· Aug 8, 2017 1m read
Outperforming PostgreSQL and MySQL

In a previous exercise, I was able to show the power of Caché.
A medium-designed set of interdependent tables with some GB of data.
URLs cross reference over some million pages resulting in ~3 billion records

Competition was between

  • Caché
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL

Criteria were Speed + Storage consumption
I composed a customized loader fed over a "raw" TCP connection
Mapping the "objects" into the final table by directly writing to Global Storage.,

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0 742

In this article I will demonstrate the following :

  • Update ReferencesRange(OBX:7) against ObservationIdentifier(OBX:3.1)[TestCode] from database by using custom utility function
  • Update Abnormal Flag(OBX:8) against ObservationIdentifier(OBX:3.1)[TestCode] and ObservationValue(OBX:5)[Result] from database utility function
  • Route Message based on Abnormal Flag(OBX:8)

Below is the primary and transformed HL7 2.5 ORU_R01 message:

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0 738

Hi everyone,

I need submit a object have a json string as property of class, but I get an issue, object can't save to SQL table if I take json data to json property. I try making a test class with only json property and get the same issue, no data row in SQL table after run ClassMethod . Some one know what's problem, please help me. Here my test class:

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0 736

Hello Fellow Caché Developers,

The purpose of this post is to ask for everyone's thoughts and input around the use of transient, SQLCalculated/Computed properties within persistent classes.

This approach allows for extra data values needed in SQL queries to be available without having to join to other tables.

Very simple/basic example to illustrate the topic:

Let's say I have a persistent class named ICDAutoCodeDefn to hold ICD Auto-Coding definitions, such as:

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0 731

Hello, I need to use IRIS to connect to an MSSQL base.
It has to be done via ODBC, I can't use JDBC at this time by client option.

I am trying to use Microsoft Driver

But I can't, my attempts result in:
Connection failed.
SQLState: () NativeError: [11001] Message:

I have done all DSN configuration, and my configuration is listed in SQL Gateway Connections. I know it's working, because when I run a test with isql I have the information that connects to the bank.

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0 727

A More Industrial-Looking Global Storage Scheme

In the first article in this series, we looked at the entity–attribute–value (EAV) model in relational databases, and took a look at the pros and cons of storing those entities, attributes and values in tables. We learned that, despite the benefits of this approach in terms of flexibility, there are some real disadvantages, in particular a basic mismatch between the logical structure of the data and its physical storage, which causes various difficulties.

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0 726

I am trying to return the maximum of the value of 2 fields: LastViewed and LastDownloaded AS a local variable -LastAccessed for each row, using a SQL query . These values are stored as $ H format. Is there an existing SQL command that compares two column values ? I could not find one, so I tried using a $Select statement . I got an error that said A term expected beginning with either of: identifier, constant, aggregate, $$,(,:,+....)

Here is the SQL Query I am trying to run:-

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0 719

I am currently working on a issue with WRC on one of my Inbound SQL Adapters not returning all the records it should be. If I looked at the count of the records in Ensemble and compare it to that of a Microsoft SQL View, Ensemble seems to be off by a few records here and there. I am using a full dynamic select statement in my settings of the adapter.

SELECT Text, PhysicianLastName, PhysicianFirstName, PhysicianAddress1, PhysicianAddress2, PhysicianCity,

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0 719

In addition to its general security, Caché offers SQL security with a granularity of a single row. This is called row-level security. With row-level security, each row holds a list of authorized viewers, which can be either users or roles. By default access is determined at object modification Some time ago I became interested in determining row-level security at runtime. Here's how to implement it.

4 9
0 719

Hi All, I am a Data Architect and am trying a method of deploying alter statements onto Cache DB.

My Data Modeling tool generates alters as this.. So question is if the Cache has a way to rename table? If so what is it?


This is giving error.

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0 718

I need to do an UPDATE via SQL and I would like the statement to return the `ID` column of each row that is updated. MS SQL has an "OUTPUT" statement, but I don't see anything similar in Cache. Is there a way to do this?

