· May 23, 2016
REST and IO redirection

Problem: I have a REST broker, and if I hit a code block, which does IO redirection, the REST reply becomes broken in one of the following ways:

  • Binary output
  • No output
  • First 4096 characters of the reply are missing

Consider the following REST broker:

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I have been experimenting with the creation of a set of REST services for an app. The basic GET operation is set to create a %ZEN.proxyObject instance, and then set an instance of a Persistant class as a property, which gives me all of the values I want to return. However, it also gives me some values that I don't want to return over REST (because they are both private, and large registered objects which will bog down performance)

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Hello, our customer, large industrial company, is considering modernizing their old CSP application so it can run on multiple client device types, using responsive design.

They have a lot of experience with CSP and some ZEN.

They are new to REST and have some limited knowledge of javascript - perhaps not enough to the extent used by client framework.

Does anyone have a framework or a set of templates that you would be willing to share?

Thank you!

Dan Kutac

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· Apr 11, 2017
Authentication with REST

We are building a bunch of rest based services using Ens 2016.2 to serve our browser based application (Angular 4).

Two questions:

1. The initial authentication seems only work if credentials are placed in the url parameters. Trying to use the Authorization header instead, the client code immediately complains about Access-Control-Allow-Origin. How can I resolve this?

2. After initial authentication, what is the proper way to send subsequent rest calls without having to include credential every time?

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Some time ago, I was started to work at a new company even in other country, and more important in a different sphere when I have not been worked before, in HealthCare. It's a very new project even for company. Since I have not experience in HealthCare, I looked at what I can use in my project, and found that I should not reinvent the bicycle, and think about how to store all my data which I need and how to get access to this data. And I can use FHIR, which is looks like everything what I need, what else I need it's just a client.

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0 446

Hi all,

As you know, it is very complicated to debug a Business Service Rest API because the object is created when the applications receive a request, so we cannot have the JobId that we can use to debug.

So, I'm trying to get the JobId when the class is being created, write a trace in OnInit() method and write the JobId in a log info

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0 191

Hi all,

I've a RESP API service in a Business Service to server different methods

I've created the route with the name of the method, each one has been created in lowercase

XData UrlMap [ XMLNamespace = "" ]
    <Route Url="/user" Method="POST" Call="User"/>
    <Route Url="/emailactivation" Method="POST" Call="EmailActivation" />
    <Route Url="/login" Method="POST" Call="Login"/>

But only there is a response if the call is used in lowercase

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Hello everyone!
So, I am supposed to receive a REST-request into my production, and I need to send it, exactly as I received it, to another server.
I am struggling to find any good info on this, and have a hard time coming up with a good approach.
What would be the easiest way to do this?
- I have so far thought about possibly doing it with an EnsLib.REST.GenericService and then sending it with an EnsLib.REST.GenericOperation.

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0 242

Hi everyone,

This is:

Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2016.2 (Build 736U) Fri Sep 30 2016 12:25:56 EDT

The server is on RedHat Linux while the browser is running on Windows (Firefox).

I am helping a partner build a complex modern HTML5 web application that talks with Caché using REST calls. They have been using %CSP.REST very successfully. Security works great as well.

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Referencing this post:

I'm not sure how to actually interact with the result set I get from doing something like this. I want to return something like:

[{"field1":1, "field2":2}, {"field1":2, "field2":10}]

I'm finding it very difficult to get it in this format, since %Print appends a newline onto the end of the {} object it prints.

Here's the closest I've gotten:

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I am trying to figure out if we can extend a business process in IRIS. My Use Case is that I am developing RESTful Interfaces and my each REST Interface needs to go through certain processes before getting to the actual action.

e.g. I have 2 REST Interfaces, GetPatient and GetEncounter. Both of these need to invoke "GetToken" Business Operation to go to the Authentication server to get an authentication token before they go ahead and hit the Business Operation to Get the data i.e. Patient or Encounter.

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I'm trying to configure a new interface that reads HL7, transform them into FHIR messages and then send POST or PUT or DELETE depending on HL7 doc type.

1-I added an HL7 TCP service that reads ADTs messages

2a-Send ADTs to a process to transform them into SDA (using the following command: do ##class(HS.Gateway.HL7.HL7ToSDA3).GetSDA(request,.con))

2b-Extract the patient MRN and add it to the AdditionalInfo property (using the following request message class: HS.Message.XMLMessage)

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0 171

Doing a new project with %JSON.Adaptor, unexpectedly realized that %JSON.Adaptor does not support export to native JSON. %JSONExport just outputs directly to the current device, and there are two more methods %JSONExportToString, and %JSONExportToStream.

In conjunction with generating REST from swagger specification, where any generated method accepts as a result %DynamicObject, which is good.

I have multiple places in my REST where I have to return JSON for an object, but I have to modify the result a bit, just extend it with some other way.

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I am trying to use postman to start the restapi classes from a json openapi2.0.0 file.

POST: The body contains the openapi2.0.0. The application api/mgmnt has in security settings: password. JWT is not selected. I set postman authentication to basis authentication and gave username and password. I also set in headers IRISUsername and IRISPassword. I have 401 Unauthorized.

Is the only way to go through is to build an oauth token? or do I miss something?

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0 148

I'm working with and am going through the tutorial right now. My project directory exists on my IRIS server. When I try to create a module.xml file in the root package, I get a #16006 error. I see that there is a "generate" command for zpm that should create a module.xml for me on my local filesystem. How can I create this module.xml in the same folder that holds my code living on the IRIS server?

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