
I have a very simple web service that I'd like to secure via SAML Authorization with X.509 Certificates. I am, however struggling with documentation and my lack of cryptographic skills. (I do this just for educational purposes now, but need to use it in the future)

Does anyone have an example that shows how to construct a SOAP Client with adding all necessary security headers manually or point me to a decent learning resource?

Thank you very much!

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2 1.2K

Hello experts,

I'm new to InterSystems software and still not so familiar with it. Therefore I do apologize in front if this question is irrelevant, not making sense or answer is commonly known.

I've did my best in search for answer, but unfortunately i haven't found anything helpfull. So I decided to ask for help here.

My problem is repetitive error which occure in CSP Gateway event log :

Error Condition: Failed to read posted content from the client (Content-Length: 1404; Data Actually Read: 0; Read Error: 70007)

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0 406


We have just completed a migration of a test environment from Ensemble 2012 to Ensemble 2017 on a new server. This is the last in a series of migrations but the first to encounter this particular issue. All web clients making SOAP requests to a particular external web service are receiving a fault that states:

The SOAP action specified on the message, '', does not match the HTTP SOAP Action, 'http://<expected target service action follows here>'.

0 1
0 210

I'm trying to test SOAP integration by using one Ensemble production to send a SOAP message to another production, but I'm seeing the following error when I try to pass a message between the two:

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: faultcode=Server
faultstring=Internal Server Error
<error xmlns="http://tempuri.org">
<text>ERROR #7900: Service 'SOAP' not enabled for application '/csp/healthshare/hspc/'</text>

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0 1.4K
· Feb 11, 2019 4m read
Using Oauth2 with SOAP (Web)Services

Hi guys,

Couple days ago, a customer approached me with the wish to enhance their existing legacy application, that uses SOAP (Web)Services so it shares the same authorization with their new application API based on REST. As their new application uses OAuth2, the challenge was clear; how to pass access token with SOAP request to the server.

After spending some time on Google, it turned out, that one of possible ways of doing so was adding an extra header element to the SOAP envelope and then making sure the WebService implementation does what is needed to validate the access token.

7 1
2 10.7K

There are often questions surrounding the ideal Apache HTTPD Web Server configuration for HealthShare. The contents of this article will outline the initial recommended web server configuration for any HealthShare product.

As a starting point, Apache HTTPD version 2.4.x (64-bit) is recommended. Earlier versions such as 2.2.x are available, however version 2.2 is not recommended for performance and scalability of HealthShare.

18 0
15 10.8K

I want to consume external websocket api, URL looks like this:


Checked with external tool (Simple WebSocket Client) that websocket works and I can consume the data.

In Cache the relevant functionality is offered by %IO.Socket class.

set sock = ##class(%IO.Socket).%New()
set sock.SSLConfig = "MyEmptySSLConfig"
set sock.TranslationTable="UTF8"
do sock.Open("site.com/ws/v2/?&token=<token>","443", 10,.sc)

However I get this error:

0 17
0 1.3K
· Dec 27, 2018 2m read
Use %XML.Node to walk a DOM

The following code walks a DOM using %XML.Node. It also prevents %XML.Writer to change whitespace. Run the code using the class method "test":

Class objectscript.walkDOM Extends %Persistent
    ClassMethod dfs(node As %XML.Node)
        s entrynode=node.NodeId
        do {
        //element nodes with one whitespacetyped child are the ones we want to change
        if (node.NodeType=$$$xmlELEMENTNODE){
            s snode=node.NodeId     
            if (node.MoveToFirstChild())            
                    i ('node.MoveToNextSibling()){
                        i (node.NodeType=$$$xmlWHITESPACENODE){
                            s node.NodeType=$$$xmlTEXTNODE
                            s node.NodeId=snode
            s node.NodeId=snode     
        if (node.HasChildNodes()){
            d node.MoveToFirstChild()
            d ..dfs(node)
        } while (node.NodeType'="" && node.MoveToNextSibling())
        s node.NodeId=entrynode
    ClassMethod test()
      set xml = "abcdefg"
      s reader=##class(%XML.Reader).%New()
      do reader.OpenString(xml)  
      set writer = ##class(%XML.Writer).%New()
      //do some magic
      d ..dfs(reader.Document)
      w !,"with indent=1:",!
      set writer.Indent = 1
      do writer.OutputToString()
      do writer.Document(reader.Document)
      w writer.GetXMLString()
      set writer.Indent = 0
      w !,"with indent=0:",!
      do writer.OutputToString()
      do writer.Document(reader.Document)
      w writer.GetXMLString()

Here's a link to the code on GitHub: https://github.com/intersystems-community/code-snippets/blob/master/src/...