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0 705


I have a class with around 400k lines and 60 columns. Class storage is Cache SQL storage (Mapped from a global).

I want to create multiple indices on certain fields.

I am familiar with two approaches:

1. Create a new map (Index type) on a pointer global.

2. Create a bitmap index

Which approach is more recommended to be used in the case I described? If there are any other approaches, I will be happy to hear.

Thanks :)

0 11
0 703

This is the second piece in our series on 2021.2 SQL enhancements delivering an adaptive, high-performance SQL experience. In this article, we'll zoom in on the innovations in gathering Table Statistics, which are of course the primary input for the Run Time Plan Choice capability we described in the previous article.

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1 699

Hello Community,

I would like to work in SQL developer with the tables from Caché.

Is it possible with JDBC tool?

What is the whole process in order to work in SQL developer? I have the access information to Caché, but i can only choose in SQL Developer software only Oracle or MySQL database type, therefore i think, that have to install any other tool.

Thank you in advance for your help!



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0 698


I'm looking to find if there is a datatype convert equivalent in Object Script to SQL convert function. Have a VarBinary string coming in from source application (which is really performing a SQL dump). The source application uses the standard SQL convert function to convert from varchar to varbinary on their side.

I know &sql(Convert()) should work in Object Script, but am wondering if there is a better way of doing this.

Getting data in via flat file (Record Map), then using data transform to transpose this data to SDA3.

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0 692

Let me introduce my new project, which is irissqlcli, REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) for InterSystems IRIS SQL

  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Suggestions (tables, functions)
  • 20+ output formats
  • stdin support
  • Output to files

Install it with pip

pip install irissqlcli

Or run with docker

docker run -it caretdev/irissqlcli irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM:SYS@host.docker.internal:1972/USER

Connect to IRIS

$ irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM@localhost:1972/USER -W
Password for _SYSTEM:
Server:  InterSystems IRIS Version 2022.3.0.606 xDBC Protocol Version 65
Version: 0.1.0
[SQL]_SYSTEM@localhost:USER> select $ZVERSION
| Expression_1                                                                                            |
| IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for ARM64 Containers) 2022.3 (Build 606U) Mon Jan 30 2023 09:05:12 EST |
1 row in set
Time: 0.063s
[SQL]_SYSTEM@localhost:USER> help
| Command  | Shortcut          | Description                                                |
| .exit    | \q                | Exit.                                                      |
| .mode    | \T                | Change the table format used to output results.            |
| .once    | \o [-o] filename  | Append next result to an output file (overwrite using -o). |
| .schemas | \ds               | List schemas.                                              |
| .tables  | \dt [schema]      | List tables.                                               |
| \e       | \e                | Edit command with editor (uses $EDITOR).                   |
| help     | \?                | Show this help.                                            |
| nopager  | \n                | Disable pager, print to stdout.                            |
| notee    | notee             | Stop writing results to an output file.                    |
| pager    | \P [command]      | Set PAGER. Print the query results via PAGER.              |
| prompt   | \R                | Change prompt format.                                      |
| quit     | \q                | Quit.                                                      |
| tee      | tee [-o] filename | Append all results to an output file (overwrite using -o). |
Time: 0.012s

10 20
3 675


Is it possible to use the value of a column that is populated by its own subquery, in the WHERE clause of the outer-query ?

The following fails (it does not parse syntactically):


I guess I could wrap it up as in inner query of it's own - this way (which works) :

Select * from 
(SELECT A, B, (SELECT S1 FROM Table2) "C" FROM Table1)
where C>10

but I was wondering if there was some syntax in the original snippet that I could do instead.

Thanks - Steve

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0 672

I've mapped multiple tables (UNION on mapped SQL classes) into a view, using CREATE VIEW.

Through ODBC, in Entity Framework, I am querying against that view and offering paging. The paging is implemented using IQueryable.Skip and IQueryable.Take.

Skip seems to have unexpected results, I believe due to incorrect SQL generated by the Entity Framework provider, though perhaps I've done something incorrectly. The generated SQL looks similar to this (with some bits replaced or altered for security reasons), the basic structure is unaltered.

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