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When creating custom Business Hosts, it's often necessary to add properties to the class for additional settings that will be used in the initialization or operation of the host. The property name itself isn't always very descriptive, so it's an advantage to have a custom caption display with the field.
Visual Studio Code, like Atelier, connects to IRIS through the Web Server and a web service, unlike Studio that connect to the SuperServer port.
What about the VS Code terminal? Does that open a shell with SSH or does it also use a web service?
In other words, does an IRIS developer using VS Code need direct access to the IRIS instance with SSH or the SuperServer port, in addition to the external or private web server to execute terminal commands?
I am facing some issues. I am having a SQL query that is executed using %SQL.Statement ExecDirect() method. Now I want to convert it into Embedded SQL using &SQL(). But where clause is dynamic in my case and It may contain 3-4 clauses.
How do I retrieve the name of the first GLOBAL from within the GLOBAL directory? Should I use some syntax with $Order or $Query or is there another way?
After installing IRIS 2023.1 on a live copy of our production machine our REST Service now consumes a CSP Session with every request. The request is handled as expected, but uses one of the 5 CSP Session per license. So after 25 requests, the license is used up. The Grace time always shows 0 and the session stay for very long. (Maybe the 900 Seconds timeout). On Caché 2018, we had the same settings for the Webapp and there, only a single Session was set for all requests. The Caché request didn't use any cookies. [This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]
There are several ways of classifying cryptographic algorithms: 1) Secret Key Cryptography (SKC) - Uses a single key for both encryption and decryption. It is also called symmetric encryption. Primarily, it was used for privacy and confidentiality; 2) Public Key Cryptography (PKC) - Uses one key for encryption and another one for decryption. It is also called asymmetric encryption.
How can i send .xml files from linux server to windows using cache codes with out using any FTP commands. Need to send a copy of the .xml file to a windows folder
Hibernate is the most popular framework to do ORM (Object Relational Mapping) projects. With Hibernate a software can use the main DBMS in the market, including the capability to change the database vendor any time, without source code impact. This is possible because the Hibernate supports dialects. Each database product has a different dialect that can be assigned into a configuration file. So, if a software is using Oracle and is looking to evolve to InterSystems IRIS, just change the configuration file with connection and dialect information.
This is a sample to deploy iris-oauth-fhir on k3d with IKO.
* iris-oauth-fhir is a sample to deploy a FHIR server with OAuth2 authentication with InterSystems IRIS for Health as a resource server and Google OpenId as an authorization server.
* k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab's minimal Kubernetes distribution) in docker.
* IKO is a tool to deploy InterSystems IRIS for Health on Kubernetes.
I am looking for information about garbage collector. I already looked at documentation but I could not find anything about it. Here is some questions :
We're excited to announce a new feature on Open Exchange - app dependencies. Now, when you visit an app's page, you can easily see which other Open Exchange apps it depends on and which apps depend on it. This information is conveniently available in respective tabs, providing you with valuable insights.
I am trying to load all the data tables from one iris server to a client server but some of the tables data failing to load all the time. But I can load around 100 tables successfully but 8 to 10 tables are failing all the time. I made an IRIS odbc connection using odbc driver to load the data from tables.
Also I can see read server loop error message on the iris server side as the same time the table loading fails.
Please find the screen shot attached which shows the error on client server.
We've been asked to develop a HL7 interface, but the end system has very different needs than any we've ever interfaced with before. We need assistance to determine if these needs are things HealthShare can support that we're just not aware of, or whether we'll need to develop some custom code to accomplish this.
I have a list type data object, that has both null entries and locked entries. While iterating through the list items using GetAt() function, a locked item is satisfying the not null condition. But I need a different conditional statement for null items and locked items.
Watch this video to learn the basics of how to use the InterSystems® command line interface to execute commands, including starting the Terminal, executing methods and routines, and exiting the Terminal. [This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]