Ok so I am way outside of my comfort zone, and had to build an application using CSP to give users the ability to access SQL configuration tables. These SQL Configuration tables will affect the data that is sent to the downstream system.

I saw in the examples where we were able to import GIF's/IMAGES into the CSP folders to use as a reference in our CSP pages. My question is how do you do that? If I try to import through studio, it tells me the file is invalid.

Just trying to make it a little more user friendly then blocks on a page.

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0 821

I have a class that has a property calledTags (like DescriptiveWords, but tags), where multiple tags are possible. I am trying to decide on list of Objects vs. array of Objects.

Based on this post: https://community.intersystems.com/post/querying-list-property-sql, sounds like using an array of Objects is the better way to go. Indeed, I already noticed that it's not possible to have duplicates when using an array of Objects.

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0 816

We are trying to convert some of our SQL Service Integration Service jobs from Visual Studio to Ensemble. If we execute a Stored Procedure within SQL Server Management Studio it is returning approx 12,000 rows. However when Ensemble executes the same Stored Procedure it is only returning 250 rows.

Is there a limitation to EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot?

This is how we are calling the Stored procedure

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0 812

This tells me that there is no timezone offset on this table/field:

Select TOP 1 GETDATE() as Now, TimeCreated FROM ens.messageheader ORDER BY TimeCreated DESC;
Now TimeCreated
------------------- -------------------
2016-10-18 16:16:49 2016-10-18 16:16:31
0 13
0 796
· Oct 30, 2018
MSSQL Data Warehouse


I have been trying to pull data through a linked server in SSMS from an InterSystems Cache Database for a while, this is to enable us to join the data to other source systems in our Data Warehouse.

I have set up an ODBC connection and a linked server to the database and can execute queries through OPENQUERY in Management studio, but the data is huge (> 100million rows). So when I execute a SQL query with a WHERE clause the query just spins.

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0 802

Hi, folks!

Is there any way to use $CASE or $SELECT functionality in SQL SELECT query?

E.g. something like this:

SELECT product, $CASE(status,"New":field1,"Payed":field2) as data from sales

To see either in data column either field1 or field2 values in regard of status value.

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0 791

Hello all,

I have a Recordset object which contains data from a table "XYZ".

Currently i use this object to extract data using %Get(COL1,COL2...) in a loop and than pass it to a function which inserts the data into another dynamically created Table "ABC" for each record. This takes a lot of time when 100's of records.

Is there a way i can directly copy a RecordSet to a dynamic table without looping through..?

Something like copy Recordset (COL1,COL2..)--> "ABC"



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0 776

Hi all,

I have a non objectscript application connecting to a cache instance via ODBC and one column is a list of serial objects. The output from the query contains a lot of special characters and I'm hoping there's a better way to get this data back so I won't have to perform extensive parsing on the application side.

I've tried using the $ListToString() function, but that didn't help much, probably because the list contains complex objects rather than primitives.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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0 751

Hi everyone,

I need submit a object have a json string as property of class, but I get an issue, object can't save to SQL table if I take json data to json property. I try making a test class with only json property and get the same issue, no data row in SQL table after run ClassMethod . Some one know what's problem, please help me. Here my test class:

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0 739

Hello Fellow Caché Developers,

The purpose of this post is to ask for everyone's thoughts and input around the use of transient, SQLCalculated/Computed properties within persistent classes.

This approach allows for extra data values needed in SQL queries to be available without having to join to other tables.

Very simple/basic example to illustrate the topic:

Let's say I have a persistent class named ICDAutoCodeDefn to hold ICD Auto-Coding definitions, such as:

0 4
0 735

Hello, I need to use IRIS to connect to an MSSQL base.
It has to be done via ODBC, I can't use JDBC at this time by client option.

I am trying to use Microsoft Driver

But I can't, my attempts result in:
Connection failed.
SQLState: () NativeError: [11001] Message:

I have done all DSN configuration, and my configuration is listed in SQL Gateway Connections. I know it's working, because when I run a test with isql I have the information that connects to the bank.

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0 733

I am trying to return the maximum of the value of 2 fields: LastViewed and LastDownloaded AS a local variable -LastAccessed for each row, using a SQL query . These values are stored as $ H format. Is there an existing SQL command that compares two column values ? I could not find one, so I tried using a $Select statement . I got an error that said A term expected beginning with either of: identifier, constant, aggregate, $$,(,:,+....)

Here is the SQL Query I am trying to run:-

0 5
0 728

I am currently working on a issue with WRC on one of my Inbound SQL Adapters not returning all the records it should be. If I looked at the count of the records in Ensemble and compare it to that of a Microsoft SQL View, Ensemble seems to be off by a few records here and there. I am using a full dynamic select statement in my settings of the adapter.

SELECT Text, PhysicianLastName, PhysicianFirstName, PhysicianAddress1, PhysicianAddress2, PhysicianCity,

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0 723

Hi All, I am a Data Architect and am trying a method of deploying alter statements onto Cache DB.

My Data Modeling tool generates alters as this.. So question is if the Cache has a way to rename table? If so what is it?


This is giving error.

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0 722