I get the following error when I am trying to create a linked server connection via MS OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers in MS SQL Server Management Studio. The message I get is:
The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "IRIS" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error. Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "IRIS". (Framework Microsoft SqlClient Data Provider)
I'm currently running into a very weird issue to where I am trying to connect with a 64 bit version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to a HealthShare instance. I have created a System DSN using the Drivers (image below) that were downloaded with the Client version of the install and I'm able to successfully connect using my credentials.
For example, I have two timestamp values ('2024-04-01 10:00:00', '2024-04-01 11:30:30'). I would like to find the difference between these two timestamps, and I need the result in hours:minutes:seconds (hh:mm:ss) format.
Expected Output: 01:30:30
Note: I need an SQL query command. I should not use ClassMethod, Function, or Stored Procedure.
Could anyone please provide me with an SQL query for my question?
Using VECTOR_COSINE() in SQL query to perform a text similarity search on existing embeddings in a %VECTOR column.
Code is below.
Commented out sql query returns this error: SQLCODE: -29 Field 'NEW_EMBEDDING_STR' not found in the applicable tables^ SELECT TOP ? maxID , activity , outcome FROMMain .AITest ORDER BY VECTOR_COSINE ( new_embedding_str ,
Sql query as written returns ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PYTHON EXCEPTION> *<class 'OSError'>: isc_stdout_write: PyArg_ParseTuple failed!
So i want to use the INSERT OR UPDATE command so i can update a COUNTER for a given name:
INSERT OR UPDATE myTable SET name='Omer', counter = counter + 1;
as you can see with the above code - if the row is non-existent then we get an error because COUNTER is NULL! I tried the following to fix this but all have failed:
I'm unable see the FHIR SQL builder /csp/fhirsql and /csp/fhirsql/api/ui endpoints in web application to access the FHIR SQL builder. I'm using community edition 2024.1 and it contains the "FHIR SQL Builder".
I'm testing some functionalities about Foreign Tables and it works smoothly with PostgreSQL database, but I found out an issue with MySQL database, I followed the documentation:
I need help with coming up with a SQL query that pulls only one value. I have a case where two providers share the exact same name. Each has a different NPI number and IdentityTypeId. I tried the below query - output is also below.
On one of my team's systems, we utilize a business operation with the EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to make SQL queries to another IRIS system using JDBC. To authenticate the connection, we utilize a user account on the target system.
I have a function that may end up being called from a number of transformations at the same time, and within the function there's some Embedded SQL to first check if a local table has an entry, and then adds the entry if it doesn't exist.
To prevent a race condition where the function is called by two transformations and they both end up attempting to insert the same value, I'm looking to use the table hint "WITH TABLOCK" on the insert, but this seems to be failing the syntax checks within vscode.
Some days ago, I've seen a youtuber talking about how to create a neural network (sorry, is in spanish)
https://www.youtube.com/embed/iX_on3VxZzk [This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]
I have a table that is already created and contains data. I need to create a unique constraint that is a combination of two fields. Is there a way to do this in a SQL statement? Also, I would lke to know how to add it in the table class.
In tracking down some of our Orphaned message issues, I was wondering if setting our EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot variable equal to "" was the same as calling the .Clean() method on EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot? Are they the same?
should I be possibly using ##class(EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot).%Delete() instead?
I’m currently experimenting with the SQL Gateway Connection, CREATE FOREIGN SERVER, and the THROUGH command (IRIS Documentation). To speed up my tests, I’ve combined several DemoDataSets in a Docker container and would like to automate the creation of SQL Gateway Connections using code.
Hello! So my question is quite simple, Do the different data models of Intersystems all support the ACID properties? I assume that for the SQL data model implementation it does, But does it also work for global (i.e the hierarchical data model)?
Instead of building a BP to execute stored procedures just to insert the data, I figured I would give Linked Stored Procedures a try since all I need to do is insert the data. I have proved in our MS SQL Development environment that it is possible, so I through I could just repoint the Linked Stored Procedure
I am attempting to create a Foreign Server/Table so I can pull some information in from MS SQL server via JDBC connection, but as soon as I create the Server/Table and logout the Foreign Server disappears.
Is there a programmatic way (in ObjectScript) to determine if a string is an SQL reserved word (aside from using embedded SQL to try to name a property with that string and look for the error :-))?