
When for any particular reason I need to update a record and don't want to pull the triggers, the keyword %NOTRIGGER can be used. But I've been trying to do the same when I change the row using the object approach, but I can't find it. Anyone knows if it's possible to avoid pulling triggers when working with objects?

Sadly, the utility "DISABLE^%NOTRIGGER" doesn't seem to exist ;-)

Thank you,

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· Aug 8, 2022
FHIR Package Loading Sadness

Im playing whack a mole importing an IG (which is a fairly typical exercise with fhir packages) through FHIR packages, and getting at some parts I cant seem to work around with some store errors...

Im getting MAXSTRING on `hl7.terminology.r4`:

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0 329

I have a %GlobalBinaryStream object that I'm trying to save as a local file after being received through a SOAP Web Service.

To do this, I created a %Stream.FileBinary object and wanted to set where the stream copied to this object would be saved by using either the DefaultStreamDir() ClassMethod or the NewFileName() ClassMethod. However, the documentation isn't very helpful on how to use these ClassMethods.

Right now, I have the below code:

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0 214

Hello Team,

please can someone help me in the below.

I'm trying to call a Rest API below specification working in postman, and receiving perfectly the response:

POST /PharmacyServices/api/Pharmacy/Upload?Key=aaaa&Username=bbb&Password=ccc HTTP/1.1
Host: abc:38440
Content-Length: 240
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="File"; filename="///xxxx/POC/CSV/20230607.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv

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0 302

Hi folks!

I have an example where I want to write a string into a file.

I have a message with string and I want to write the string down into a file.

I took EnsLib.FilePathThrough.Operation which expects Ens.StreamContainer message.

So I perform a data transformation where I need to transfer string to a stream. Here is the DataTransformation:

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0 497

Hi community,

We have a developed a new version of a production, all the code is new and has changed BP. This application load information for some brands and stored in database.

The customer wants to implement the changes only for some brands because he wants to check for small brands before to implement for all brands.

My proposal is create a new namespace, with the new code, and disabled all load of brands except the brand that he wants to check.

I'm wondering what is the best way to clone the namespace.

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0 121

Hi all,

I am trying to delete an item from a production through a routine that installs and disables items.

To add any item, I have no problems, even to enable and disable some particular items.

The problem arises when I try to eliminate the production item, because when it does, the production become unstable and only works again when this item is added again in the collection (or the item is deleted manually in the production.cls)

This is my code attempt:

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0 680

I'm working with VS Code on Centos 8. When I install the ObjectScript extension the installation succeeds, but the InterSystems icon never appears in the left-side panel. I can change settings for the extension - set the server info, etc. No errors show-up in the VS Code debug log.

UPDATE: the same thing happens on MacOS when using VS Code 1.46.1 and InterSystems ObjectScript extension 0.8.6

Can anyone suggest next steps for me to troubleshoot? Is there another log I should check?

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0 737

Hi All,

I am a beginner in cache. I need to extract data from multiple tables (4-5) tables based on an SQL query . The data is more than 9 lakhs of records (i checked using count). The total number columns is 16.

When I am running this SQL query through management portal, I am getting time out exception. Could you please suggest how I can retrieve those records. Which way will be good (Dynamic query using %SQL.Statement or Embedded SQL (not known to me) or Writing to a global will help or not).

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0 283

So, I needed to start Java Gateway, and found, that it does not want to work with the latest Java versions, I tried 20, 18, 17

Start External Language Server %Java Server:

Please wait...result will show below:

2023-07-26 19:46:24 Starting Java Gateway Server '%Java Server'
2023-07-26 19:46:24 *ERROR* Return from RunStartCmd: ERROR #5049: Java version '' is not supported.
2023-07-26 19:46:25 An error occurred while trying to start the Gateway Server External Language Server failed to Start:
ERROR #5049: Java version '' is not supported.

Error, only says, that it will not work, and say nothing, about which version it wants to see

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0 503

on red hat, but I would also be interested in a wider answer.

after running a benchmark for 40 minutes, I have been asked if any rollbacks occurred in that time. Rollbacks from SQL or objects.

The application does not record this, so I am looking for a system level record.

The journal entries do the necessary reverse sets and commit just like any transaction. So i don't think i can detect them there.

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1 225

Trying to setup my first OAuth 2 client to authenticate against Epic's Interconnect instance that is hosting FHIR/Web Service API's. Epic's documentation says the JWT request has to be sent as a POST request..





automatically put the request into a POST request, or do I need to format a %Net.HttpRequest to POST?



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0 214

I need to verify that certain .m files have been compiled and inserted into the VA mumps database. I need to do it on a schedule and thus I want to automate it. Because of the automation I'd prefer not to use the IRIS web app. So if there were a similar CLI version that would be great. I see there is something called /usr/bin/iris but this seems to be a maintenance tool, not a IRIS.DAT querying tool. I'd love to be wrong about that.

Please forgive my lack of proper nomenclature, clearly I'm a n00b.

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0 185

Ran into an issue this morning, that I am having a hard time trying to track down what might have caused the issue. We have a Business Rule that sends HL7 ADT to a Business Process that inserts the data into a MS SQL Server using a Custom Business Operation (SQL Outbound Adapter).

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0 99

Simple problem:

  1. I leave a long-running command in terminal
  2. Switch to another task(s)
  3. Remember that I need to check on my command after a few hours

Is there any way to force terminal to the foreground after current command ends?

This is Windows with cterm/iristerm although Putty/Kitty solution would also be nice.

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