Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to the upcoming webinar in Russian called "Virtual Summit + Open Exchange"!

🗓 Date & time: Febraury 16, 10:00 (UTC+3, Moscow time)

🗣 Speaker: @Eduard Lebedyuk, Sales Engineer, InterSystems

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to the online meetup with the winners of the InterSystems Multi-Model Contest!

Date & Time: Friday, Febraury 5, 2021 – 10:00 EDT

What awaits you at this virtual Meetup?

  • Our winners' bios.
  • Short demos on their applications.
  • An open discussion about technologies being used, bonuses, questions. Plans for the next contests.

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Since some months ago we automatized source code analysis for projects on Github, so anyone with an open source project can have its code analyzed with no cost.

You only need to create the file ".github/workflows/objectscript-quality.yml" in your project with following contents:

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Hi Developers,

We're pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems Grand Prix contest kick-off webinar!

The topic of this webinar is dedicated to our mega Grand Prix contest. We invite to use IntegratedML, Native API, multi-model, Analytics and NLP, Open API and Interoperability, IKO.

In this webinar, we'll talk about the topics to expect from participants and show you how to develop, build and deploy applications on InterSystems IRIS data platform.

Date & Time: Monday, Febraury 8 — 10:00 AM EDT

🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

🗣 @Thomas Dyar, InterSystems Product Specialist - Machine Learning

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Hi developers!

Recently we announced the preview of Embedded Python technology in InterSystems IRIS.

Check the Sneak Peak video by @Bob Kuszewski.

Embedded python gives the option to load and run python code in the InterSystems IRIS server. You can either use library modules from Python pip, like numpy, pandas, etc, or you can write your own python modules in the form of standalone py files.

So once you are happy with the development phase of the IRIS Embedded Python solution there is another very important question of how the solution could be deployed.

One of the options you can consider is using the ZPM Package manager which is described in this article.

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Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems Grand Prix Contest that will give you extra points in the voting.

Group Bonus Points
General Docker 2
Unit Testing 2
API and languages REST API 2
Embedded Python usage 4
Native API in Java, Python, .NET, node.js 3
Multi-model Globals (key-value) 2
Object 2
New model 3
Analytics IRIS BI 2
InterSystems Reports 3
AI/ML Integrated ML 4
Python or Julia Gateway 3
Interoperability BPL 3
Custom Adapter 2
Workflow Engine 2
FHIR SQL Scheme usage 2
Healthcare Data Transformations 3
Total 58

Below are the details and useful links on all the technical bonuses.

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While installing IRISHealth-2020. on Mac computer I am getting the following error message.

Any suggestions please.

Thank You


Updating system TEMP and LOCALDATA databases

Installing National Language support

Setting IRISTEMP default collation to IRIS standard (5)

Loading system classes

Updating Security database

ERROR HAS OCCURRED: Error in security tables, Error: ERROR #903: Domain xxx.com. does not exist

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Hi Developers!

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Embedding AI Services

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· Feb 8, 2021 2m read
Websocket Client Embedded Python

This is a demo to make use of a simple WebSocket Client with Embedded Python in IRIS.

How to Test it

  • Run an Iris Session in Docker
  • Select your WebSocket Echo Server
  • Enter the text you want to send or generate it
  • Send it and see the result
$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris "##class(rccpy.WSockPy).Run()"

*** Welcome to WebSocket Embedded Python Demo ***

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Building REST API with InterSystems IRIS Docker Container in 5 Minutes

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In the context of IKO (Iris Kubernetes Operator) the question of Service not redirecting dynamically to the correct Pod is still pending.
In production this can be dangerous since an overload (or any other simpler problem) can cause you to change the main Pod and leave the application inoperable until we intervene.

Intersystems support warned that this is still an issue of IKO, but there are some possibilities that I am studying.

To explore an idea I had, I would like the help of this Forum to answer the following question:

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· Feb 2, 2021 12m read
A custom SQL index with Python features

Image search like Google's is a nice feature that wonder me - as almost anything related to image processing.

A few months ago, InterSystems released a preview for Python Embedded. As Python has a lot of libs for deal with image processing, I decided to start my own attemptive to play with a sort of image search - a much more modest version in deed :-)

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Making a blog using Python + IRIS Globals

Since I started to use internet (late 90's), I always had a CMS (content management system) present to make easier post
any information in a blog, social media or even an enterprise page. And later years putting all my code into github I
used to document it on a markdown file. Observing how easy could be persisting data into Intersystems IRIS with the
Native API I decided to make this application and force myself to forget a little of SQL and stay open to key-value database

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Hey Community,

We're pleased to invite you to the InterSystems AI+ML Summit 2021, which will be held virtually from January 25 to February 4! Join us for a two-week event that ranges from thought leadership to technical sessions and even 1:1 “Ask the Expert” sessions.

The sessions will be in both German and English. And this summit is free to attend!

See details below:

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When wanting to use VS-Code for server-side editing.. - In VS-code I can right click on a server item (eg a class) to see a set of menu options including 'Server Source Control... ' and 'Server Command Menu...' at the bottom.

I noticed that these options are somewhat connected to my server-side source control hooks class that inherits from %Studio.SourceControl.Base, however, I am seeing different behavior between my custom subclass of this, and, the provided %Atelier.SourceControl subclass.

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· Jan 27, 2020
IRIS supports of Python and C++

I cannot find those folders under my IRIS install dev folder. Those were in my cache install dev folder.

Will InterSystems drop those support? If yes, why are there some discussion about Python/Iris in this forum?

Of course, I wish IS continue to support those.

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The pandemic that struck the world in 2020 made everyone follow the news and the numbers that involve the COVID-19.

Why don’t you take that opportunity to create something simple and pleasant, to follow the number of vaccinations worldwide?

To face this challenge, I'm using the data provided by Our World in Data - Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems.

They have a dedicated repository on Github with the data of COVID-19, and I took the vaccination data to help me with my tracker.

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