Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) is an application programming interface (API) for the programming language Java, which defines how a client may access a database.
Any news about JDBC driver and Hibernate dialect on a public java repository, like mvnrepository? Today I need to download the jdbc driver and hibernate jar, add as an external resource on my maven config file to works.
I also have a Caché server with "downloadedposts" table.
They are connected from Caché to MySQL via SQL Gateway
I want to keep Caché table synced with MySQL one (MySQL "posts" table is a master copy), so periodically Caché queries MySQL server and downloads data. So far so good, and if a record appears or changes in MySQL table, Caché downloads the changes.
The problem I'm encountering is that sometimes rows would be deleted from MySQL "posts" table.
Is it planned that LOAD DATA takes into account several DATE/DATETIME formats with, for example, a parameter indicating the format used in the source data?
example :
LOAD DATA .../...
"from": {
"file": {
"dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY"
I'm trying to access via JDBC my community installation but the connection is always rejected. The same code (python code) using the stand-alone version of Intersystems IRIS works fine.
I work on deploying IRIS using Kubernetes operator and Red Hat OpenShift. I encouraged another team working on Java application to consider using IRIS as database. My team deployed IRIS cluster using two mirrored data pods for the other team. The other team asked me for the connection information.
To learn how to use Java with IRIS, I attempted to deploy two apps from Open Exchange:
I am trying to replace one of our SQL Integration Service jobs with Ensemble and I am running into an issue executing a query against a MS SQL database using JDBC drivers.
I'm trying to setup the JDBC Gateway Server so customers can connect to IRIS remotely using JDBC and not ODBC. But I'm facing a problem connecting, as our system department tells me IRIS is using the loopback address ( and that makes remote systems cannot connect to port 53773 (the default port for that).
So, I would like to change this host for the hostname but I cannot see where to do it:
I was trying to create a query that can be exposed as a stored procedure (function actually) that would return a resultset with a random number of columns.
Unfortunately, it seems that unless I specify the ROWSPEC annotation on the Query method, I won't get any columns exposed. I was hoping to implement QueryNameGetInfo method and specify the names and number of columns I would be returning dynamically. But it seems that GetInfo information is simply ignored.
I am currently experiencing frustration with trying to Authenticate an Active Directory account through JDBC as the Hospital System moves from OnPrem SQL Server to using Azure SQL Server with Microsoft Entra Authentication.
Microsoft cannot give me a straight answer of what is required from a JDBC standpoint to authenticate from a Linux environment.
I'm trying to authenticate a user(Health Share clinician) from a Java Application.
I 'm already connected to Caché and able to run SQL commands.
My question is: How can I authenticate a user using only SQL? In fact, what I want is verify if the users exists in the base and if the given password is the same used in Health Share.
There is a column 'password' in Security.users table but I'm not able to see its content, even so, I don't know which hash function to use to compare with.
I have a general query in regards to developers experience on extracting data from cache databases and the most efficient way to do so. I work with a number of clients who have applications with cache databases and require the data off the host system and onto data warehouse platforms for research and analysis. Often they require the data in source state which means the extracts are often simply a table scan of the entire database table without any aggregation or manipulation.
I'm looking for an efficient way in DBeaver to filter system tables (ex: belonging to a schema starting with "%").
By using a user with the %All role, DBeaver shows us a long list of system schemas, which forces us to go down the list before accessing the user tables.
Ran into an issue this morning, that I am having a hard time trying to track down what might have caused the issue. We have a Business Rule that sends HL7 ADT to a Business Process that inserts the data into a MS SQL Server using a Custom Business Operation (SQL Outbound Adapter).
We have a new requirement being push down by our Data Security to no longer use Local SQL Accounts to access our Databases. So they asked me to create a Service Account that is on the Domain for our connections to each database.
I tried just changing my JDBC connection to using this Service Account and Password but I am not having any luck trying to connect to the database.
" Connection failed. Login failed for user 'osumc\CPD.Intr.Service'. ClientConnectionId:ade97239-c1c8-4ed1-8230-d274edb2e731 "
We recover a large amount of data from an external database (SQLServer, about 1 million rows in JDBC). However, we have treatment time issue. This process takes more than 30 minutes whereas on a "classic" SQL Server Management Studio type request takes less than a minute.
On one of my team's systems, we utilize a business operation with the EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to make SQL queries to another IRIS system using JDBC. To authenticate the connection, we utilize a user account on the target system.
I am trying to pull data from CacheDB and push into elasticsearch using logstash. In the configuration file i am giving the following. But it is throwing error No Suitable Driver Found for jdbc:Cache://ipaddress:port/namespace. Could anyone please help to resolve this ? I tried both JDK17 and JDK18 but no luck.
I'm trying to load some data into IRIS using LOAD DATA in the IRIS terminal however I am getting blocked by this error. I have read the documentation on this page trying to set up a gateway connection but get the same Connection cannot be established error.
I am under the impression that inside HealthShare you can Services, Processes, and Operations. The service takes incoming data, the processes can process that data, and then the operations can send that data out.
I am curious if anyone has any experience, guides, or advice on how I can send data to a service using a Java application. I intend for the data to be in XML format. I am also curious if I succeed at picking up the data in the service, how I send the data back to the Java application using an Operation.
I'll start with an apology as I am trying to wrap my head around the architecture of how InterSystems IRIS database management works. I am attempting to connect to the platform remotely through say a JDBC or ODBC connection in order to run queries, searches (through SQL statements) on my laptop and was trying to understand whether this would be possible? It is possible to setup an inbound client connection and wanted to better understand the architecture of how the database association works for IRIS database management. Does it use it's own internal SQL database or are we able to connect to our own database and which databases are certified to run against the platform?
I am using a JDBC connection to MS SQL server to execute a stored procedure to select data and bring it into InterSystems as a EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot. I loop through the EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot using a while loop, but I also want to iterate through the Columns within that Row to do logic.
Is there a way to iterate through the Columns of the current Row of the EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot so I can apply logic/rules for further processing?
Where do I download the package cache-jdbc-2.0.0.jar. I'm trying to develop a java app that connects to a Cache Database to grab information? Thank you.
From time to time we develop an Ensemble Production with simple SQL Inbound data from external databases, we need to develop a few new classes. There are at least:
I was attempting to test a Linked JDBC View to MS SQL database and noticed I could not connect. When I look at the JDBC Gateway I noticed that at the Server Level it was down. However the page keeps timing out when ever I attempt to make any changes or start it, it will not respond.
I thought I had found the Cache command to start it but it will not start. Is the following steps correct?