Referencing this post:

I'm not sure how to actually interact with the result set I get from doing something like this. I want to return something like:

[{"field1":1, "field2":2}, {"field1":2, "field2":10}]

I'm finding it very difficult to get it in this format, since %Print appends a newline onto the end of the {} object it prints.

Here's the closest I've gotten:

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3 1.2K

Doing a new project with %JSON.Adaptor, unexpectedly realized that %JSON.Adaptor does not support export to native JSON. %JSONExport just outputs directly to the current device, and there are two more methods %JSONExportToString, and %JSONExportToStream.

In conjunction with generating REST from swagger specification, where any generated method accepts as a result %DynamicObject, which is good.

I have multiple places in my REST where I have to return JSON for an object, but I have to modify the result a bit, just extend it with some other way.

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Hi InterSystems Community

We recently had an issue where we weren't able to parse a JSON HTTP request, but the issue went by unnoticed. We also did not have a trace of what the raw HTTP request was that we couldn't parse. I'm looking at improving our this by:
Tracing the raw request using $$$TRACE

Raising an alert which will hit our Ens.Alert router which will compose and send an email

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1 202

Hi everyone,

I need submit a object have a json string as property of class, but I get an issue, object can't save to SQL table if I take json data to json property. I try making a test class with only json property and get the same issue, no data row in SQL table after run ClassMethod . Some one know what's problem, please help me. Here my test class:

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0 738


I need to convert a array (JSON) in a List Of String. I think, there is some method that does it directly.

Something like that:

SAMPLES>set list = ##class(%ListOfDataTypes).$fromJSON("[""a"",""b"",""c""]")

%FromObject+21^%Library.RegisteredObject.1 *%Exception.General Compose Compose %FromObject Unable to map frm %Library.Array instance to %Library.ListOfDataTypes

I have reading about this but I don't found some trick to help me.

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0 542

I am trying to use the automated unittest class for a %CSP.Rest service.

So my Unittest code set's %request and %response from %CSP.Req/resp respectively

I build a tProxy with the fields I need for the post and set it %ToJson... I have tried seting %request.Content = tProxy (and not)

I call the method for the post url directly...

When that method calls %fromJson to set an object with the info. I passed...

- when I don't set %request.content.. I get a error '5035 - premature end of data code 12'

0 7
2 1.1K

Hey Intersystems Community,

I have a Problem with the Session Handling in .csp.

I wrote all my Web Services in .csp-Pages and do the work for example in the OnPreHttp Method for to get some data.

After that the Web Service response is in JSON.

I call These Web Services via fetch in my react Single Page application, also Many request parallel. The react App is Rolled out as index.html.
Everything Works Fine with the session Handling via Cookie.

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0 389

Hi There,

I'm fairly new to ObjectScript/Ensemble and I'm sure I may be fundamentally misunderstanding how the %JSONImport/%JSONExport and XDATA mapping work and I was hoping you good folks could help me out. I'm essentially trying to create an object that I can use to translate from one JSON schema to another.

First my class:

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0 336

Hello, I want to show a fellow DC member how to convert JSON file into HL7 message. I personally do not work with HL7. I set up a production with EnsLib.File.PassthroughService. It passes Ens.StreamContainer to BPL process. I call a DTL to transform StreamContainer to HL7 message. I run into an error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP JSON2HL7 # due to error: ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''
> ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''

The code is in this GitHub repo:

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0 443

Hi Community,

Whenever I insert a decimal value with trailing zero(ex:12.0000) value in my JSON object dynamically through %Set method. It truncates the trailing zeros. However If I use literal constructors { } It working as expected. So, In my case the JSON will be generated dynamically. I can't go with "Curly Bracket { } " and the JSON schema not string as well.
Is there any way to fix this?

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0 173

Hello, I tried to convert HL7 message to JSON in a business process and I got errors. Has anybody converted HL7 to JSON? Are certain characters not allowed in JSON?

I just tried to set a property to quote request.RAWContent and quote. I will try to put example in GitHub and share here later.

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0 342
· Dec 8, 2016

I have a project to convert a JSON message with two patient identifiers into an HL7 ADT^A31. Is there any documentation or training that you would think is appropriate?

Currently using Ensemble 2014.1.5 on AIX

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0 2.3K

Hi all,

We faced a problem where we would like to map a $lb object to its corresponding data model structure in order to later on export it as JSON.

So imagin that we have something like this that actually maps to a persistent table with its structure.


Is there a way to transform this $lb (without the need of openig the object itself) to a JSON object with the proper table fields as properties?

Many thanks

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0 413

Hi all,

I have an incoming JSON message with a string field exceeding in length the 'caché long-string limit' of 3641144 characters.

Using {}.%FromJSON(instream) I am able to create %DynamicObject properly. However, I am unable to access the long property, as in every assignment, I get the <MAXSTRING> error.

Is there any way for me to obtain contents of the 'too long' string field as a stream?



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0 11.4K

Hi all, I am new to IS Objectscript and I would appreciate some assistance regarding this.

I am trying to find out how to count the number of elements within a dynamic abstract object and I am having some trouble using the size method.

Here is the code below:

The key value pairs are originally in JSON and I would have converted it in to an object for use.

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0 295
· Mar 27, 2023
JSON Validation Errors

When using %JSONImport it seems to only report a single error, is there a way to report all the errors with out having to do multiple requests?


"errors": [


"code": 9406,

"domain": "%ObjectErrors",

"error": "ERROR #9406: Unexpected format for value of field, CurrencyCode, using Update mapping",

"id": "JSONImportError",

"params": [



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0 269


I am working with this Ensemble Business Operation, which extends the EnsLib.Rest.Operation.

I built the OpenWeatherMap Rest Operation described in the article above.

I would like to access the weather.main, and weather.description. However, these objects are in a JSON Array.

How do you access these three objects in Objectscript.

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