· Nov 19, 2023 2m read

Java Global Editor from WebTerminal

There are situations when your only access to a server is using a web browser,
and there is just no chance of a Terminal or Console access.
The Online Demo Server is such a case.

So you have WebTerminal. That's fine for ObjectScript and Embedded Python.

But my demo is straight Java. And is interactive.
$ZF(-100...) is some aproach. But it's rater batch-oriented and not interactive.
@Enrico Parisi  presented a nice extension to WebTerminal recently.
It's close to my own package WebCommand that I presented a year ago.

They all act in the same way. It is always a single-shot approach:
Launch a command to your OS and collect the replies. No interaction.

Digging through documentation I found that device CPIPE has a read queue by default.
This means you read the result of the command like a file until it is empty!
Not so bad, but the wrong direction.
BUT: there is a switch /WRITE to reverse the direction. Like for printing.
Much better. However, my requirement is a synchronized  READ/WRITE  exchange.
Not implemented. (or I didn't recognize)

Output Redirection provided the missing piece.
Now I start my Java Demo over CPIPE, redirect the Output to a file, and
ane execute alternate read and write actions.

	set cpipe="|CPIPE|1"
 		,cmd="cd /opt/irisapp/ && java rcc > g.log"
 	open cpipe:(cmd:/WRITE)
 	#;  collect and show the reply
    #; get userinput
    use cpipe WRITE userinput,!
    #; end loop

So I have a synchronized ping-pong  with my Java + IRIS NativeAPI

A hint for reading the file:

  • $ZPOS gives you the last position of READ
  • USE file:StartPosition  allows you to skip already displayed text.

So you can skip the previous file content and just present the new lines.

This works also in the Online Demo 

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