1 0
0 317
· Dec 17, 2018
Adding fault to a wsdl


The fault message definition is missing from my service WSDL. I would like to add these bold styled text to my WSDL. How can I do that? The aim is when I get the WSDL of MyService with ?wsdl URL the response contains the bold styled text.

For example:

0 3
0 2.6K
· Dec 11, 2018
Websockets issue


I'm trying to use Websockets and understand how it works. To do so, I tried to follow the sample in here :


I opened studio, connected to my server into the USER namespace and use the Tools -> Import Local in order to add the 3 files (app.js.xml, index.html.xml and WebSockets.Main.cls )

I compile without error and use the View -> Web Page and it doesn't work as expected

0 2
0 256
404 Not Found

"error": {
 "errors": [
   "domain": "global",
   "reason": "notFound",
   "message": "Not Found"
 "code": 404,
 "message": "Not Found"

I want to do something like the above sample from a Google Storage JSON API. I have a call to Write obj.%ToJSON() followed by return ..ReportHttpStatusCode(..#HTTP404NOTFOUND) however the HTTP Status code is always 200. If I remove the Write obj.%ToJSON() statement it returns a 404 status with no body. How do I return both?

0 1
0 2.5K


Connections/ SOAP Operations to 3rd Parties can hold some challenges like the 3rd party changes it 's structures/ WSDL and returns an additional property in a SOAP response. So I have tried to implement the XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG in the proxy SOAP response structures , but in Ensemble this seems to get ignored.

Are there any good suggestions on how to handle this an ideal would have been that the other party inform you of changes before hand....

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0 360

I'm writing a SOAP client in Ensemble (2017.2.2) that is required to pass empty elements to the SOAP server in the form <xsi:type="ns:ResponsibleUser"/> where ResponsibleUser is a class that itself has no properties. I initially thought I'd found the answer with the XMLIGNORENULL parameter of XML enabled classes but this didn't make any difference for SOAP requests, only working when I wrote the XML to a file.

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0 483

I faced with the issue when WebSocket connection just fails without any errors if I send data with size 384 bytes and more (In binary mode the same). As I know by standard WebSockets frame does not have such limitation. Is there any way how to decrease it? This limitation too small, it is too difficult to fit this size and needs to send data much more often than I expected. Tested with Caché 2016.2, 2017.2 and IRIS 2018.1.

1 2
0 737

I am doing an implementation of a SAML 2.0 SingleSignOn protocol integration which requires a signed message with the signature element in the body of the SOAP message, not the header as is default SOAP security handling. Any suggestions for how to do this would be greatly appreciated. When it is passed in the header, it is not processed by our partner and we just get a "Signature Required" response.

0 1
0 464


we are trying to call a Webservice that is hosted on a Ensemble production from a .net program.

The web application in ensabmle is defined with password authntication

we can't get to set the security header in the .net program (<soapenv:Header> ... <wsse:Security ... <wsse:UsernameToken ... ) in SoapUI we added the Wss usertoken and it worked like a charm.

Doe's anyone have a idea to guide us? (links, ,samples, etc. )



0 1
0 275

Hi, guys,

One of my clients was required by the hospital to name their webservice operation as Action_Subject, ie. Get_PatientInfo

When I define the web method as "Get_PatientInfo" as below,

/// MyApp.MyService
Class MyApp.MyService Extends %SOAP.WebService [ ProcedureBlock ]

/// Name of the WebService.
Parameter SERVICENAME = "MyService";

/// TODO: change this to actual SOAP namespace.
/// SOAP Namespace for the WebService
Parameter NAMESPACE = "http://tempuri.org";

0 4
0 628

I use the InterSystems cache to implement a web services program. I receive the data sent by the other person. However, I receive the wrong text (the normal text is the question mark "??????"). The other party uses the gbk code to send Chinese. The other party cannot modify the gbk code, what should I do to receive normal Chinese text? Thank you.

I use ensemble 2010 and ensemble 2016.

0 4
0 211
· May 10, 2018
2015.2.2 .json format

Is it possible to produce a .json format using Ensemble 2015.2.2? Not sure what the trigger will be as of yet, but we have our local Department of Health trying to develop a reporting piece using .json.

Not sure how this will work with our Ensemble instance not being in the DMZ to send outside our network, but I thought I would ask anyway to see if it is possible.


Scott Roth

0 2
0 313
· Apr 20, 2018
Special Character API


Made a request for API REST.

Using HTTP Request adapter.

Adapter As EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter

Outside the Ensemble an API response is JSON (CORRECT)

Answer in Ensemble: =?Á
ÔºQZéýNÕ V{C?óò?b¢?éÍ )$
²5Å?wEë? ??©tÖã1z×2FëÊnôeË æ??]Zßq ܺ?á

Help me.

Thank you

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