· Jan 12, 2018

Read values from JSON in %CSP.Request

(I am new to this language) I have got a JSON request to handle in a web application which is in %CSP.Request object. But the request which I am going to handle is of type array of objects.

    "Name": "bat"
    "Name": "Cat"
    "Name": "rat"
    "Name": "mat"
    "Name": "hat"
    "Name": "chat"
    "Name": "please"
    "Name": "help"
    "Name": "me"
    "Name": "in"
    "Name": "getting"
    "Name": "the"
    "Name": "value"
    "Name": "of"
    "Name": "nameFromObjectInsideArray"

my requirement is, i need to extract the value from the " Name " property which is an array of objects.

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I will give my requirement as it is.

I am getting an json array of Roles object, in which only "name" property is sent. I have to see if these names are present in DB or not. In case there is a new name in the json, then i have to pick that value and save it in DB.

version - 2015.1.OHS.3703.0

i have a json request as follows:

      "Name":"In-House Trainer"

Now my code : Controller

ClassMethod CheckMissingRoleName() As %Status

#dim newObj As Model.Role
#dim %request As %CSP.Request
#Dim MyStrings As %ListOfObjects 

set inputParms %request.Content
set MyStrings

Set resultu=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%DynamicQuery:SQL")
  Do resultu.Prepare("select Name from Model.Role ")  // 
Do resultu.Execute()
set i=1
while (resultu.Next())
set namesArray(i) = resultu.Data("Name")
set i=i+1
  //write namesArray(i)

for k=1:1:MyStrings.Size 

for j=1:1:i
if MyStrings.GetAt(k).Name '= namesArray(j) ) }
else {  break  }
// i is size of array and j is size of above loop i.e coldn't find match, and reached the end
if (j)
   set newObj ##class(Model.Role.%OpenId(MyStrings.GetAt(k).ID)
 set newObj.Name=MyStrings.GetAt(k).Name
 // write MyStrings.GetAt(k)
 Do newObj.%Save()
return $$$OK

After sending the request using Postman, i am getting this error:

    "Error": "ERROR #5002: Cache error: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>zCheckMissingRoleName+2^Controllers.Roles.2 *data,%Library.ListOfObjects"


and one more thing, how do i print something on the console? Just for debugging

I will give my requirement as it is.

I am getting an json array of Roles object, in which only "name" property is sent. I have to see if these names are present in DB or not. In case there is a new name in the json, then i have to pick that value and save it in DB.

version - 2015.1.OHS.3703.0

i have a json request as follows:

      "Name":"In-House Trainer"

Now my code : Controller

ClassMethod CheckMissingRoleName() As %Status

#dim newObj As Model.Role
#dim %request As %CSP.Request
#Dim MyStrings As %ListOfObjects 

set inputParms = %request.Content
set MyStrings =

Set resultu=##class(%ResultSet).%New("%DynamicQuery:SQL")
  Do resultu.Prepare("select Name from Model.Role ")  // 
Do resultu.Execute()
set i=1
while (resultu.Next())
set namesArray(i) = resultu.Data("Name")
set i=i+1
  //write namesArray(i)

for k=1:1:MyStrings.Size 

for j=1:1:i
if ( MyStrings.GetAt(k).Name '= namesArray(j) ) }
else break  }
// i is size of array and j is size of above loop i.e coldn't find match, and reached the end
if (= j)
   set newObj = ##class(Model.Role.%OpenId(MyStrings.GetAt(k).ID)
 set newObj.Name=MyStrings.GetAt(k).Name
 // write MyStrings.GetAt(k)
 Do newObj.%Save()
return $$$OK

After sending the request using Postman, i am getting this error:

    "Error": "ERROR #5002: Cache error: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>zCheckMissingRoleName+2^Controllers.Roles.2 *data,%Library.ListOfObjects"


and one more thing, how do i print something on the console? Just for debugging

Thanks for responding.

while i was using your code, i am getting this error in response, which says "read" method is unknown

    "Error": "ERROR #5002: Cache error: <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>zCheckMissingRoleName+3^Controllers.Roles.2 *Read,%Library.ListOfObjects"

If just take out that "read method", then i am getting this error

    "Error": "ERROR #5002: Cache error: <INVALID OREF>zCheckMissingRoleName+16^Controllers.Roles.3"

Convert json to proxy object (list of in your case) and iterate over it

set json = "[{""Name"":""bat""},{""Name"":""Cat""},{""Name"":""rat""},{""Name"":""mat""},{""Name"":""hat""},{""Name"":""chat""},{""Name"":""please""},{""Name"":""help""},{""Name"":""me""},{""Name"":""in""},{""Name"":""getting""},{""Name"":""the""},{""Name"":""value""},{""Name"":""of""},{""Name"":""nameFromObjectInsideArray""}]"
set sc = ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject(json,,.obj,1)
for i=1:1:obj.Count() { 
    write obj.GetAt(i).Name,!

To get json string from  request:

set json = %request.Content.Read($$$MaxStringLength)

You may also need to convert request into UTF8:

set json = $ZCVT(json,"I","UTF8")