InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,413 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi All,

I'm trying to connect to an IRIS instance using VSCode, the problem is, there are 2 IRIS instances installed on this server, published by the same hostname using https (port 443) under 2 different subfolders (e.g., &

When connecting via studio, I was able to connect by using the hostname (e.g., and specifying the super server port, while when connecting through VSCode, when specifying the web server port 443, the connection is always defaulted to one of the instance.

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In ObjectScript you have a wide collection of functions that return some value

set variable = $somefunction(param1,param2, ...)

There is nothing special about that.
But there is a set of functions that I classify as LEFT SIDED
The specialty of them is that you can use them also on the left of the equal operator
as a target in the SET command:

set $somefunction(param1,param2, ...) = value

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I added a Response Message Class to a call in the Business Process Designer.

When i click on Response Actions or on Response Builder i get a message

"You must specify a response message class in order to add or edit response actions."

no matter which response message i choose i always get the above warning.

how do i fix this?


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New to Python. Attempting to use pypyodbc to select data from a table in one Cache database, and inserting into a similarly configured table in another. Process works fine except for tables containing Date types. NULL values in date columns are handled without issue, but when data is present, insert fails with:

An error occurred: argument 7: TypeError: 'NoneType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer.

Source table:

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Hello, Community!

It's time for the next InterSystems Developer Community contest!

✍️ InterSystems IRIS Technical Tutorial Contest ✍️

Create a Technical Tutorial** that can be considered a guide for InterSystems IRIS programmers of any level: beginner/intermediate/senior, from October 14th to November 10th. The tutorial can be in the form of an Article with text and images and/or a Demonstration Video.

Enjoy and let your creativity flow! Show how easy and fun it can be to create solutions with InterSystems IRIS.

🎁 Prizes for everyone: A special prize for each author participating in the competition!

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· Sep 25, 2018
Wireshark with ensemble


We see a lot of TCPIP connection error for few of the components not sure if it is a network glitch at the source/target or is it with us. And most of the times these errors are very transient and vanish on their own and the connection gets re established and the messages get processed. Here is the error we mostly see

ERROR <Ens>ErrTCPTerminatedReadTimeoutExpired: TCP Read timeout (30) expired waiting for terminator SegTerminatorAscii=13, on |TCP|50007|10620, data received =''


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1 1.5K

Hi there,

I'm hoping that someone may be able to point me in the right direction to get started with working with files in Intersystems. I am currently trying to build an interface that will consume a text file containing a list of IDs (one per line) and then write those IDs to an external database. I am comfortable working with the database end but have not worked with files/Stream containers etc yet.

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· 14 hr ago
dataBinding on Combobox

Hi Guys,

I've the below databinding on a combobox and the issue that the binding is coming with the display value of my levels so eg. I'm getting normal instead of 1 which mean the combobox in my form is not showing, so how get the binding to bring the VALUELIST rather then DISPLAYLIST ?

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Hi Community!

We're happy to share the next video in the series dedicated to Gen AI on our InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Fine-Tuning - second step of GenAI model training
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What is the reason for

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
git \
nano \
python3-opencv \
sudo && \
/bin/echo -e ${ISC_PACKAGE_MGRUSER}\\tALL=\(ALL\)\\tNOPASSWD: ALL >> /etc/sudoers && \
sudo -u ${ISC_PACKAGE_MGRUSER} sudo echo enabled passwordless sudo-ing for ${ISC_PACKAGE_MGRUSER}

I think I get error because I do not have sudo privilege in the environment where I use podman to build the image

podman build --tag oliver3 .

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Hi, I'm working on a large extraction from a database and need to parallelize the processes during the extraction.

Here's what happens:

  1. The user starts the extraction from.
  2. Several jobs are started using the Job <Method> instruction.

At the end, the user expects to find a document containing the results of all the extractions. What I'd like to do is start a new job that checks whether the previously started jobs have finished or are still working and consequently produce the document.

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Hi Team, we are going to deliver a speech on a developer forum where most developers hv not used our tech before but using other database and integration technologies , Pls give us some key points on why they should adopt us and the benefits you can get, especially if you change your tech stack from others to IRIS. Thanks a lot!

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Could not connect to DB using IRIS studio, and I don`t know why, maybe someone can help.

Checked already user - it have %All rights

Also, tried using _SYSTEM user, but the same error is occured.

Does anyone have suggestions, I will appreciate your help.

Providing some screenshots regarding this problem.

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Is there a simple way to compare Stream data between two objects?

We have used $ZCRC to create a checksum and that seems to be work.

We have also read each line of the streams and compared them and that seems to work too.

We just think there has to be a simpler way than looping through all the lines of the stream.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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Hey Community,

We’re excited to introduce a whole new way for you to showcase your creativity and skills! This time, we’re inviting you to participate in our first-ever video challenge:

📹 InterSystems Tech Video Challenge 📹

Submit a video on any topic related to InterSystems IRIS products or services from October 21 - November 10, 2024.

🎁 Gifts for everyone + main prizes!

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Hi, Community!

Want to use your data to make better business decisions? Creating virtual models can help! See how:

Creating Virtual Models with InterSystems IRIS® Adaptive Analytics
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