Hello Everyone,

I'm want to know, what is more common for your company to use, the abbreviation syntax or the complety name of commands, and why?


S VAR=10 / D FUNC^ROUTINE F 1:1:1000

Set VAR=10 / Do Func^Routine / For 1:1:1000

set var=10 / do func^routine / for 1:1:1000

Here in my company, we are familiar with the abbreviation syntax, because to spell is more faster.

2 35
0 935

IRIS use MIRROR to ensure the continuous operation of the hospital business, but MIRROR synchronization data does not contain (web application configuration information, task plans, sql gateway, etc.), about the synchronization of such information do we have a better solution to solve this problem?

2 8
0 335

Hi Community,

I DTL I am assigning value to %TimeStamp type praport named BirthDate.

18001225 converted to 1800-12-25T00:00:00 but giving below error

ERROR #7208: Datatype value '1800-12-25T00:00:00' is not a valid timestamp format
> ERROR #5802: Datatype validation failed on property 'xxx.xxx.xxxx.xxxxx:BirthDate', with value equal to "1800-12-25T00:00:00"

20000612 converted to 2000-06-12T00:00:00 is not giving any error

Please help me to resolve this.

2 3
0 303

Hello, I need to determine the best way to split a class containing multiple methods(about 20), into multiple classes in which each method is in its own class. I am wondering if there is another way other than manually creating the different classes, and copying each method into each class. Doing this in Intersystems Studio.

2 10
1 311

Hi all.

I want to insert my dataframe into InterSystems IRIS. So, I tried to do this:

df = spark.read.load("/home/imported-openssh-key/zeppelin-0.8.0-bin-all/bin/resultData3/DF.json", format="json")
option("url", "IRIS://localhost:51773/DEDUPL").\
option("user", "********").option("password", "********").\
option("dbtable", "try.test1").save()

And got this error:

1 3
0 2K

My VS Code plugin "InterSystems Objectscript" upgraded to version 0.8.7 but the server settings no longer visible in extension settings and can no longer connect to our InterSystems server.

What has chnaged and how do we set the server connectio up? I checked the JSON file and it still has the settings as it was before but it is not connecting.

1 2
0 332

Hi community.

I have an API that is deployed in my production (business service) and it calls to a business process to retrieve the information that is requested.

The problem that I have is that the calls are queued and it's creating a bottleneck

The business process is taking more time than needed.

Is possible to configure the BP to process parallely the requests?

1 4
0 113
· Jan 21, 2022
How to delete EnsEDI Globals?

When I installed the IRIS 2021.2 Community Edition, I found some Globals, which seem to be set for the Intersystems Ensemble and DeepSee products. For me that is an annoying design error in those products and only confusing my developers.

As I do not want to use these, I tried to delete them, because they interfere in the list of globals mixed with our own Globals.

But for several of the EnsEdi Globals I get an error message telling me, they can't be deleted, because they are wrong.

Is there a way to get rid of them? Or do I have to wait for a new IRIS version?

1 5
0 208
· Nov 23, 2023
Python Object Not Found

I'm in a very early phase of an project where some of the methods should be written in python. Occasionally, projects also have byproducts, I call them utility methods, because some of the methods the project uses can also be used in other applications too. I tend to put such methods in percent classes, so they can be used everywhere, independent of the namespace, where an application runs. I try to do the same in my current project too, merely with python it doesn't works! Why?

1 5
0 249

In cache studio there are features, dialog boxes, that help map data from a global to class properties.
I have used %CacheSQLStorage quit a bit, or have in the past, to map globals to classes.

I haven't been able to find a similar feature in VisualStudio.
Do I need to upgrade to IRIS to be able to use VisualStudio to map global properties to classes?

Thanks for your time,

1 2
0 78
· Dec 5, 2019


I've heard from two different sources the SMP (or parts of it) and for sure the DTL front end (in studio? via SMP?) have been rewritten to be more modern. But on a latest IRIS Community download everything looks the same to me. Am I missing something or is this Marketting Spin?

Hopefully I won't get banned for this post aswell......

1 2
0 299


We have a need to track Database changes over time - down to the SQL level of granularity if possible. Such as: User xyz runs routine ^abc and we get something similar to a changelog that tells us: table A had this value updated, insert, update etc....

Is that possible using IRIS level tools (Audit Log, Journal File, etc...) , is there a way to convert the global sets and kills from the journals into SQL level changes?

1 3
1 379
· Feb 20, 2022
Maximum Global Size ?

Dear people,

I (really) spent hours on finding the maximum size a Global is allowed to be (for Windows, if that matters). All I seem to run into are database sizes (derived from a max number of blocks and block size), but I refuse to believe that is correct because too small to be realistic. surprise

1 11
0 535