterSystems Healthshare Clinical Viewer and what's coming next:

Clinical Viewer & Navigation Application: New & Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022
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Hi -

I'm looking for some help in getting an OS level application on my server to startup from a csp page and I'm just missing something.

I have a routine (and I've tried the same code from an instance method, with the same results) that will launch an application at the OS level using the $zf(-100,keywords,program,parms) from a terminal session, but it won't/doesn't seem to work when I call the code from a #server() call from my webpage. I don't know if there is some combination of keywords or perhaps a different version of the $zf() call that should/would work.

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First of all thanks for reading this post and thanks for replying:

I think it could be obvious or a little bit naive but I was wondering if a software developer needs as a must or should get his/her own personal laptop or computer, appart the one from their own bussiness or company?

What laptop or computer would you recommend for personal use? For general purpose: programming, leisure, surfing the net, etc.

Thanks for your replies.


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